Aimless Ascension

Chapter 122 119 Escalation (5)

Chapter 122 119 Escalation (5)

"What did you do?" Han Shitian bellowed at him, getting no answer.

His fleshly wounds already started to heal. Probably the effect of a regenerative type fate lock. However, the leg wouldn't be getting any better in a short time, unless it was above Unique grade fate lock. Gale saw to it.

Even if he heals up, Han Shitian wouldn't be able to do anything to him. Gale had already taken away his fang, he was almost harmless at this point. Well, not completely.

"Sorry," Gale told him. "You won't get it back."

A man couldn't grow any more furious; that was how Han Shitian felt about Gale. "What do you mean, I can't get it back?" he yelled. "Just because you caught me off guard in your dishonourable way, you think I can't win against you. Give back my weapon, and we'll see if your tricks work again or not."

Gale tilted his head and considered. No, he wasn't considering to yield the weapon. Han Shitian could swear all he wanted, but he wasn't getting it back. Gale was considering if stupidity ran in their family. How in the world did this guy think Gale would give his weapon back?

Was their fight just a play to figure out who had the bigger ball?

Besides, how was this dishonourable in any way? Gale simply used all the advantages he had over Han Shitian. Well, it wasn't much to be honest, two things mostly. His ability to create quick Script constructs on the go and his agility.

If Han Shitian really thought all this dishonourable and unfair, then no battle could be fought honourably.

Gale took Han Shitian as a martial man, but it seemed like he had more of a sheltered life than Gale had assumed. That explained how Han Xiao went down the rail.

If the parents were no better, how could the child be better if all they ever had was their father as a role model?

"You miserable wretch, why are you smiling?" Han Shitian screamed, getting back his control over his Qi. He certainly claimed back some of his confidence with the Qi, though he was cautious about how to go on with the business as the foreigner had dominated him from the get-go.

"You think this will end here?" Han Shitian barked again. "You think you can just leave after damaging my reputation and harming my family? You are mistaken--"

"Who said I'm leaving?" Gale said with a chuckle. His eyes grew predatory, not intentionally, it was just how he became during a confrontation. "No, not yet."

A momentary panic appeared in Han Shitian's eyes, but he hid it well. As well as he could have, but it didn't go unnoticed from Gale's senses.

"No, no, you don't need to get worked up, man," Gale said, adopting an easy tone, stretching his limbs. "Man, I'm cranking. That was my first serious fight since. . . I have survived the tragedy. Six months and I have grown this dull. . . Well, it doesn't matter anymore."

Gale turned to find the chair he had been sitting in had collapsed under their confrontation. Clicking his tongue, he brought out an easy chair out of his void lock and sat in the middle of all the wreckage.

Han Shitian was glaring at him still, narrowing his eyes.

"Bloke, do you want me to leave or stay?" Gale smiled, understanding his dilemma. But he didn't make it easier for Han Shitian. It wasn't the first time Gale was making it difficult for the other party. He kind of enjoyed it, and that feeling hadn't left altogether.

"How long do you think it would take for the law enforcement to get here?" Gale asked.

"Those cowardly fools are probably hiding, sensing our presence," Han Shitian sneered, evident disdain in his eyes.

"Just like your son and your men," Gale snorted.

Han Shitian narrowed his eyes. He clearly didn't acknowledge Gale's view and wanted to refute it. Sadly, he found nothing to say. . .

"Man, I know hypocrisy is every man's failing, but for the love of the forgotten gods, don't wear it like your favourite ornaments."

Han Shitian pursed his lips, taking Gale's wisdom for granted. Gale clicked his tongue. That's really what happens to most people when you grasp a superpower even before your brain develops. There were countless things wrong with how most people brought up their children.

It was almost inevitable for talented practitioners to turn up as conceited fools since from the beginning they had seen strength was everything and weakness was condemnable. They were showered with all sorts of praise and worship for showing their strength.

Of course, there were exceptions. Take Sun Ziang as an example. He was the son of a Sovereign, the strongest person in the realm, yet Gale had never seen him throwing his weight around on weaker people.

It was all about how they were brought up from their childhood.

Well, it wasn't like it was Gale's problem. So he leaned back on the chair, spread his legs and waited.

"Looks like they are taking their time," he said and turned towards Shitian. "Why don't you offer me a drink? It is, after all, my first visit to your home?"

Han Shitian acted like he didn't hear him, and kept on glaring at him, though not proceeding to act as well.

Gale clicked his tongue and brought out a bottle out of his fate lock. "I'm guessing you won't be taking anything from me as well," Gale said and removed the cork with his teeth. "Fair enough, but it's your loss."

The bottle contained gold-ranked spirit wine, and that too was one of a kind. Honestly, gold rank alcohols weren't good for his health, but Gale didn't really care about it at the moment. The worst it would do was to keep him sedated for a couple of days. Gale had contingencies against that.

Gale poured a mouthful of the alcohol and swallowed the steely, thrilling taste of the wine. A lukewarm feeling spread throughout his throat to all over his body as Gale sneezed.

However, one mouthful wasn't enough for him. Gale took in another and then another, unconcerned about the lucidity dulling in his mind.

Gale would have finished the bottle if it weren't for two enforcers knocking on the door in time.

Gale recognised both of them. It was the old Captain Ziran, and the newly appointed noble enforcer, Sun Ziang. The two crept into the vicinity of the mansion, eyes peering at the very nook and corner where their minute battle held some effect.

Honestly, it wasn't much. Gale wasted the fool before he could even start, but their initial confrontation did some superficial damage, but nothing that a few marks couldn't fix.

Well, there was one thing that a few marks or even a lot of marks couldn't fix. Han Shitian's pride.

Gale chuckled out loud, earning alarmed gazes from the gold ranker and the two enforcers.

"Sorry," Gale said. He was about to be stood up, but he felt a bit tipsy in his head. He spread his hands wide and blinked, bringing back some lucidity of mind.

"I'm alright," he said clearly. "Also sorry for creating a mess for you to clear up. In my defence, I can't hold back when they go after people I deem close to me."

Sun Ziang narrowed his eyes. "What happened?"

"You should ask that stupid fuck?" Gale pointed towards Han Shitian. "Nope, not him, though I'm not saying he isn't a stupid fuck. It was his son I'm talking about."

"Young Man, collect yourself," Old Ziran said, disapproval evident in his eyes. "You aren't doing anyone a favour acting like this."

Gale scoffed. "Young man?" he repeated. "Who's young here? I feel like I'm fifty years old. Gosh, I'm too old to deal with shit like this again and again. . . Anyway, you want a report, ask that hypocrite fuck. Eh, this time I'm talking about him."

Gale was pointing at Han Shitian again. The old captain pursed his lips and Sun Ziang shook his head in disapproval.

"Enforcers," Han Shitian drew everyone's attention. "You can already see how disrespectfully this fool is acting, and I reassure you that's the least of his offence . . . ."

Han Shitian started to explain everything he encountered after coming to his house. Of course, he coloured everything in his favour. Gale only snorted a couple of times as he heard that.

"Not only he acts dishonourably, but he's also a thief," Han Shitian continued. "He stole my fate lock and disagreed to give it back."

"Bloke, you're making it sound like I'm the big baddy here," Gale said, snorting. "As If I came to your house, bullied all your men, beat them up along with your kid. Well, now that I say it, I do seem like a bad guy."

Gale sneezed again and turned towards the enforcers. "I assure you, I'm not the bad guy. I would never act without being provoked," he said. "Well, I did take away his toy, but that doesn't make me a thief. Hmm, what that makes me?"

Gale was lost in contemplation for a moment. A moment later, his eyes glittered as he found his answer.

"I know what that makes me," he said, laughing wildly. "It makes me awesome. This dumb fuck said I won't be able to leave in one piece. Fuck, look at me now."

Gale flew up in the air under the gazes of the enforcers and the furious Lord of the House. "I'm leaving now," he said. "As for the statement? Well, I sent a written statement to the enforcer's office before coming here. That should suffice."josei

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