Alantina Online: The Greatest Sword Mage Reborn As A Weak NPC

Chapter 93 Battle Dress

Chapter 93 Battle Dress

--AN) One more on the way! --

Vance walked up to the door and pushed on it. A creaking sound was heard as the door slowly opened. When there was enough room for them to pass through, the group of three slowly entered the boss room. They only got a few steps inside, then the door suddenly slammed shut and the torches on the walls all lit up at the same time, lighting up the room, and allowing the group to see the massive boss in front of them.

"What the hell is this!?" Alice cried out. She felt a shiver run down her spine looking at this thing!

[Floor Boss: Chimeriagagon]

[Level]: 21

[HP]: 300000/300000

[MP]: 50000/50000

"That is the boss, a chimera. It is a mix of all the monsters we have fought thus far and has all the same attacks plus more of all the mini bosses we have fought already. So be prepared for everything. Same as always, Alice in the back, Sally to my right. I am the main tank. Let's do this!" Vance gave out his orders, and everyone charged forward to their positions.

"Roar!" The Chimeriagagon roared as it noticed its nice long nap was disturbed. It slowly stood up, revealing its massive bat head on a spider body with a tail of a snake. The tail slammed off the ground, causing the entire room to shake.

Vance quickly used Minor taunt a few times while firing off many fireballs. As he came to stand in front of the boss. The boss was angered to the extreme and began shooting webs at him from the tips of its tail. Vance had expected this and was easily dodging them without a problem. This boss was a boss he had faced many times before and knew it like the back of his hand. As soon as the web attack stopped, he rushed forward while yelling out: "Attack!"

Vance slashed out with his fire covered sword causing more fireballs to fly out while, at the same time, slicing his blade into the chest of the Boss. A loud roar was heard as Vance quickly retreated while giving out orders. The girls quickly did as they were told. They retreated while still attacking so that they could keep up the damage. A sonic wave attack filled the room, causing their ears to ring and some of their health to drop. Vance and the girls healed themselves before dashing back into positions.

A tail sweep quickly stopped their charge, but Sally was unable to dodge the very tip of the tail, sending her flying. "Sally!"

"Alice, heal Sally. I will hold it off!" Vance yelled out as he continued tanking the boss. Alice ran over to Sally and cast a healing spell on her. She had been knocked out from the collision from both the tail and the wall she was tossed into. But after being healed, she slowly woke up in a state of confusion. "What?"

"If you are awake, go back to doing damage. Vance can't fight alone!" Alice did not waste time explaining things as she turned and moved back into position.

Sally shook her grogginess away and got herself together before joining back into the fight. The boss was using normal attacks at this time, but this only lasted a few minutes before it suddenly shot a web up toward the ceiling and rose up into the air. Its front legs rubbed together, and it made a strange sound. "It's calling adds! Quickly kill them, or we will have to fight both!"

Vance hated this part about bosses the most. Sometimes they would call adds, and you would need to power through them before the boss joined back in, or your whole team could easily be wiped out. As a solo player before, it was not an easy task! He had died to mobs on this boss many times to the point he almost gave up.

Spidragoon after spidragoon. Snakegoon after snakegoon, even multiple batgoons spawned and rushed towards Vance, who had suddenly taunted them. He then began attacking them as they came over while the girls attacked from the back. There were twenty adds altogether, but they were dying quickly. While still elites, they had much lower health. They would die in a few hits.

The adds were quickly killed, and the boss slipped back down from the ceiling and began attacking once more. It stomped its legs, and orange circles appeared on the ground. Everyone had to keep moving while continuing to attack the boss.

Its health was slowly dropping and after almost three hours of working down its health. The bosses finally died. Vance and the girls saw their level jump up by one and looked at each other before letting out a loud laugh.


"Look! A purple item!" Sally yelled out happily as she picked up a huge hammer.

"We can sell that for a lot!" Vance was very happy to see this. A superior item was exactly what they needed to fill their pockets again. It will come in handy for when they get their guild house.

"I wish it was a bow!" Alice pouted as she picked up a red and black dress. It was not an ordinary dress but one with armor plating on it.

[Chimeria  Battle Dress]

[Rarity: Rare]

[Required Level: 21]

[+400 defense]

[+100 Vitality]

[+100 Agility]

"Not bad. Looks like you got some new armor." Vance was happy that Alice finally got a solid piece of armor, and it would boost her stats by a lot.

Sadly these were the only good drops. The rest were materials and a few silver coins. Once everyone had showered and relieved their stress, Alice changed into her new dress, which fit her quite well. It still had a princessy feel to it, but it was one hundred percent a battle dress.

Vance could only hope Sally got some decent armor next. This trip would be very much worth it. If they could get lucky and get another superior drop, that would make his day.

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