All Time Marksman

Chapter 168 - Explanation Became A Nightmare

Chapter 168 - Explanation Became A Nightmare

"We are continuing this training. As all of you has showed below average performance," a rough voice sounded behind them as they all turn around and they saw Jin standing while he was crossing his arms.

"The performance you all created was below average. In terms of the Squad standards. I know that all of you are extremely eager to be sent into a mission, but if this kind of strategy is being implemented here and being played out. It won't save you lives." Jin turns around and then walked out of the Field of battle.

After that, all of them felt a sad as they questioned themselves what did they lack. And some of them stood and get things together while their tears are dripping from their cheeks as they failed their final training exam. ``SHI-~`` Cai Dinxiang's thoughts were plaguing him with many questions, questions about his abilities.

As it continued, he get angrier and because his can no longer control his motions. His whole body slowly being engulfed with the Demonic Fiery flame as it started from his arm and rising. Luckily Li ye saw how Cai Dinxiang was feeling, so he raised his hand and increased the coldness of the ice floor and slowly Li Ye created an Ice dome engulfing Cai Dinxiang. With this, it will cool Cai Dinxiang for a moment.

"Sir, their performance was average it was not below average," Fang Shirong reasoned out to Jin as they were walking down the hallway. Jin turns around and looked at fang Shirong. "If you are telling me that was average, they won't lose a single person with them. A single member of their squad matters based on their performance. The lack of coordination means death. The lack of strategy and tactics means death. This kind of job of ours is a sacrifice of life. Always remember that and don't let emotions get the lead of you in determining skills and mediocrity."

Jin enters his office he sighed as he felt disappointed at how fang Shirong acted in front of him. He walked towards his desk and sat down in his chair. He tapped the blue button on his desk and a screen monitor appeared. And then he typed on the board. After that, a verification appeared at the window of the monitor.

[Search: The First appearance of Towers]

[Access: Granted]

[Files downloading]

[Files transfer has been complete]

After the transfer was complete, Jin looked at the window of his monitor and, like always, he clicked the file transferred and the folder opened from there; he saw a lot of articles from different people. And the title of the article was "the start of the Tower appearances" then followed by to "ULTIMA CHANGE CONCLUSION"

Both files made intrigued Jin, so he opened both of the files the first thing that Jin read was the appearance of the Tower.

[File access granted]

[File opened]

[Picture: Tower structure]

[The first identification of a Tower first appearance as the start of ULTIMA CHANGE. A patrol of a military scientist for a resource research in the area found it without further information beforehand. Then deemed by the military as a classified information due to it will create panic for all people on earth. Only a handful of personnel who know about this appearance are the high level people and in the military. The Tower or also known 000-1 first appeared near the city of Revelia. The City mayor ordered a city ordinance to quarantine its citizens and because of the first appearance of the tower.]

``What the heck I am confused`` Jin thoughts as his eyes read the article.

[Picture of the City of Revelia before and after]

[The Tower or also known as 000-1 was not a tower that can be observe out in the open, or some people might say as above the crust of the earth but it was below the main crust of the earth. But its appearance made the southern government became wary of the change that was said on the warning notice of the said Tower before the quarantine.]

[Picture of group of scientist deciphering old ancient text]

"Those text they are familiar. Those are the ones that were engraved from the Markash monster," Jin exclaimed as he zooms in on the picture.

[The Southern government had reported this weird first appearance of the said tower to the council of the World Government, but the World Government veto the memorandum and rather focused on other concerning a matter that we're on hand.]

[picture of the vetoed memorandum of the Southern government to request military personnel and to create secondary countermeasures in case of a scenario that can happen]

[Following the veto of the memorandum, they implemented a quarantine order code name Site 1 which was the site in Revelia the order came from the southern government without the authorisation of the World council. It because a certain bug suddenly appears from the perimeter of the gate of the tower. Followed by the appearance of the bugs was the first wave of monster coming out from the Tower.]

{After the last sentence a video played}

"ARHHHH my arm!" Ragash Type 2 monster bites of the hand of a military researcher and continues to eat its flesh the blood spilled on the ground and in the background were chaotic as some military researchers were panicking at what they will do.

Following to that, the camera turned its view to an overview of the place of the door of the Tower. From that moment Jin, who was watching the video, felt that he was about to vomit, so he clicked to pause the video.

``That was too much to handle for me. It was not like what I have seen when we are being sent into the mission`` Jin thoughts as he clenched his fist and continued to read the Article.

[The First wave of monster appeared, and it had taken 3 full months as to clear all monsters. The fatalities reached over 20,000 and the casualties reached 40,000 in the entire region. With a stroke of luck from the military, they contain and repel the monsters. And it was. Because of the incoming forces from other regions of the southern government. And once again, the southern government talked to the World government to ask for the construction of the secondary counter measures on the monsters. And from that request the World government agreed, but it was too late. The tower has already multiplied itself to the entire continent.]

[pictures of the construction of Safe Zone walls]

[Followed the first wave of monsters was the first wave of ULTIMA CHANGE system abilities, and the theory was they made a game to create a hybrid training place for future Player N.D.A.M soldiers]

And after the last sentence of the article, the other sentences got censored. Jin exits the file folder and then clicked at the other file, which was the "ULTIMA CHANGE CONCLUSION"

[File access granted]

[File opened]

[ULTIMA CHANGE picture of the 2nd wave of monsters]

[Death was nearing but then came the so called Players who weaponized and used by the government it led by N.D.A.M . At first it was not a full-fledged battalion they were all volunteers that tried their luck to have some revenge and kill those monsters who destroy many countless lives. There have been many sacrifices of the Southern government and the other government under the World government. Luckily, the World government have sustained all the government under it and still became centralized.]

[Picture of the Akushu City that was burning and monsters appeared]

Jin's tears suddenly drip from his cheeks. He gritted his teeth, a flashback of her mother dying in front of him. He clenched his fist much tighter that before. ``They failed as a government, they failed as the protector of the people``

Jin's thoughts slowly becoming a mix and scramble of emotions, mostly anger and sadness.

[The incident of Akushu City it was not supposed to happen that way. But because the southern government's slow response to build the Safe Zone Delta that was near, it happened fast. There was also an added reason and factor such as the low resources and the labour they need drastically declined. The Safe Zone Delta ignore the cry and distress call from the city evacuation office and there was no sign of help that was going to the Akushu City.]josei

``I never thought that it was because of their failure that my mother died. It was them who killed my mother`` Jin thoughts as he got angrier every minute pass as he read through the article that was in front of him showing the reality on what really happened not on his point of view but the point of view of a person who was a correspondent of the incident.

[Results have risen to a hundred thousand. The southern government has no comment on the current details on the incident in Akushu on why they failed to do their only task leaving the people behind.]

[Pictures of bodies that were piled up after the sending of the first N.D.A.M battalion for the cleanup of the Akushu city]

[The Tower is still a mystery. No players or users, even the World government did not pursue as of the moment. Now the question is who will determine if the tower will open once again. Or will there be a sign that it could lead to another world, the world where monsters came from. But there was still a new thing that happened after the first and second wave of monsters. It was the portal rift and that will be in my other articles]

After Jin read the last sentence, he felt kinda cut short from the information.

"Who is this person and how can he write this sense of knowledge from. I need to find the person who wrote this. I think this person has answers to my other questions."

Jin exclaimed as he stood up and walks out of his office and he stretched his arms and turns left were the mess hall was at the near end of the hallway.

Jin entered the mess hall and, like always, it was lively he saw the squad that was eating all together.. Jin walked towards the table and everyone looked at him and they noticed why Jin's eyes were glassy, as if he cried. Han Zian then asked "Sir, what do you think about the candidates"

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