All Time Marksman

Chapter 19 - Farming Levels

Chapter 19 - Farming Levels

[Sherloth road south of the Safe Zone Delta]

Jin was walking and trying to find if there are people that are left in that place. And then he heard screams from the distance. He rushed towards one of the ruins to check, and there he saw a glimpse of a battle between a group of players. And a huge orc, the orcs appearance was a colored grey skin tone and two large front teeth, it's physique were commendable its muscles were big enough to lift a whole bus.

Jin whispered "Open Inventory" and a blue tab appeared in front of him. As he looked at the open slots he taps the magazine and there an information sheet appeared. [Current Magazine number: 26] ``26 magazines left, I should take some quest from the task objective tab. Heh roaming around and doing rogue killings really don't do much``

Jin left the ruins and his position and then tap the task objective tab in his upper right corner. After tapping that a Blue tab appeared.josei


{You need to eliminate 30 ghouls and 3 volcanic minions}

EXP: 4900 GOLD: 900

``So it really gave a mission to finish well then it will be nice to refund my gold and buy new armor for myself and to enjoy the luxury of being a player.`` Jin smirked ``they are not coordinated it will be hard for them to fight that orc, even if they are organized on their own terms it will only lead that to their deaths.``

Jin aimed his XDR-Rifle he was subtle and relaxed. Jin was thinking if he should help but he also having dilemmas in mind that if he fired his weapon and miss the shot it will mean to the other group that he is targeting them rather than helping them. But if he will not help those group of players on the ground it will be either cost their lives or there will be a sacrifice within their group. ``this type of scenario is heavy to bear with, a life and death scenario`` Jin continue to scope and observe the orcs.

``This world is not the world in the games when a player dies it will return to spawn point but here if a player dies it is a game over. It has been only a few weeks till the known Ultima change scenario and this is the real fight we humans will face.``

Jin turns around and slowly steps away from the ruins. But he then changes his mind and then rushes towards his old position and then whispered "Deep Breath" [Skill activated: Main focus on the enemy has been targeted. Cross-hair is now in a full firing mode and ready to fire] and Jin whispered again "Dual Burst"

[Triggering Skill usage chosen] {Registered Skill] [Firing Skill: Dual Burst] Jin put his finger at the trigger and slowly pressed it and then a beam of light fired from the barrel of the XDR-rifle.

*Pheww* the light has some electric shock so Jin was able to see some electricity running through the electric beam. The beam of light from below was soo bright it almost blinded the players from below but they got away in time. And when the Beam of light hits the orc.

The orc roars in pain. And it was followed by another beam of light which is the second punch of the skill and from that skill, the orc kneels in one leg and was breathing heavily. The shot burned almost the back of the Orc. "Alright, all of us attack!" shouted one of the swordsmen that were leading the fight against orc. The orc was stunned because of the skill and it was a huge help.

"Iron Slash!" the swordsman shouted as the sword aura change into orange and it slashed through the flesh of the orc. "Penetrating Arrow," as the archer whispered who was also supporting from behind. "Earth Spikes!" cast by the magician who was on the sidelines. And the last hit from the swordsman "Whirlwind of Destruction!" and from that skill, the orc dropped on the ground bleeding heavily.

Jin who was observing from his position was smiling he just did an incredible job in supporting strangers in their battles. Then a blue tab appeared in front of Jin.

[EXP:2900 Gold:500] {Level Up!]

``So another level as I get this level up, I get much stronger when will I soon get another skill from the Blood Bullet. I am waiting for another skill I am sure it will be a good one`` Jin slings his XDR-rifle and walks away from his position before the strangers find him.

``it's getting dark and my mission to kill 30 ghouls will be easy. I just need to find a secured high ground to avoid detection and to also avoid being swarmed by those ghouls.`` Jin tried to find a suitable spot for each building that he can breach was pretty empty some trash was being all around the flora of the forest is really taking over some parts of the old city.

Jin soon found a suitable place a rooftop that is covered and another open space where ghouls might roam around to find their prey. Jin slid the XDR-rifle barrel into one of the holes and with that, he was able to scope out and observe a few ghouls that were roaming around. Jin was thinking about which skill he will use for this kind of mission. Jin smirked and then scope one of the ghouls that were standing still. Jin puts his pointy finger on the trigger and then whispered. "Rapid Fire"

[Triggering Skill usage chosen] {Registered Skill] [Firing Skill: Rapid Fire]

Jin put his finger at the trigger and pulled the trigger and then multiple shots fired from the XDR-Rifle. Jin thought of using Rapid Fire in the weakest spots of a ghoul. At the neck, the joints, and lastly the location of the previous heart. Ghouls are sometimes classed as zombies according to the reports in the radios he heard at Safe Zone Delta.

And when the bullets pierce through those weakest spots of the ghoul the ghoul dropped on the ground and never stood up again. And it made it clear that Jin cleared it because a tab appeared in front of him.

[Mission objective Ghouls killed: 1/30]

``Old style in the playbook for old gamers camping waiting for the enemy to roam around and as a camper, you wait for the exact time when to fire to avoid giving out your position.``

Jin smirked as he remembers Tan Shan being pissed about him when they are playing a First player shooter and Jin always camps on high ground and always made head-shot out of a blinded Tan Shan. ``Damn if only I can prepare from this type of world end scenario… I should have able to save my mother``

the flashback of memories made Jin caught off guard by a group of ghouls sneakingly walking towards his direction and it's from the back door. Jin was still scoping on the perimeter he has set up, but he felt something change because the whole perimeter was quiet and there were no sounds of ghouls roaring or walking.

Jin quickly pulls the XDR-rifle from the whole. Jin turned around and check the sides. Jin whispered "Zero eye Blue bullet"

[Skill activated] and then Jin left eye turns into a cross-hair and the whole place turned into a 3-dimensional world where Jin was able to see a 360-degree view all around and from that Jin was able to notice a group of walking figures near the door that he was hiding.

``Holy sh- I damn this is why I hate memories and when it a flashback to me.`` Jin aims his XDR-rifle at the door and after he aimed the XDR-rifle at the door Jin's skill fades off as there are only 3-4 minutes that can be able to maximize its efficiency.

Jin grips his rifle and also changes his magazine so it will have a full load. The door slowly opened and soon enough the first to enter was a ghoul with a level 6 the ghoul is not a full evolved ghouls so Jin was able to take it down easily. As he clicked the trigger and multiple bullets fired along the barrel of the XDR-Rifle

*prfft* *Prfft*

The buzzing sound of the XDR-rifle made the other Ghouls charge inside and because of that Jin whispered "Ray Gun Burst"

After whispering that the XDR-rifle lights up [Triggering Skill usage chosen] {Registered Skill] [Firing Skill: Ray Gun Burst] A single red light beam shot that made the whole hallway burn to ashes as it was fired. The ghouls screamed and roared as they were engulfed in flames because of the skill that was sued against them. They were struck surprised by the skill and they stayed in that position until their bodies slowly being destroyed by the fire.

Jin stood up and then reload his magazine and then fired multiple shots at the standing ghouls that were still trying to rush towards him. The ghouls were all low levels so Jin was easily able to take them down.

After that, a blue tab appeared notifying him about the current objective that he was given. [Current ghouls killed 15/30] ``Dang I still need to kill 15 more ghouls``

After Jin closed the tab another tab appeared and it was a tab with [Level up! Level Up! Level up!] Jin gained 3 levels upon killing the ghouls. Jin was pretty much in sweat as his problem faces the exit from the location he was in. And the smoke was slowly filling up the room and the whole place is getting hotter and hotter. ``I really did a bad choice in picking that skill.``

Jin looked at the window that was behind him and opened it. He looked down and saw that below were all rocks and he doesn't have a skill that will able him to get unhurt once he jumped down. He looked back again at the slowly engulfing fire that was behind him. ``Oh come on!`` he sighed and then jump down.

Jin landed safely but his feet hurt upon landing on the ground. Jin let out a few coughs before sitting down leaning on a boulder.

``Oh damn that hurts`` "Open inventory" Jin whispered and the blue tab appeared in front of him. Jin taps the bandage and it materialized on his hand.

After that, he wrapped the bandage on his arm which was a bit wounded by some soft skin wound.. After wrapping the bandage on his arm he looked around and stood up, he slings his XDR-Rifle and an explosion erupted so he finds cover and puts his hand on his head.

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