All-in-One System: All I Need is Erotic Coins

Chapter 84 [Bonus ] Sewer Hunt (2)

Chapter 84 [Bonus ] Sewer Hunt (2)

The first beast Damian encountered during his task had been killed, its body laying in the putrid sludge of the sewer. He wanted to celebrate his victory, but his intuition cautioned him not to get too excited.

"There's no way that was the only beast here."

Damian kept progressing after confronting the lizard, soaring with his Telekineses, venturing further and further into the sewers. He caught a fleeting glimpse of something moving in the corner of his eye. "ahh, a rat!"

His heart almost stopped at the sight of the rat. "I'm thankful that nobody is around to witness this."

Damian drifted for approximately five minutes until he reached a wider area, unlike the constricted passageways he had just been in.

In the center of the space, three lizard-like creatures were in a slumber surrounded by body parts that could have been their lunch or dinner. Damian had a sense of assurance after facing one creature. However, three at once was a different story. That would prove to be a challenge, even for him.

It was a clash in their land. They were familiar with the sewers. They could traverse speedily despite all the muck and liquid. Damian was aware of that fact, and he had to accept it with respect.

After not finding any viable solution, Damian was about to rush towards the three lizard men when he heard noises from the tunnel he had just come from. Damian, with little thought, used his invisibility cloak and flew up to the highest point he could manage.

After a few minutes, two men dressed in matching uniforms appeared. Damian knew them as the people from the government, the ones who were supposed to come and clear the place but never showed up.

"Why are they here now? Don't tell me…."

Damian had a suspicion, and when he heard the conversation between the two men, he knew it was true.

"So, the guy Jared hired is down here already?"

"Yes. All we have to do is kill him, clear this place, and report back to him to get some cash."

"But why does he want to kill that guy, anyway?"

"I don't know. He's following orders, so someone else wants to kill that guy."

Damian felt a fire rage in his chest when he heard those sentences, and his anger boiled over. The guy who gave them the first contract was trying to kill him? But who is giving that man the orders?

"No one should know my identity, so I can safely assume this is someone else, and not someone related to the blood stone event," Damian thought.

Damian was enraged, but he was conscious of how to deal with the matter. When the two guys crept close to where he was, they saw the three lizard men sleeping in the open and held their breaths, trying to launch a surprise attack.

"Three at the same time is hard. What should we do?"josei

To find a way out of the situation, they attempted to come up with a plan, but unfortunately, Damian refused to let that happen. He was completely hidden from sight as he snatched a rock from the ground and hurled it towards them with as much strength as he could muster.

The loud noise was enough to stir the three lizard men from their slumber, who then immediately saw the two men and ran towards them with the ferocity of ravenous beasts.

What about Damian? He was nowhere to be seen, concealed by his power of invisibility and slowly drifting away from the battle that was taking place on the ground.

Damian peered on from the sidelines as the two men desperately fought for their lives against the lizard men, taking out one of their adversaries, wounding the other, but then tragically losing their own lives in the struggle. Taking advantage of the moment, Damian came out from the shadows to attack the two lizards that were still standing, targeting the one that was wounded first.

With the help of the Slime Ring, he could craft many spears and, with the help of his Telekineses, he could throw them, each one penetrating the lizards in different parts, effortlessly exterminating them.

Well, for a moment, Damian felt dizzy, a side-effect of utilizing too much of his mental abilities. "I should rest after cleaning this place."

Damian approached the two cadavers and inspected their garments for anything of use. He found money, but he didn't take any.

"What if they have some sort of tracking device? I should forget about this."

Damian hesitated, weighing the risks against the benefits, before deciding it was not worth it and moving further into the sewers. He cautiously peered around each corner, listening intently for any sign of another beast, yet all was silent.

"The job is done, I supposed."

He left the sewer, heading back to the house of the man who hired him. Jared was his name, and when he heard the doorbell, the first thing that popped inside his mind was, "are they back? They killed that guy so fast."

But the moment he opened up the door, it was not the two men from the government but Damian! Jared was shocked, not believing what his eyes were seeing. He gathered all of his strength to act normal.

"So how was the sewers? Is it done?" Jared said.

"Yes. The beasts are dead. Where is my payment?"

Damian went straight to the point, receiving his money, and then leaving the area.

"I will stand by to spy on you, Sr Jared. Let me see who is the person trying to kill me."

Damian was elated to be on the job, concealed from Jared's sight, keeping watch outside of his home to see what he might do.

Sure enough, at the stroke of midnight, Jared left his house with a screech of tires, his black car disappearing into the night.

"Now, who is this person that ordered you to kill me?" Damian thought, staring at the car, following closely behind.

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