All Her Secrets

Chapter 251

Chapter 251

Chapter 251

In a concealed corner on the right side of the alley, Paxton, accompanied by a group of his men, hid themselves right after receiving intelligence that someone intended to harm Catherine.

“Mr. Duncan, do you think Miss Swann has discovered us?” one of Paxton’s men asked.

“Of course she has! It’s so obvious!” Paxton replied, rolling his eyes at his subordinate. Why bother guessing when it was so obvious?

As soon as they arrived, they noticed that Catherine was surrounded. However, Paxton didn’t act right away. He observed Catherine’s demeanor and realized things were not as simple as they seemed. Sure enough, those fools fell into Catherine’s trap.

Seeing that Catherine was confident and to avoid alerting her, Paxton refrained from taking action immediately. Paxton sought permission from Branden at once. Branden instructed him not to interfere with Catherine as long as she was not in danger.

Paxton understood the situation. After all, he and his men were just pawns. They would strike when Catherine had had enough fun.

Bryan, along with Catherine and the others, arrived at the newest barbecue restaurant in Casier. As they reached the entrance, a staff member approached them.

“Excuse me, are you Miss Catherine Swann?” the staff member asked. Bryan turned around in surprise to look at Catherine. Catherine approached the staff member, standing before him with a cold gaze, carefully assessing him. The staff member had sharp eyes and immediately realized Catherine’s identity.

“Miss Swann, my boss knows you’re coming to dine and has already prepared a private room for you. Just follow me upstairs. Everything has been arranged for you!”

Catherine glanced around at the decor, which was in her preferred style. Even the utensils on the surrounding tables were the ones she would instinctively choose on any regular day. She stopped the staff member and asked, “Is your boss named Duncan?”

The staff member smiled, bowed, and replied with utmost respect, “Yes, my boss has instructed us to let you enjoy your meal. Once everything is ready, he will come to pick you up!”

Upon hearing this, Catherine knew what was going on. She confidently followed the staff member towards the private room.

Lagging behind, Yesenia caught up with Bryan and asked, “What does this mean? Did Uncle Branden open this barbecue restaurant?”

Bryan impatiently shot her a glare, his voice filled with resentment as he said, “How would I know? If you want to know, go ask yourself!”

Yesenia was speechless. She didn’t have the guts to do that, of course. After finally finding a newly opened barbecue restaurant to surprise Catherine, Bryan didn’t expect Branden, his uncle, to actually open this restaurant!

But then again, Branden had to take care of such a large family business, so how could he have time to open a barbecue restaurant to make such little money?

Bryan immediately realized who this barbecue restaurant was for! It seemed that Branden was willing to do anything just to please Catherine!

Catherine followed the staff member to the entrance of the specially reserved private room, which was simply but beautifully decorated.

The staff member attentively stood by, assisting Catherine. “Miss Swann, this room is specifically reserved for you. It’s not open to the public, so you can enjoy your meal with your friends here. After

speaking, the staff member handed over a pre-selected menu.

“Miss Swann, these are the dishes that have already been ordered. Is there anything you would like to add or change?”

All the staff members had been instructed that the fixed dishes she always ordered should be included in the menu whenever Catherine came to save her time from ordering.

Knowing that Catherine didn’t like dealing with these things, Branden went above and beyond to do everything possible. Catherine glanced at the menu and saw that it included all the dishes she usually ordered. She didn’t expect that Branden had remembered all of them.

It was the slightest detail that could touch people the most. Even Catherine had to admit that she was a little moved right now.

“Add some mild-spicy sauce, but everything else can stay the same!”

The staff member immediately responded, “Okay, I’ll prepare it for immediately!” you When Yesenia heard “mild-spicy sauce, ‘her eyes instantly lit up. If it weren’t for Catherine’s cold aura, she would have already thrown herself into Catherine’s arms, hugged and kissed Catherine passionately.

Catherine’s presence was too intimidating, so even though Yesenia was excited, she could only quietly revel in her excitement on the side.

Yesenia stared at Catherine as if worshipping a deity, wishing she could get close to Catherine, saying, “Oh, Super Catherine, how can you be so good to me? You know I can’t handle spicy food, so you specially accommodated me by ordering some mild-spicy sauce for me. You’re such a nice person!”

Although Yesenia couldn’t handle spicy food, she understood that for someone who loved spicy food, ordering mild- spicy sauce was an insult to barbecue.

However, Catherine was so considerate that she ordered it specifically for Yesenia, which could be viewed as the greatest act of love towards Yesenia. Yesenia stared at Catherine with an adoring gaze. But in fact, she was overthinking things.

Catherine wasn’t accommodating her. She just felt that they should enjoy themselves since they were all out together for a barbecue.

If Yesenia had to sit on the side and watch because she couldn’t handle spicy food, it would definitely affect everybody’s mood, So why not order some mild-spicy sauce so that everyone can enjoy themselves?

Catherine wasn’t an unjust person. She couldn’t make everyone do things according to her preferences. Upon hearing Yesenia’s flattery towards Catherine, the others present tried their best not to burst out laughing.

David cautiously tugged on Bryan’s sleeve and asked with a pensive tone, ” Bryan, did Boss cast a spell on the Duncans? Otherwise, why would all of you be following her like crazy?”

Bryan tilted his head, glancing at him with a sneer, and spat out two words through gritted teeth. “Get lost!”

In fact, Bryan wanted to ask David if he was also a Lambert. Otherwise, why would he ask the same question as Triston?

This barbecue restaurant put a lot of effort into its operation. All the food in the restaurant was very fresh, and it seemed like all the ingredients were flown in.

The most important thing was that the food was cooked on-site, with a strong aroma and a perfect balance of saltiness and spiciness, especially suitable for people who loved barbecue.

The spicy food tasted great, and the vegetable soup here was also delicious. Even Catherine, who usually didn’t like this kind of light flavor, ordered a bowl of vegetable soup.

David and the others exclaimed in admiration, “This barbecue restaurant is really good. No wonder there are so many people lining up. It’s only because we came with Boss that we could enter without waiting. It’s truly enviable!”

Bryan clenched the number card in his pocket, pressing his fingers hard. He had bought it from a scalper, thinking he had done it meticulously. But he was left feeling like a loser under his uncle’s power. Indeed, money could make one do whatever they wanted!

Bryan called over a waiter, ready to pay the bill, but was told it wasn’t necessary. He looked up at Catherine and didn’t immediately make a decision. Catherine nodded casually. “Sure!”

Since Branden personally arranged this meal, it would be disrespectful to insist on paying the bill. This restaurant was open for her! The cost of this meal was not important at all.

There was no need to pay the bill!

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