Alchemist In The Apocalypse: Rise Of A Legend!

Chapter 84 Another Job Offer [3]

Chapter 84 Another Job Offer [3]

[We're finally done with the job-selection issues in this chapter, and hopefully, the plans I have for you will make the book more enjoyable for you. The plot's progress will be revealed in a later chapter. I hope you will continue to follow me on this journey and see how it unfolds. Thank you for reading.].


Another Job Offer [3]historical

[Ace POV],

Ignoring Chris, who was panting beside me after experiencing the effect of using the awakening fruit twice, I focused on the texts that appeared on the panel just after the effect of the second awakening fruit on Chris faded.

[Your records is being evaluated],

[Records evaluated. Available jobs to choose],

[Common Job],


[Rare Job],

*Wind Mage

*Fire Mage

*Dual Mage

*Sword Bearer

[Epic Job],

* Magic Swordsman

[Legendary Job],

Flame Swordsman


Looking at the now relatively large number of jobs available in comparison to before, I began investigating the new jobs that had appeared.

Just like the previous wind Mage, another mage-related job appeared, but this time it was a fire Mage. While this confirmed my suspicions that Chris truly did awaken the fire element, it also confirmed that there must be a distinction between the standard mage job and the mage jobs with an element name attached to them.

Aside from the Fire Mage job that appeared, another mage-related job called Dual Mage also appeared.

Because the name includes the word 'dual,' I'm guessing it's similar to the fire and wind Mage jobs, but unlike them, the dual Mage is not limited to one element but two.

If I'm not mistaken, the dual Mage job should be very powerful even in the rare grade.

However, even though more jobs in the rare grade have appeared, it is still a rare grade job in the end and cannot compete with the Epic grade job that has previously appeared.

After checking out the new jobs that appeared in the rare grade, I went on to check out the last new job that appeared and was the real gain for Chris after taking the second awakening fruit and awakening an element.

It was a legendary job.

Even though we had wished to see a legendary Job, its appearance was still unexpected; however, it's better that things went smoothly.

Chris' luck is truly exceptional. Even though the success rate of awakening an element with the awakening fruit was only 50%, Chris was able to successfully awaken an element twice with only two fruits, whereas it was very possible for him to not awaken an element at all even if he took two awakening fruits. After all, a 50% success rate does not guarantee that a person will be able to awaken an element if he takes two awakening fruits.

He ultimately got a legendary job for two rank two treasures. I'm not sure if it's a win or a loss as I still don't understand the significance of a job grade. Maybe if I met a human who had completed his Job quest, I'd be able to tell the difference.

Flame swordsman is a legendary job. This must have something to do with Chris' affinity for the fire element, but I'm not going to jump to conclusions.

Thinking about this, I turned to face Chris, who also turned to face me and spoke.

"What are you waiting for? Is this not what you wanted?" I asked as he made his decision immediately after hearing this.


[You have chosen Flame Swordsman],

[A job for those with an abnormal mana pool, talents in the fire and wind elements, and a certain talent in the way of the sword. A Flame Swordsman seeks strength to protect rather than to kill and destroy. All enemies who stand in your way of destroying what you protect will perish as long as the Flame Swordsman's fire burns. To advance to Rank 1, evolve, and show that you have the necessary qualifications to become a Flame Swordsman, you must meet the following requirements],

[Kill Unranked Monsters: [0/50]],

[Kill Rank 1 Monster alone: [0/20]],

[Kill Rank 1 Monster with a single hit: [0/3]],


OK, that's it!

The first time could be a coincidence, but the second time is less likely to be.

Apart from mine, when Chris and Anna both chose jobs, and the descriptions of their chosen jobs came out, I noticed something that the primordial chronicle may also look at or evaluate.

Character. The person's character.

Anna's own was to be brave, talented, and to be seek strength whereas Chris's own was to have talents in fire and wind magic and swords, and rather than wanting to kill, he wanted to protect.

Apart from my own, the primordial chronicle was essentially describing the real-life characters of Anna and Chris.

It's strange to me, but I have no idea why it happens like this since I have no idea where to begin.

And Chris' job quest is fairly straightforward. Unlike Anna and my own, he has three, and all it says is for him to kill. Rather contradictory for a job that seeks to protect but requires killing to do so.

As I was thinking about these things, I turned to look at Chris, who, despite reading the job requirements, still had a cheerful expression on his face.

Unlike Anna, he has seen and witnessed the powers of a rank 1 specie, even if it was the weakest, but here he is, still happy.

This guy's zeal for strength is truly excessive.

Well, now that everyone has finished their work, it's time to leave.

I'm not sure if it's just my imagination, but the further south we go, the more green life we see.

It's as if the further we go, the more images that resemble anything that spoke of the world before the Apocalypse vanish. This could just be me overthinking things, but I believe something is attempting to divide us for some reason.

Though it was due to my and the team's strength that it went slightly unnoticed by everyone, I still noticed that the further south we go, the stronger the monster we encounter.

Although we did not encounter any rank 1 species prior to arriving at this building yesterday, the number of level 23 to level 24 and 25 monsters we encountered gave the impression that they were common.

The first is the increased amount of green life we see as we travel south, and the second is the increasing strength of the monsters we encounter as we travel south.

I'm not sure how the world is now, but if I'm not mistaken, a lot of things must have appeared on the planet during those three years when everyone on the planet was unconscious.

It would not surprise me if we came across a primitive forest as we travel further south, and given the increasing strength of the monsters we encounter, it appears that something is attempting to divide the strong and the weak by distance. The further from the south you are, the weaker you are, and the deeper in the south you are, the stronger you are.

I'm not sure about most of the changes that have occurred on the planet, but one thing I am certain of is that the world has grown enormously. I'm not sure how big the planet is now in comparison to the previous one.

So perhaps, even if our strength grows, it may take years before we reach the center of planet Spe, and perhaps I'm overthinking things, but the strange signs I'm seeing are basically telling us that something is down south.

I won't know for sure until we start our journey, but if my suspicions are confirmed as we go, at least we'll have a goal to aim for.

This is interesting.

It's best if it's true because whatever's at the center of the world south could be related to what caused the Apocalypse in the first place.

As these thoughts raced through my mind, we arrived at the door, but when I smelled something resembling iron, I knew something was wrong when I recognized what I was smelling was blood.

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