Age of Heroes (Age of Heroes Chronicles)

Chapter 133

Chapter 133: Batlle of thea moor (2)

What he thought were merely obstacle to his rises instead have turned into his noble House calamity.

Arial had turned into the young lord praise by the entire Human Continent as a talented war leader.

Kyle and Lisa is known to be a talented knight and an admirable officer in Arial army.

Hearing the orders, the drum was beat, the pipes are played with rousing melody to encourage men to fight, and the lords come, for it is the summoning to arms.

The King in horseback, stride in front taking the lead while Harald grandfather defers to the King, led them out to undoubtedly the battles of their lives.

Harald grandfather chose Thea Moor, for the field of battle.

The King, certainly, if not sure and confident and in high spirits, smiles and grin, like victory is in front of his eyes, and drew his men up in the battle across the moor, which is about a half mile broad.

This moor, Thea Moor, which is a heathy flat of considerable extent about five miles from a city called Arveness forms the top of a hill which, rising, dies gradually away in the direction of Queens forces. 

The ascent to the moor is steep on both sides, particularly from the shore. 

In pitching upon this ground, King Joseph acted on the supposition that Harald grandfather would march along the moor, which was better fitted for the free passage of his army than the common road between, which was narrow and inconvenient.

In expectation that his grandfather will advance, King Joseph sent forward on the road to Queens, some parties of horse to do some reconnaissance, to scout enemy movements, and trails, but they could observe no appearance of any movement among the royal troops. 

Then the King advance and chose one of the most unfavorable terrain that he could have chosen.

His grandfather who was delayed after fighting some splinter forces of the royal army then finally arrived at Thea Moor and he sees the ground that the Pretender has chosen.

His grandfather objected to it with great vehemence.

Even though the place is interspersed with moss and some hollows, the ground was generally too level, and consequently not well suited for the operation of his army. 

His grandfather, therefore proposed to look out for more eligible ground, and at his command Harald himself and some Knights from King Joseph personal guard were sent about to survey some hilly ground on the south side of the water of Leep, which appeared to the Ser Knight to be steep and uneven, and of course more advantageous for army.

The Ser Knight was sure of it but he was not.

The ground was rugged and boggy, that no cavalry could act upon it, that the ascent on the side next to the river was steep, and that there were only two or three places, about three or four miles above, where cavalry could pass; the banks of the river below being inaccessible. 

He told of his concerns to his grandfather, that if Terris Quinn is here and the King is goaded into attack they might be looking at defeat here.

But Harald own grandfather opted not to listen to his counsel.

On receiving this information, Lord Deen, who is a great friend of his grandfather proposed, that the army should cross the water of Leep, and draw up in line of battle, upon the ground which had been surveyed; and that, should the King of Dostov, Terris Quinn not venture to cross after them and engage them upon the ground in question, they might watch a favorable opportunity of attacking him with advantage.

'My lord, we should wait for other lords to come and bolster our ranks'

At that time, his grandfather advises the King who is eager to war and battle.

His resolution is strong and resolute.

'I will attack the Terrisemites forces, even with a thousand men. Such movement and boldness' the King argued 'will encourage our army and discourage the enemies while doing the opposite and waited, will discourage if not weaken our army morale.'

Harald believed it stems, from an inferiority, there existed, it seems a large part of his belief and desire to shun the Terris army and portray an image of a strong leader, most abundant charisma and unquestioned authority.

So that night he calls his lords and after intense debate and argument, they decided to attack the Terris camp, surprising the Terris army, to pursue this war in a swift manner and end it as such.

Lord Deen once again voice his support for the King ideas and how happy the young pretender to be supported, overjoyed to the points of tears, immediately embraced the lord that is present.

Harald was informed of this late that night.

Had the army been in a condition to sustain the fatigue of a night-march of ten or twelve miles, the plan of a night attack was unquestionably the best that could have been devised under existing circumstances. 

If surprised in the dark, even supposing the Terrisemites force who is led by King Terris to have been on his guard, a night attack appeared to afford the only chance of getting the better of his superiority in numbers and discipline, and of rendering his cavalry and infantry, in which his chief strength lay, utterly useless. 

But their army is starving. Bordering on starvation. Fatigued. Bordering on death. And miss their home, with great fervent longing.

Like the sun miss the moon.

Consequently, such an army is not able to perform such a fatiguing march. 

To appease their hunger a single biscuit was distributed to each man, but this pittance only increased the desire for more; and hunger getting the better of patience, some of the men began to leave the ranks in quest of provisions. 

In spite, however, of the deprivation under which they labored, the army was never in higher spirits, or more desirous to meet the enemy; and it was not until all hopes of an immediate engagement were abandoned that the men thought of looking out for the means of subsistence.

And this is what leads to the messiest affair.josei

Large number of men departure from the army, who, ignorant of the intended march, not at a fault of course, for they were not included in the meetings and the greater plan, went off towards the nearby villages and cities and adjacent places to procure provisions and quarters for the night. 

The lords and Knights were immediately dispatched on horseback to bring them back, but no persuasion could induce the men to return, who gave as their reason for refusing that they were starving. 

'Kill us, but we will not return until we got some meat in our bellies, some ale to water our parched throat' They said with great defiance.

They deserted and by all means, defected and King Joseph the Pretender loses around close to four thousand troops being about a third of his army.

This occurrence, this completely unseen circumstances completely changed the aspect of affairs, and the initial plan, and every member of the meeting who had formerly advocated a night attack now warmly, some vehemently opposed it, which is his grandfather

But like a King he is stubborn. 

Joseph, bent upon his purpose, resolutely insisted upon the measure, and said that when the march was begun the men who had gone off would return and follow the rest.

And so he marches with those who would follow him.

His grandfather, bless his heart bent on fulfilling his honor took up his banner and marches while at the same time making sure no one knows about this secret march.

The King trusted Lord Deen to be the front and the Lord rode with great speed with his army.

An hour later, almost near the moor, the march is halt. In front of us tens of thousands of men are waiting for them.

From afar we can see, the banner of Lord Deen. 'He has betrayed us' that is my thought.

Joseph who is on horseback, rode forward immediately towards the front, to ascertain the cause of the halt and shocked to see Lord Deen there, cozying up with Terris lords.

His face says everything. Anger and dejection.

'RETREAT!' he yelled


The continutaion of the situation at Dostov. If you like the story leave some comments and like. Don't forget to vote too. The NEw Year of 2020 seems to want us to give this world up. With people screaming for war, plaque is coming again and the australia fire it seems like the whole world is about to go down. Hmm...I think if people really wanted to change the world, just start small. We are humans and we are weak. Together we are not completely strong either. But I think if we all want to live in a better world, I think we shoudl star witho osurslves. Me included. A small act of kindness may change a person life and in turn that perosn might one day change the world.

Ok enough ranting. Hope you like the story since I will be posting one chapter a day unless I sudndnly were freed up from writing the other two stroy and could write a few additional chapter for this month.

See you all tomorrow and I will keep my rnating to the minimun tomorrow.

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