Aku Seorang Kuadriliuner by Xiruo Huang

Bab 862

Bab 862

Bab 862

Chapter 862

Bang bang bang bang bang!

The fire coverage of seventy or eighty heavy-duty helicopters lasted for nearly five minutes before it ended.

The area where David was located was a mess, and the ground sank at least two or three meters deep.

This showed how powerful the firepower of these aircrafts were.

It was such a powerful attack, so as long as someone was within this range, their corpse would also be utterly destroyed.

The people on the scene and the tens of billions of people watching the live broadcast were all staring at David’s previous location. Their eyes never left the spot.

Because of the smoke and dust, no one could see what was happening in that area.

However, was it possible for David to survive this strong firepower?

No one thought David had any chance of surviving.

However, everyone wanted to witness another miracle.

To them, David was a miracle worker.

Celia and others had long been numb.

They were staring blankly at where David was on the screen, but their tears had stopped flowing.

They felt as if their souls had left their bodies.

David was dead.

Selena’s dearest father and grandfather were dead.

Julia’s dearest great-grandfather , Mason, was also dead.

They did not know how to face this reality.

Bourne was excited.

Finally, he had killed Silver Face, the only person that could outperform him.

Everything David had would belong to him.

The core of the Chris family was also very excited.

As long as Silver Face was dead, no one would be a threat to the grandmaster, and their family would still be at the top of the world.

As for the other three major forces, they each had different thoughts.

They did not want the Chris family to dominate the world because the Chris family was too overbearing.

This would make life worse for them in the future.

If someone could restrain Bourne, then it would be best. Compared to the Chris family, these three forces actually hoped that Somerland could achieve the final victory.

This was because somerland had no ambition of taking over the world and had always pursued the idea of peaceful coexistence.

It was in everyone’s interest for Somerland to win in the end.

It was a pity that Silver Face, the only one who could suppress Bourne, was killed by Bourne’s trap.

They were all powerful martial artists. However, they would not survive the intensity of this attack if they did not escape at once.

No one could stop the Chris family’s ambition of taking over the world.

Soon, all the heavy-duty helicopters were out of ammunition.

Without the continuous firing, the smoke and dust began to dissipate slowly.

Everyone held their breath and stared at the spot nervously, not even daring to blink.

The scene was getting clearer.

The spot where David was also slowly appeared in

everyone’s eyes.

When the smoke cleared and the dust receded, everyone saw what had happened…


Bourne was stunned.

The three major forces were stunned.

The major forces far away from Somerland were stunned.

The tens of billions of people watching the live broadcast were also stunned.

What was happening?

They saw David and more than a dozen leaders from Somerland’s major forces standing quietly in place without having taken the slightest bit of harm. There were also countless bullets and various shrapnel piled up around them. There seemed to be some force field protecting everyone and blocking all attacks.

That scene was too shocking.

Countless people were stunned watching all this.

They were rendered speechless for a long time.

No one knew how David made it this far.

Bourne believed that even in his prime, he would not be

able to do this.

If he were suddenly attacked by this powerful firepower and did not escape the attack range immediately, he would be dead.

This was because a partial Super-God was still mortal.

That was why he dared to carry out this crazy sneak attack plan to replace David and become the chosen one.

He wanted to seize the chance to break through. Now, it seemed…

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