All Time Marksman

Chapter 44 - A Trick That Was Hidden Beneath The Sleeves

Chapter 44 - A Trick That Was Hidden Beneath The Sleeves

Jin looked at the blades as the assassin class appeared in front of him. But Jin grinned, "Blinding Bolt Blue Bullet" Jin whispered.

"What the heck a flashing light?!?" the Assassin player was caught off guard and was out of balance. Swinging his dagger in the wrong direction. After swinging his sword he also vomited blood and slowly his health deteriorated to 20% his damage was also reduced by 20%.

"Why can't I move…dammed this why... why!" he tried to raise his head but it was impossible. Jin walked towards him, and at the same time, the black smoke was already cleared. And Jin pulled the trigger and the XDR-rifle fired a normal bullet and it pierces through the assassin player's head. And after that, the assassin player turns into a pixellated and vanishes.

[Control panel]

"Sir did you see that?" one of the control officers asked the officer in charge. "I cannot say what I have seen to that event, continue the simulation." And the controlling officer replied. "Sir as of now they only need to defeat the last 3 enemies that are currently located at the bandit camp. And they will finish this training mission with flying colors sir."

The officer in charge just nodded about that and he was not expecting that Jin was able to increase the potentials of the other players that were under his command.

``I guess my other mission regarding the creation of the elite platoon has only proved his worth for the defense of humanity. I really want to see how he will work with the other Squads.``

"Continue simulation."

"It will be done sir" replied the controlling officer.

[On the ground]

Qi Meili draws two arrows at her quiver and aims them at the nearest lone spiked wolf. The arrow fired and it was so fast that the Lone Spike wolf was not able to leap to another side to dodge the incoming arrow.

And when it pierced through the flesh of the Lone spiked wolf the other lone spike wolf leap forward but Qi Meili was able to draw another 2 arrows and whispered "Penetrating arrow!" and the arrow was engulfed by an orange aura and soon it Peirce directly to the abdomen of the.

"That was a nice shot!" Qiao Jiao said but it was not finished after that the other Lone spiked wolf charged forward and but it was too slow because of the piercing arrows that were at its belly. But the wolf initiates a skill. And as it initiates a skill, its spike grew a bit large and its fangs also became sharper. "What is that monster?" Qi Meili asked and Qio Jiao replied with "It is a type 2 lone spiked wold an evolved one. Dammit, my body still hurts."

After that, the lone spiked wolf charged forward and when it was near Qi Meilie's position it leaps forward and tried to bite her but Qi Meili is saved by a beam of light which was like a force power that came from a rifle.

And when she turned around he saw Jin kneeling and just fired the XDR-rifle and She turned her head towards the location where Han Zian and Qiao Jiao and also at that time the other Lone spiked wolf were about to claw and bite the two but they too were saved by Jin who just fired another beam of light and it killed the two Lone spiked wolves. They all looked back and once again they saw their squad leader rescuing them in a near-death situation.

They were all gasping for air because they are all tired and exhausted. Soon enough they entered a shop that was an abandoned one which is like a simulation type of house that is only the outside is designed and when entered inside its all plain walls.

"We are going to rest here for now I will contact the clone Fang Shirong to secure the patrol site" Jin exclaimed as he sat down on the floor.

[Radio: T1 to overwatch do you copy]

[Radio: this is overwatch sir]

[Radio: Overwatch I want you to go to the patrol site and secure it and so we can claim it. Be aware that there are a lot of monsters always be careful. T1 over]

[Radio: Copy that T1 I am going towards the marketplace patrol location. Over]

Jin slowly closed his eyes as Fang Shirong clone said those words. Clone 2 stood up and jumps on the other balcony and onto the other until he reached a no balcony house so he destroyed the window and enters the room.

He heads towards the hallway where he saw the exit door. He kicked it to be opened freely. The clone used ghost terror to increase its speed to lower the detection rate from monsters that are roaming. But because it is only a clone its effects are decreased by 60%. The clone reached the patrol site and it looks very clear.

[Radio: this is overwatch, the patrol site is clear no enemies on site. Over]

[Radio: this is T1 we are now moving towards that location. Out]

Jin stands up from where he was sitting and looks at the others, "We need to move now the place said it was already secured we can move into our position. Let's move"

The others stood up but they were slow because they really are tired because of the long battles and the battered fight. "You know guys there are still 3 enemies we need to eliminate to finish this battle so we really need to move so that we all going to have a rest."

"Yes, Sir!" they replied confidently and they began traveling towards the location to the marketplace patrol location. And soon they saw that the clone is waving at them and they also waved so the clone rushed towards to their location to regroup.

"How was your reconnaissance over this place," Jin asked when the clone drops from the roof to the ground. "Well sir it all clear there are few monsters that are roaming but like the simulation, it will be a neutral position unless they will see us or we will get their attention into us. That will be a problem but if we don't care about them they will not care what we will do here"

Jin nodded and then heads towards the position where they need to secure the marketplace center. And after a few minutes, there was an announcement.

[Congratulations you have succeeded at capturing the 2nd patrol location please proceed to the 3rd patrol location.]

"We still need to accomplish the last one then we will proceed to that bandit camp and finish this damn simulation training,"

Jin exclaimed as he slings his XDR-rifle at his shoulder. All of them began moving towards the next location. ``We are going into an open field that is located at the north and that will be the last patrol location that is controlled by the enemy once that is captured we fully attack the enemy camp.``

[radio: this is T1 to T5 status report regarding the movements of our enemies. Over]

[Radio: this is T5 reporting enemy movements were still ordinary they still did not know that their friends have been cleaned they are still staying at their base there are no movements. The two leaders are still hiding and I still cannot see them so be advised I am blinded by those two enemy officers. Over]

[Radio: Copy that T5 please keep watching the enemy movements tell me if something changes I really need to know we are heading to the last patrol site so I really need those eyes of yours to keep a good intelligence. T1 out]

[Control panel]

``great placement of squad members, created an intelligence force that can watch the enemy movements. Secure 2 out of 3 site patrol locations to be able to defeat 7 enemies and other monsters. Marksman Ru Jin who are you and where did you came from I am really interested in who you are and how did you hone your skills. With that skill of his, he can reach an absolute highest ranking in the N.D.A.M``

the officer in charge looked at the huge screen in front of him watching Ru Jin and his squad moves into the 3rd site patrol location.

[On the ground]

"Qiao Jiao is at front Han Zian be at the middle Qi Meili at the right flank Fang Shirong you are at the Left flank I will be at the further back to have a full eye view of our formation," Jin ordered and everybody soon followed and in less than 10 sec their formation changed.

"Be advised this is a plain location so there are no trees. I want full eyes on every location you are placing. If you have concerns voice them out. Am I clear?"

Jin said as he slings his XDR-rifle back to the front where he can raise it quickly. He already reloaded its magazine earlier so his magazine is down to 8 magazines.

``I need to conserve my magazine or else this will be a worrisome mission and I don't think I can enter the market… will am I able I think I am able to enter the market place via blue tab…``

Jin thoughts as his magazine count are decreasing. "Buying bullets" he whispered and then grips the handle of the XDR-rifle. "Open Market" and a blue tab appeared and it was the players market tab that appeared in front of him.

``I guess I can buy bullets from here`` Jin grinned and then scrolls down to check some new bullets that were being sold at the market.

``There are demon bullets, fire resistance bullets, poison bullets… there are so many bullets. What should buy… I need a high critical damage bullet…`` and Jin saw a bullet called Isolation XD-2josei

``Oh what is this bullet critical damage its 40% increase and 70-80 Hp damage per bullet``

[isolation Bullet type XD-2]

[Damage output (Per Bullet): 70-80 Hp]

[Critical Damage output: 40%]

[Weight per storage: 42 grams]

[Attribute debuff effect: Decrease speed by 15%]

[Attribute Buff: Damage increase once stable position]

``As of the moment, this is a good deal if I am not always in the front line and always at the back and support fire is my role. This bullet will so effective that they won't be worrying about enemies that will be backstabbing them``

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