All Time Marksman

Chapter 24 - Volcanic Minion Farming

Chapter 24 - Volcanic Minion Farming


Jin smiled as he raised his XDR-rifle and aimed at the 3 swordsmen. Vulture from above was also shocked even though she was not affected by the blind she saw it all. "What the heck! How can he-" She gripped her dagger she was stunned as she really did not expect such strategy and skill.

"Now do you guys still want to fight me?" Jin smirked as he wants to provoke all 4 of them that were standing and looking at him. "Er~" their eyes were furious as to what Jin did to their friend from the back.

"You will pay for this we will avenge them don't worry we will come back and kill you!" the swordsman leader said as they slowly back. Even though the archer was very hesitant if he will go back as to what his old friends have suffered.

Jin's bluff was already working for them that means it will be easy for Jin to get out of the place early. As soon as the group of the swordsman was out of sight Jin goes towards 10th Ave which is the place where most volcanic minions were spawning because there is a rift portal that has spawned there last month.

Jin gets information about this because of the market chat which sometimes gets a bit messy where some sellers say which place where their goods are being produced. But most of those places are higher levels so buyers don't usually waste their time if their lives were on the line.

But for Jin who is a bit a risk-taker and knows where the 10th Ave is he was able to get some bit of information out of the sellers that are chatting in the marketplace. Jin grips his XDR-rifle and raised it carefully he prepared if there are any monsters that may suddenly pop out in the open. Jin was slowly walking at the side of the road.

He doesn't want to get seen by some marksman that also hunts people for a living. And then sold their types of equipment in the market. The World that Jin knows is already gone. It has been changed and the ruling things in the New world that Jin is living on are the power and money that even the lowest is being used so that they can also kill their own lowest kind.

"Ultima Change" Jin whispered as he felt a sudden flashback he got from the last time the old world where people are living happily and there are no monsters to kill. Soon enough Jin saw a volcanic minion level 16 around 15 meters away from him, the same level as him. Jin raised his XDR-rifle and aimed. He then whispered "Deep breath" and the XDR-rifle emits a pink aura after that Jin spoke again "Blind aim" but the XDR-rifle did not change its imitating aura.

[Triggering Skill usage chosen] {Registered Skill] [Firing Skill: Dual Burst] the volcanic minion still doesn't detect Jin who was already aiming.

After that, he slowly put his finger on the trigger. And then he pressed the trigger and a materializing beam of light come out from the end of the barrel of the XDR-rifle. *Pheww* it hit directly on the arm of the Volcanic minion. The impact of the burst was not that effective that is why there is another fire.

Jin once again clicked the trigger of the XDR-rifle and fired another beam of light that beam of light follows an electricity-like beam which able to stun or damage a target. The damage of the beam from the volcanic minion's health was only 30% the following fire.

The volcanic minion was hit at the chest which is the thickest defense of the volcanic minion so the damage was only 10%. That is why the Volcanic minion has still an HP of 4500. "Dammit, this will be a big problem for me!" Jin reloads his magazine.

``I cannot use Ultima Burst Fire because it will add to the fire magic that is surrounding the volcanic minion. I can use the Ray Gun Burst to be able to destroy its feet so that it won't be able to walk and go rush towards me``

As he was reloading he saw that the volcanic minion is running towards him. Jin's heart was pounding as he felt the shake of every step the volcanic minion do. And then the volcanic minion attacked with lava flow, the Lava flowability of the Volcanic minion was flooding ability that overwhelms its enemy by using flood lava that also burns and explodes as it travels towards it designated target.

Jin runs as he tries to find a cover, "I need a good aim" Jin as he was about to reach a ruined building he turned around to kneel in one leg

[Triggering Skill usage chosen] {Registered Skill] [Firing Skill: Ray Gun Burst]

Jin without any hesitation he pressed the trigger and another fire of beam with the color blue fired towards the rushing volcanic minion. Jin aimed at the left feet so that they will be destroyed once hit by the Ray gun Burst skill. And Jin was not wrong as the beam of light that comes out from the barrel of the XDR-rifle hits the left feet of the volcanic minion it was utterly destroyed. It also exploded upon impact so it added to the damage that Jin has given.

But it was also him that was targeted by an incoming skill of the volcanic minion. The Fallen Gravel, the skill Fallen gravel are huge rocks that were being thrown by the volcanic minion upon impact to any ground it will explode. And from bad luck, Jin was not directly hit but it was near him. It was the explosion that made the damage to him.

Because of the explosion, Jin flies towards a wall in one of the ruined buildings. Upon his impact on the wall, he yelped in pain. He dropped to the ground and his XDR-rifle was thrown far from him because of the explosion. Jin's face became dirty and have some skin wound scratches. Jin yelped in pain and moans as he stood up from where he was.

After standing up he looked for his XDR-rifle which is not that far from him. He walked over to his rifle which is on the ground after picking it up he reloaded his magazine while aiming in the direction where the Volcanic minion is.

"I should have been more cautious" as the dust fog have been cleared out he saw that the volcanic minion is preparing another skill which is another Fallen Gravel but before it happened Jin pressed  the trigger [Triggering Skill usage chosen] {Registered Skill] [Firing Skill: Dual Burst]

The materializing force that is generated at the end of the barrel of the XDR-rifle fired once again aiming at the left hand of the volcanic minion and with that, the skill that was supposed to be cast upon him was canceled, And as it impacted on the left hand of the volcanic minion it also exploded the whole arm of the volcanic minion.

After the next materializing force is being generated Jin once again clicked the trigger and then it fired at the right hand of the volcanic minion and as the impact, it exploded crippling the whole arm of the volcanic minion. With two hands were now gone the volcanic minion is no longer able to cast any spells on him.

"Heh.." Jin looked at the rounds he has left inside the magazine. [Magazine rounds: 20/60] Jin looked walked outside as he saw the volcanic minion only health was now down to 300 HP and with that Jin was able to sigh of relief as for once he was almost in a near-death scenario and he was able to adapt quickly to save his life.

Jin walked over towards the volcanic minion core which has been exposed. Jin aimed at it as he looked at the ugly face of the volcanic minion. Jin smiled at the volcanic minion.

Meanwhile, the face of the volcanic minion was so furious. Jin then aimed [Triggering Skill usage chosen] {Registered Skill] [Firing Skill: Fire Burst] Jin clicked the trigger and then it fired multiple bullets directly at the core.

*Prfft* *Prfft* and with that the core exploded and huge white smoke covered the whole place while the body of the volcanic minion deteriorated as its magma flowing through its veins stopped and solidified.

After killing the volcanic minion a blue tab appeared in front of Jin [Level Up!]

[Loot: Magma Core, 300 Gold]

"JACKPOT!" Jin shouted as he saw that he was able to loot a magma core which is one of the rares materials that can be sold for a tone of Gold which is very exotic in the market. Most buyers of Magma core are magicians because of its fire affinity.

[Current Volcanic minion killed: 2/3]

"Wolf this is Vulture. The scavenger was able to defeat a volcanic minion and he also got a prize for killing it. There is no other intention of this scavenger's permission to leave the said scavenger over" Vulture sheathes her daggers as she talks to the radio.

"This is Wolf, permission granted I am also going to retreat the pack" Wolf raised his hand and signal a retreat.

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