AK - The Alchemy Kingdom

Chapter 88

Chapter 88: The wind throne II (SS)

Year 2, Winter, Second Month, Second Week.

The shock and confusion only last for a moment because the rising hate soon took over the wind Evoker. He wasn’t the Wind Lord anymore, but they would pay for it. In battles between wind Evokers, large area of effect spells wouldn’t work because they took time to cast and the enemy could easily defend against them. So Windsor opened the fight with five Wind Blades that traveled towards each of his enemies, the spell was easily blocked but ended up interrupting their casting while he gained time to conjured a hummingbird, the wind servant with the shortest casting time he knew.

Just as he finished giving intent to the bird, a dozen Wind Blades flew towards him. Instead of blocking them with Wind Shields as his enemies did, Windsor used his innate spell, Dashing to dodge the attacks while he sent back five new Wind Blades. Fighting against four fellow Evokers wouldn’t be easy, so he was trying to prevent them from casting stronger spells. The hummingbird also joined the fray, sending smaller Wind Blades and easily dodging attacks. Although the bird’s attacks weren’t strong, they helped even the scale.

However, the situation could soon take a turn as three Lords covered for the fourth to cast a stronger spell. For Windsor, who was already pressed against defending and attacking, a stronger attack could mean the end of his fall. So he decided to double his bet trading a blow for the chance to launch another spell. He concentrated to form the wind body over his hand and ignored the attack cutting his right leg. Fortunately, he was faster than the fourth Mage, who also appeared to be summoning a wind servant.

Windsor moved back to dodging and launching attacks while his newly casted servant, a bird of prey, whistled towards its target. The Mages combined their Wind Shields to block the servant, which worked until Windsor attacked using the Wind Cannon, a high-pressure wind spell created by himself and only taught to his disciples. The Cannon broke a part of the Shield and launched one of the Mages to the wall. The wind servant used the opening and dived towards the casting Mage, it transformed into a wind spear passed through the man's shoulder, who ended losing control over the spell.

The other two Mages continued trading blows with Windsor, who pressed forward until they too were launched back. They outnumbered him but there was a reason why he ascended to the throne in the first place. Windsor was known as the fastest Mage, in battles, he would overpower his opponent with speed, so other wind Mages wouldn’t be his match. Instead of finishing the four Evokers, Windsor dashed towards Whispert, who was still finishing the coronation proceedings.

Earlier, he launched a few Wind Blades towards the usurper Mage, but they failed to pass through the Wind Barrier protecting him. However, the spell quickly disappeared under Windsor’s Wind Blades onslaught. Unfortunately, the ceremony was already finished. Windsor managed to cut Whispert and sent him flying against the wind throne, but the power stirring around the room told him the man was already the new Wind Lord.

“Well played Windsor, if you had arrived a few minutes earlier, I wouldn’t be able to complete the ceremony on time… Since I’m now the Wind Lord, any further fighting would be contra-productive. Make your vow in the name of your House and let’s be done with it.”

Windsor didn’t answer, he only stepped back and continued to manipulate wind energy to cast another spell. One of the other Lords stood and move warily towards the new Warden.

“Whispert, we should…”

“Wind Lord or Your Grace! Remember who I’m now… Windsor is smart, he knows I can’t let him live. Look at how he refuses to speak… Well, you should have used that wisdom before abandoning your throne to run after villagers. How low have you fallen, ex-Wind Lord? Such stupidity… I have this plan prepared for years, I was only waiting for the day you would lose your temper and leave the wind region. Finding a loophole in the rules wasn’t that difficult, they promised to uphold your position as long as fulfilled your task as the Warden, but what kind of Warden leaves its domain unguarded. It only took an attack to each of their territories and your vow to protect the Wind region as broken…”

Windsor almost lost control over his spell as the hate in his heart rose again. But Whispert wasn’t idle, he was using this time to get acquainted with the power of the Wind Lord. He could already feel the connection and affinity changing inside his soul domain. He decided to kill Windsor and then make some concessions to establish a peaceful understanding with his heir, leaving him alive would only represent a constant threat to his rule.

The energy continued to accumulate under Windsor’s hand as he prepared to shape the wind servant, casting the spell while using the wind energy around him to block any sounds was incredibly difficult. Unfortunately, the new Wind Lord wouldn’t wait any longer. Whispert launched high-pitched sound waves towards him, which collided against his hastily erected shield. The shield crumbled over the waves that pushed forward into Windsor’s head. The waves damaged his eardrums and continued to spread through his brain. Windsor used his last moments of conscience to push the wind intent into the long leaping servant, which had the form of a giant hare.

The long-suppressed scream escaped his throat and Whispert laughed while casting Voice Explosion. The spell made Windsor’s scream explode into his head, rupturing nerves and damaging his brain. The new Wind Lord was ready to push more Sound Waves into Windsor’s head to finish the deal when the Mage was surrounded by a gust of wind from his servant and disappeared through the Palace balcony.

“Your Grace, should we hunt him?”

“Yes. He wouldn’t be able to survive that attack but it’s better to be sure.”josei

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