All Time Marksman

Chapter 41 - Training Mission

Chapter 41 - Training Mission


"Alright, guys let's do this!" Fang Shirong exclaimed and whispered "Deceive" and in a blink of an eye Fang Shirong become 3 people. And with that, the plan mission begins. The original and clone 3 begin to move to the specified location that is over watching the location of the bandit camp.

"Alright let's begin to move into patrol, Our first patrol location is the town center that is north of our location." Jin looked at them while putting his XDR-rifle on his shoulder. "Alright, Sir" they replied and they start marching towards the location of the city center.

[Radio: T5 to T1 please respond over.] Fang Shirong knelt down and hide from the shadows while equipping himself with a binocular.

[Radio: This is T1 what is your status T5 over]

[Radio: the current status of the bandit camp is that the current people who are to be seen is 4 users and 4 players the other two in each are not yet to be seen over]

{Radio: Roger that, we are going to the city center please update if something change or there are sudden movements over and out}

``Mhm there is now marksman, and there is no archer. They do have daggers so there can be an assassin, staff with an orb mhmm… a healer, and then swordsman.`` Fang Shirong continued to overwatch the location of the bandit camp.

"We have reached the city center check the surroundings we don't know if there are enemies around." Jin scoped the windows if there are marksmen that waiting for them. And the others spread out from their current formation.

``I really don't want others to know I have an ability that can see through buildings and know the primary location of my enemies. But for now, I need to use it so that it can also increase its mastery.``

Jin sighed and raises his left hand to signal a halt. After that Jin signal to garrison a building next to them. "We are checking the city center as-" Jin was about to end his sentence when Qiao Jiao said his name. "What's the problem, Qiao Jiao?" Jin asked calmly as he walks towards her. While Qiao Jiao was peeking through a clean window. "There are 5, type 2 ghouls that are currently walking towards the city center park over there at the fountain. Should we engage?"

"That kind of group may just be bait." Jin replied but it was quickly rebutted by Qiao Jiao "But if we let those pests towards that fountain we can't check that we cleared the city center then. Do you have any plans Squad leader?" and Jin turns around and said, "I, do and I think you will be up for it."

And Qiao Jiao follows Jin and they enter the room in which the others are gathering.

"So our target is the group that is currently moving towards the fountain. In this case, we cannot move into the next patrol location because we are being hindered by such a pest. So as of now, we are going to let the bait be baited. I want Qiao Jiao to take those 5 monsters all by herself."

And Qiao Jiao was stunned by what she just heard from her Squad leader. "Isn't that a suicide?" Han Zian answered but Jin quickly replied with "that is where our plan will be the baits are to fight Qiao Jiao and if the other enemies show now we can attack the other enemies and help Qiao Jiao before something worse happens."

Jin looked at them with confidence. "Our first fight will be bloody but we can gain something about this mission so better adapt quickly guys if you have any suggestions that you think will fit in this kind of situation."

"What if we lure those group of 5 ghouls near us? Then we can kill them to our advantage?" Qi Meili repsonded to Jin stand. And then Jin responded with "Well that will be perfect but it can let our enemies know our specific location as of now.

It will be this would Qi Meili accompany Qiao Jiao in defeating those group of type 2 ghouls near the fountain as of now?" and Qi Meili nodded. "And our plan is executed then," Jin said as he slings his XDR-rifle to his front and heads towards one of the windows that have an overview of the location of the fountain.

{Radio: T1 in position}

{Radio: T2 in position}

{Radio: T3 and T4 are walking armed towards the fountain. T1 can you recognize us? Over}

{Radio: T1 to T3 and T4 clear as sky proceed to target. In addition, they bite the bait I will be killing any reinforcement that is currently charging towards your position}

{Radio: This is T3 we are ready to fight T1 we can engage now? Over?}

{Radio: Engage, Engage, Engage}

"Alright, let's break some of your bones!" Qiao Jiao shouted as she dashed forward and raising her sword as if she was going to swing it in a longer range. "AHHHH! Defiant SLASH!" she shouted and the sword turned orange.

"Penetrating Arrow!" Qi Meili shouted as he draws her arrow and let go quickly. The penetrating arrows were engulfed with an orange-type aura and it struck at the head of a Type 2 ghoul. The type 2 ghoul exploded its part that has been struck by its arrow. And because it was the head. It made a lot of mess and a foul smell.

Qiao Jiao slashed through the flesh of the type 2 ghoul and it was too deep that it already gushing out some green type of blood with a foul smell.

{Radio: This is T1 be advised that support fire will be coming from the back and also enemy is coming from the east of 3 o clock. Don't worry I got your back."

[Triggering Skill usage chosen] {Registered Skill] [Firing Skill: Dual Burst] Jin put his finger at the trigger and pressed it.

The compacted power that generated at the end of the barrel of the XDR-rifle was too powerful that when Jin clicked it the power recoiled back to him as if he was blown by a tornado air.

And its power was too impressive and the beam of light landed on the ground in which once impact it exploded. Killing the 3, more type 2 ghouls that are dashing towards the location in which Qiao Jiao and Qi Meili were fighting.


The sword and the sharp claws were being heard as it clashed. But because of the training Qiao Jiao's power is higher than the type 2 ghoul "Who do you think you are able to bear huh you little pest!" She shouted as her sword and the claws of the monster were able to keep up. But the monster has 1 fatal flaw. Every time it does critical hit damage.

The monster has it slight opening and it's the direction where he wants to put the sword so that it will be over sooner. Qiao Jiao's sword came bearing down onto the two hands of the type 2 ghoul. It was cut off like a slice of butter.

And because of that Qiao Jiao was able to kill 3 of the 5, type 2 ghouls, and Qi Meili killed 2 of the other type 2 ghouls. Followed by their victory the there was an announcement. [Congratulation 29th squire squad. You have completed the patrol of the city center.] it was flashed above them and Jin became full of those words.

{Radio: Alright T3 and T4 please proceed back to the garrisoned place we are going to market place next so be prepared to get a well rest then we are going to move. Over}

{Radio: this is T3 we heard the rest thing thank you, squad leader. Out}

And when they entered their garrisoned house which is near the fountain, upon entering the house their bodies collapse because of the stress and exhaustion for that fight. "We won that what matters as of the moment," Jin said as he looked at the two.

{Radio: this is T1 to T5 what is the current status of the enemies over?}

{Radio: This is T5 to T1 enemy movement are heading to the next destination of patrol. They are leaving with 3 users and 4 players. As of the moment the first one I said earlier and the last two users and single players. Is not on-site Over}

{Radio: This is T1 got that information clear. out}

After that Jin looked at the two ladies that were still resting and laying on the floor. ``What time is it?`` Jin looked at his watch and it was about time that they need to move out from the place. Jin walked towards the two and knelt.

"Okay you two, time to wake up" Jin tap the shoulder of the two girls who were resting. Both of them open their eyes and they suddenly stood up. "Hey guys, take it easy. It's fine we are just going to move now."

Jin said while Han Zian is healing both of them with holy blessings. After a few minutes, the healing from Han Zian finished and they starting traveling towards the next location the marketplace near the city center.

The marketplace that was pictured in the information logs and the on-site marketplace was very different. As Jin walks closer to the location the place is slowly changing. And that's where Jin started to doubt that there is something happening.

[Inside the control panel of the simulation]

"Sir, it looks like the progression of the 29th Squire Squad is well disciplined I think you are right putting that marksman in charge of a squad that is almost on the edge of getting put into the support unit." One of the officers on the station is controlling the changing of the simulation dome.

"Well, I just experimented that marksman I really not intend to put that man in the edge of a squad that is getting into the support unit that marksman is a great one I need that kind of person on the field at the front lines, not in the back where the support unit is.." The officer in charge said as he looked at the wide monitor screen while he put his hands at his back.

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