All Time Marksman

Chapter 16 - Exchange Of Knowledge

Chapter 16 - Exchange Of Knowledge

``So I got a level up once again. I should take a rest for a while my body is hurting me so bad. I should buy some potion from the market I already got a plentiful Loot from last time.``

"Open Market" and then a blue tab appeared in front of Jin. Jin slides through the stuff that is being sold in the market as there is a notification on the upper tab of the market tab. "There are no potions only bandages and supplements for anti pain killers that are weird. Isn't being a player really do have 1 life.

Dang, this is pretty much scarier than what I thought. I should buy a lot of medical supply mhmm… How many should I buy for medical kits around 5 that cost 350 gold and then extended magazine round of 60/60 that cost 400 gold and then 800 pieces of bullets that cost 700 gold."

As Jin keeps scrolling down the market and soon enough he ended up in the food section. "Ohhh they a lot of food that is sold here but sadly this food are too costly I should really buy food at the Safe Zones much better prices even though the quality is a bit not that good``josei

After that Jin bought all of the things he needed and then a blue tab appeared in front of him. [Transaction Completed. All of the products have been generated in your inventory. Thank you for purchasing]

Jin whispered "Open inventory" and then a blue tab appeared in front of him and all of the things he bought were all in his inventory. Jin then whispered "Weapon armory." And then another tab appeared in front of him.


[Current Magazine Left:30

Maximum Bullet rounds Per Magazine: 60/60

Effective firing range: 300 meters

Maximum fire range: 2,700 meters

Damage per Bullet: 20-40 hp

Elemental assistance: Fire, Earth

*Cross-hair buff: Able to see 30% weakness on the body of any enemy monsters.

*Fixed Automatic Rapid Fire

*10+ damage bonus to undead monsters

*increase agility when equipping

``That's cool the magazine is already fixed and also the Bullet rounds are already upgraded. Maybe I should also buy some attachments for my XDR-Rifle?``

Jin closed all the tabs and start walking again sling his rifle to his back. As he was walking to the ruins of the buildings. He saw something moving, Jin quickly hides through the broken walls and then whispered "Zero Eye Blue Bullet``

After that, his left eye turned to a crosshair-like retina, and then the whole place from his perspective change into a 3 dimensional. All of the objects are now see-through to him and he also can see a larger and bigger picture.

``What the heck! Why are there too many signatures I can see around 15! Is there a rift portal nearby? I really need to increase the radius of this skill so I can able to scan many further places.``

[Zero Eye Blue Bullet (Novice 6.0%)

After 10 minutes Jin's Left eye turned back to normal. "I won't be engaging this many monsters it will be deadly. But I am still curious if there is a rift portal nearby. Because this many monsters in a single place are pretty weird enough.

Jin was about to turn around and leave the place but he heard a loud explosion *KABOOM* Jin drops to the ground and covers his head as he felt the wind-wave slamming at his back making him fall on the ground Jin quickly covered his head to avoid debris fall on his head. ``I really should have bought a headgear``

``What was that?" Jin slowly stood from where he fell on. And when he peaks over he then heard an ability skill, which is "IRON SLASH!" another explosion erupted but it only made dust clouds.

"Whoa those uniforms look familiar, Right those are from the 7th Player corp. Those white uniforms, that is really awesome teamwork mhmm… what are their classes I think this group is a Pure damage group. There are 3 swordsmen, a single Magician, and a healer. Yeah this group is a real Pure damage group.``

The battle that he was watching was fierce even though there are Naga Slaughters the two swordsmen were able to catch up with the speed and strength of the Naga slaughters. Meanwhile, the Rowan crawlers were creatures that are a bit sluggish but they were like fish-like creatures with hideous faces.

Their weapon was a sword made out of sharp shells and a shell shield. Luckily even though the Rowan crawlers have enough numbers the Magician of the group was able to control its numbers.

``I am right there is a rift portal in this place that is why the monsters looked like its endless supply. I think they need help should I go help them or I should just watch from afar. As of I know, there are no enemies that will form a threat as of right now. But those Naga slaughters are level 9 and the Rowan crawlers were at level 8 which means those levels the group on the other side must around level 12-13.

But because of the chaotic fighting, there are also some creatures that have been disturbed from where they are resting. "RAHHH!" roared a troll that was behind the group. "Dang 7 troll monsters behind them and an entire army of Rowan crawlers and 4 Naga slaughter in front of them."

Jin slings his XDR-rifle to the front and carefully aimed at one of the trolls that were taunting the group. Meanwhile, the group of the 7th player corp 6th squad is now in vain. "We really need backup or else we are going o get wiped out from this place." Yu Jian exclaimed as his breathing was now slowly getting heavier.

"We cannot if we are going to do that we will fail the exam to get promoted."

Ren Hai said while he glared at Yu Jian as he killed another Rowan crawler.

"But as you can see we are engaged in two directions and we are really outnumbered." Mo Mei replied to Ren Hai that he was being unreasonable to what he said earlier.

Ren Hai grips his sword as he looked at the monsters that were waiting for them to attack. And suddenly out of nowhere bullets, rain from above *Prfft* *Prfft* *Prfft* multiple Rowan crawlers died at that rain of bullets. "Whoa!" He Yun exclaimed as he was amazed at how those. All 5 of them tilt their heads as to were did those bullets come from.

"Over there!" Mo Mei pointed over to the building that was near to them. "Is that a marksman class? So it is a support class? Range damage class no?" Ren Hai smirked as he felt that Support classes are supposed to be used only for girls.

"Alright, that person can help us! So let's fight more of these creatures that are destroying our world." Hao Hong stated as he slashed one of the Rowan crawlers and it parry with him.

"Oh yeah, we can fight these creatures!" Yu Jian was getting excited as he is easily able to kill one of the Rowan crawlers as it was pierced through by a bullet that comes from the XDR-rifle of Jin. All of them got their morale boosted, which helps them be able to fight the monsters that were in front of them.

With Jin dealing range damage at a good distance the critical hit that Jin can utilize is about 20%-30%.

[Triggering Skill usage chosen] {Registered Skill] [Firing Skill: Rapid Fire]

[Magazine Bullet round: 30/60]

"Heh So I am really helping them, huh and they will only get the Loot and experience, I don't think so" Jin smirked and felt he was a bit betrayed even though he has saved the group squad. But Jin also knows that getting experience from last hitting the enemy.

[Triggering Skill usage chosen] {Registered Skill] [Firing Skill: Dual Burst]

Two consecutive light beams struck the position of the monster trolls that were rushing towards the group squad. "Trolls are rushing at our back!" Mo Mei shouted, but after that shout, the beam of light that was fired from Jin XDR-Rifle made astonishing damage on the monster trolls some were hit critical but some were not but it gave some time for Ren Hai to be able to take the last kill. Because of that Jin always got half of the experience

[Level Up!]

[Level Up!]

[Level Up!]

``That's awesome I got three levels up!`` Jin looked at the situation below ``they are getting the hang of it I should fall back now and return to my current objective finding a suitable rift to explore and collect some loot!`` after he thought of that he giggled.

Jin stood up and while he was standing up he was still looking at the group squad below.

``They sure have the stamina to fight on that kind of flood of enemy monsters, being trained to fight those kinds of monsters really do have some disadvantages.. Like the cost of your life, `` Jin smirked.

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