AK - The Alchemy Kingdom

Chapter 99

Chapter 99: Trading

Year 2, Winter, Third Month, Third Week.

“…I would like to propose another cooperation… If you could spare a few minutes to discuss it in private…”

Chris and Heidi exchanged a surprised look, until now, the tribals have only given them benefits, even though all of their proposals seemed too good to be true. However, how could the siblings resist another opportunity of profiting? Without considering if the invitation was directed to Heidi or both of them, the brother and sister pair followed Lew to the side.

“You can speak now, what’s the proposal?”

Chris didn’t bother being overpolite, they were cooperating and not at the mercy of the other party. Lew confirmed his suspicions that the Mage would be difficult to deal with, but unfortunately, his attempt to negotiate only with the Fighter failed.

“First, I would like to ask you a question... I might be overstepping, but the relationship amongst your group seems oddly good. In the other groups that we met, there was a clear distinction between the Mages and the rest, they didn’t bother treating others with respect and nobody complaint about it…”

The siblings couldn’t guess where he was going with this. Their relationship with the other Adventurers was indeed unusual. Niamh was his girlfriend and a fellow ostracized Mage while the others were Heidi’s friends from training, so they ended up forming an uncommon bond. But why did that matter for him?

“So, I want to know your position regarding the nobles…”

Heidi couldn’t suppress a “What?” reaction while Chris looked at him suspiciously. Lew felt a little uncomfortable, but the hint of anger and fear on their expressions was enough to get him going.

“You’re a Mage, so you probably noticed the differences in our abilities… From what we heard about the noble Mages, the Kingdom wouldn’t respond well if they learn about it…”

Heidi expression changed from confused to enlightened, she didn’t think twice before adding:

“I see… You want us to don’t talk about your abilities, is that right?”

“I would be grateful with you could keep it a secret, but I also have another proposal, but I need to understand your stance with the nobles…”

Lew was making full use of the autonomy the Council gave him to deal with the negotiations, he had a hunch and had to confirm it before making his next move. The two Adventurers exchange another look, this time a longer one. Too many complex emotions were transmitted by the exchange and Lew was clueless about their meaning. Chris moved his head negatively and started to say something, but Heidi cut him off:

“I trust them! Chris, we don’t know them but they didn’t try to take advantage of us… They clearly know how much the loot is worth… Don’t you see? They are trying to show some goodwill because they want to further cooperate with us… Please?”

Chris pondered about her words and unwillingly had to accept the truth behind them. He could only bitterly agree with his sister's request.

“Mister Lew, I’m gonna be honest with you and expect you to do the same… We don’t have a good relationship with the nobles, my brother paid a huge price to become a Mage. Don’t get me wrong, we’re not planning to do anything against the nobles or the Kingdom, we just don’t like them…”

Mastering all of his self-control, Lew tried not to reveal his excitement.

“Thank you for being honest… In return, I’ll be straightforward with you… My tribe wants to establish a trade hub here.”

Now, both siblings stared utterly confused at him. Trading was already implied in the actions of the “Tribe”, but proposing a trade hub went a lot further than that, maybe the tribals were misusing the expression. The so-called trade hub, a definition that was probably conceived and spread by the Democracy, was a commercial location that connected different nations with complementary demands and supplies. Currently, only two trade hubs were officially operating. So, they could only imagine that Lew didn’t understand the word’s magnitude or he was delusional.

Seeing their reactions, the Fighter realized he had been too straightforward.

“I’m sorry… Establishing a trade hub is our ambition, but we understand how difficult and far this goal is... I only mentioned it so you could understand our motives better… For now, we only want to form a trading post here.”

After hearing Lew’s answer, they calmed down a little, but then they realized the idea was still unrealistic. This time, Chris decided to answer him. The Mage was a lot less aggressive, maybe because he sympathized with the other party’s naivety.

“Mister Lew, this place is too far from civilization, only Adventurers and Mercenaries would dare to come here… And, I’m ashamed to admit it, but even our group wouldn’t come this deep in other seasons… The Merchants wouldn’t even be able to handle the energy levels…”

However, Lew was prepared for this.

“We know, and that’s why this location is perfect. We’re far enough to escape the interest of the Kingdom. Some things are difficult to explain, but what if we agree on something simpler for now? Could you return here next winter with a bigger group? You could use the next three seasons to gather other Fighters or Mages that are outcasted by the Kingdom… In return, we promise to guide you to all MQ beasts in the region, without any cost…”

The Adventurers could barely restrain themselves from immediately accepting the deal, they have tasted the honey but couldn’t see where was the trap. Heidi’s mind was screaming that something was wrong, but for some unknown reason, she believed the man.

“Why? Why are you paying to help people to hunt here?”

“You don’t have to overthink this… What’s the most essential resource for trading? Even more important than money…” josei

They look at him curiously, silently urging him to continue.



Chris continued to analyze the strange net-covered sphere but couldn’t comprehend it. He wanted to test it, but fear of freeing the beast was stopping him. He tried to sense magic energy coming from it and even probed it with wind energy, but nothing could explain the strange spell. He never saw or talked with a bubble Mage, but he learned a lot about them. Forming bubbles was one of the basic spells, but he never heard of a bubble surviving days separated from its caster.

After discussing Lew’s identity with his sister for almost a day, he decided to focus on the bubble. He insisted the man could only be a Mage, but his sister was certain that he was a Fighter, strangely the possibility of him being both never surface in the conversation. Chris reluctantly turned his attention from the bubble sphere to their path, they were finally leaving the Forest.

A few minutes later, the pressure of the high-level energy disappeared, causing many sighs amongst the Adventurers. Chris walked to his sister, who was guiding them towards some stone formations.

“Do you think someone is really waiting there? Maybe it’s a trap…”

Heidi rolled her eyes before answering.

“And why would they wait for some much just to attack us?”

Seeing the Chris wouldn’t answer, she added:

“Either way, it’s worth it. We got an extra wind crystal and we might get help, just for the price of passing on a message.”

It didn’t take long for them to see the wooden wreckage, which was also a signal. Heidi stopped the others and continued forward by herself. After getting close to the wreckage she whistled. Five minutes later, a tightly dressed short middle-aged man walked out of a stone cave accompanied by a tall muscular Fighter.

“I don’t think I had the pleasure of meeting you before, Miss?”

“Heidi. Mister Lew asked me to deliver a message on his behalf…”

Keller’s expression remained unreadable as he gave a nod of agreement.

“He’s sorry, but he’ll not be able to meet you at this time… Mister Arnold decided to stay with the Tribe a little longer…”

“I see.”

For the first time, Heidi thought she saw regret, but he changed back to being expressionless too fast.

“He also asked me to discuss something with you…”

Heidi explained Lew’s proposal in detail but refused to tell the man’s ridiculous idea of establishing a trade hub. Keller was strangely unsurprised and seemingly excited by the idea.

“Miss Heidi, I’m sure we can cooperate in a lot of things to make this expedition possible…”

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