All Time Marksman

Chapter 139 - Truth About Father

Chapter 139 - Truth About Father

"This will be an excellent shot from here" Jin doesn't need to wait for the compacted power to be generated like earlier because, of the FXR-Raven passive for Dual burst as it have already generated after the 1st Dual burst beam of light fired.

It said it is the most lethal strike of the Dual burst skill, which was the second dual burst beam of light. Jin sigh for a moment as he focused his mindset on the ongoing fight that he can see from the Blood bullet skill that he activated and then he pressed the trigger.

*PHEWWW* the beam of light fired from the barrel and, as expected, the beam of light traveled fast. The first contact of the beam of light was the wall. And it instantly exploded, and and then another follow up explosion inside the building. Jin removes his head from the scope and he saw that the building was slowly being engulfed in flames as the fire spreads quickly.

[Radio: this is T4, I was safely over. Thank you for the T1]

[Radio: Glad you are safe over]josei

And from that moment Fang Shirong was safely jumping out of the room, and he could dock on the ground. Meanwhile, his clone was not safe and because of the impact of the beam of light and the fiery flame that followed it. It burned the clone into a crisp.

"Argh dammit-" Fang Shirong yelped and spits on the floor. After that Fang Shirong stood up and then sheathed his dagger after that he walked out of the room as he was going down he met a rebel cell minion that was about to rush to the upper rooms.

But the rebel cell minion stopped from his footsteps. And looked at Fang Shirong and as he looked at Fang Shirong, it covered him in dust and ashes from the explosion. Fang Shirong looked at the rebel cell minion that was backed at the wall as he quickly and easily unsheathe the left dagger. After that Fang Shirong smiled at the rebel cell minion and then slits his throat. The Reb cell minion quickly covered his neck, but it was too late, as the blood was gushing out from the neck wound that was inflicted on him by Fang Shirong.

[Radio: Eagle 1 this is Templar, we can see the walls of Jelkala city, we are receiving a transmission from their Tower do we respond.]

[Radio: Eagle 1 to Templar, I will be the one that will respond over]

[Radio: Copy that over and out]

[Radio: this is Jelkala City Tower 0 to Echo Alpha Golf Lima Echo 1 we are are advising the unknown aircraft to change route or we will send a squad of force to your directed location to intercept over]

[Radio: This is Eagle 1 of the Wing 4 of the Maskara City we are heading to your city because we are have received a distress call And also to add we are heading towards that location and we are getting out the people that entered in your city. If you will not allow us to get our people, this won't be good for both cities over]

[Radio: Please hold, we are going to re-verify your entrance to our airspace over]

[Radio: this is Eagle 1 We will not wait longer than 1 hour]

[Inside the Tower 0]

"What the heck is going? I never heard that there is a situation of crisis inside the City." One of the communication officer that was in contact with the Eagle 1. "Sir!" the communication officer turns around and looked at the commanding officer that was standing from upper deck of the tower. "What is it? If its nonsense, don't say it," the commanding officer said as he looked at the communication officer that walked up to him.

"No, Sir as of right there are 3 aircraft that are requesting to enter the city airspace. And their reason was they have received a distress call inside the city that the force they have sent inside is being attacked, sir. What should we do, and also they put a time of 1 hour?"

And the commanding officer looked at the communication officer and furiously replied "Why did you just tell me now!" the commanding officer rage face looked at the communication officer and the communication officer feel scared as he felt the ominous aura of the commanding officer while staring at him. "Deputy!" the commanding officer shouted as he turned around. "Call the secretary for the mayor and we are requesting for an immediate release of Strike Force Wing 2 and 4 we are going to bring down those aircraft."

The Deputy replied "Yes- What sir?" and then Commanding officer looked at the Deputy and said "I want you to call the secretary for the mayor asap!" and the Deputy rushed towards the communication box which was at the corner of the room. When the deputy reached the communication box, he then pressed the scanner for his fingerprint and an artificial intelligence voice sounded.

[Access granted]

[Direct line Mayor Office]

[radio: Hello this is Tower 0, to secretary 1]

[Radio: this is Secretary 1 what is it Tower 0]

[Radio: Sir, there is a problem regarding an aircraft that is near the borders of our airspace and they are asking for permission to enter as they have received a distress call that is inside our city. What are your orders?]

[Radio: Please hold I will report this to the Mayor himself.]

[Radio: Copy that Sir]

And the Deputy looked at the commanding officer and the commanding officer's face was the one with the gaze upon death. ``Why is he so scary… Especially with the times like this.`` the Deputy commanding officer thoughts while the communication box is still connected to him?

[Radio: Tower 0, I want you to give a Green light on Strike Force Wing 2 and 4 I want all of those Aircrafts out of our vicinity and out of our airspace.]

[Radio: Copy that Sir, I will rely it upon by the Commanding officer]

And the Deputy commanding officer closed the communication box and then approached the commanding officer, "Sir, the Mayor said that we allow them to go inside the city, as reparations." And when the commanding officer heard it shocked him and he looked again at the deputy commanding officer.

"Are you sure that he did not say that we give a green light on Strike Force Wing 2 and 4?" and the deputy commanding officer replied "Yes, Sir" his smug face has saved him from the lie. And the commanding officer looked stressed as he put his left hand on his forehead. "Take care of the thins here Deputy, I think I am going to my office" And after that the Deputy smiled as the Commanding officer walked past by. After that, he looked at the communication officer.

"You heard the commanding officer he wants the aircraft to enter our airspace." And the communication officer nodded, and immediately goes back in contact with the previous channel.

[Radio: This is Tower 0 to Eagle over]

[Radio: this is Eagle to Tower 0 loud and clear over]

[Radio: the Mayor has given you permission to enter the airspace of Jelkala City and get the people out but there will be a timer and it will only be to 30 minutes further than that we will shoot you down.]

[Radio: This is Eagle 1 to Tower 0. We are ready when that happens, over and out]

And Eagle 1 changes channel

[Radio: Alright, Templar and Void attack all roof enemies and pin them down we will get as much people as we need everything clear I want the mission to be clean, and there is no problem.]

[Radio: Copy that eagle 1 we are going in]

[Radio: Roger clear and ready to attack eagle 1]

After that both of the Vector helicopters attack head on, they were the first one to reach the west sector, and they were the first one to target the buildings with enemies. Jin looked up in the sky and he smiled. ``I guess they entered the air space unscathed.`` Jin thoughts as he reloaded the FXR-Raven and because of that [Zero Eye Blue bullet has been deactivated]

Soon after the arrival, the barrage of rockets targets the enemies on the rooftop trying to fend them off. Mostly the group of magicians and archers that were about to cast the recent attacks on the APC that was below them.

[Radio: This is Templar to Void, Hey void, we are going to make them some crisp bodies]

And then Templar clicked the trigger for the rockets. *SWOOSh* *SWOOSh* *SWOOSh* *SWOOSh* four consecutive rockets that are fired from the launcher. Followed from the release of rockets from the tube, four rockets dispersed to their targets among the consecutive rooftops that Rebel cell magicians were attacking and taking refuge.

After that Templar maneuver his vector helicopter and saw that Eagle 1 was coming hot fast. But luckily both him and void could clear the Hot Landing Zone. The Eagle 1 could land safely under the intense pressure from the rebel cell.

After that Void taken the move by spraying machine gun fire at the rebel cell reinforcements. And from that moment the rebel cell minions are frightened and no longer able to fight to run in the open because they will be surely be dead.

After that Jin also saw Fang Shirong covered in blood and smiling "HEY WAIT FOR ME!" Fang Shirong shouted as he dashed forward, and with the same time the Eagle 1 was letting in the wounded White Armored knights. The Pilot of the Eagle 1 could land on the ambush site and it was one of the amazing maneuver they could pull off.

All of them quickly head at the back of the Eagle 1 as the door opened. Fang Shirong and the others could get on quickly, and when it was Jin's turn, he shocked. His heart suddenly pumped in pressure. He saw his father, but his father was wearing a wolf helmet and a Wolf Pack Guild uniform.

And beside his father was Vulture, and as that happened, the door of the Eagle 1 was closing its ramp.. And He is in shock to see his Father standing beside the known assassin of the rebel cell Vulture.

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