All Time Marksman

Chapter 56 - The Entrance

Chapter 56 - The Entrance

One by one they entered the warehouse that was across the station. The door was left closed and each one of the Squad leaders was lining up. The first one to enter as the Squad leader of the 20th Squire Squad, Jin looked at her as if she was like a perfect statue.

``I cannot believe someone as pretty as she will be part of a Squire Squad. Amazing, such amazing beauty she really attractive to my eyes`` Jin thoughts as he looked at her but only a glance type of way to avoid getting caught if she turned her face towards the location where jIn was seating. 

After the 20th Squire squad leader, the 13th followed the 13th Squire Squad leader was a bit well-built man with a matured face. His beard was well trimmed but it can be seen that he is trimming it because of the amount of hair on his face.

Then it was followed by another Squire Squad leader of the 8th. The squire squad leader that is a magician because of the gloves that she wearing most attack magician wear gloves. Her hair was short and her eyes were green like an emerald type of eyes. 

And then Jin was the last one to enter the warehouse. As he was walking towards the door, he looked side to side at first to check if there is something weird or there will be a sudden reaction from his surrounding.

He looked up at the building warehouse and he also looked down on the ground to double-check. He turned around and looked at the officer at a simple glance and looked back at the door. And as he turned around he saw the eyes of the officer looking at him. The officer was thinking if Jin will actually enter or not.

And Jin was about to hold the doorknob but he rather not hold it as if he stopped on twisting the doorknob that was in front of him. And then he turns around once again and walked towards the officer in the green uniform.

"You are not an officer right," Jin asked the officer in a green uniform. And the Officer looked at him in the eyes and said "How can you say that I am not an officer, candidate?" the officer asked Jin, Jin replied calmly.

"Because officers in don't wear green uniforms. Green uniforms are worn by inspectors of the training facilities. Officers tend to wear Blue, White, and Grey uniforms. And never had worn a Green uniform before. And to add to that the way you speak to us, It was very calm command most officers in the doctrine never have a good way of speaking to us. And the way you said things it was meant to warn us. and not order us, that made me think you are not an officer of the doctrine command" 

The officer in a green uniform. Looks at his paper board and wrote something, And then he looked at Jin and said

"You have keen eyes, young man. I doubt it will not be pleasant. But you can enter the warehouse it is time for you to be interviewed by the panel. And tell me next time how did you notice that I am not an officer but rather an inspector."

The officer looked at Jin's eyes as he was telling those words. After that, the officer in green uniform walks away from the station.

Jin walked towards the door and opened the doorknob. After opening the doorknob, the whole place dark there was no light that was shining inside. But as he goes in and closed the door there was a sudden spotlight and on the spotlight, there was a chair.

And then a table behind was 5 silhouettes with human figures. The first person to talk said, "Specialist Sit on the chair." Jin walked towards the chair and when he reached the chair. He saluted and said "Sir/ Ma'am permission to Sit?" 

Then there was a woman voice a gentle voice and said "Permission granted." After that Jin seated on the chair. He looked at the silhouettes that were in front of him. His hands were on his lap his sweat was dripping from his neck. He felt nervous and anxious about what questions will they give to me. 

And the first one to talk was a man's voice. The voice was rough and deep, it was like a voice of a man that is in his mid-30s the intonation was a bit-perfect but it has an accent of a different language. "The first question for you is how will you be able to make a decision under pressure."  After that, the silhouettes were eyeing him.

Jin's face was normal he was not smirking nor grinning there was no facial expression it was a normal face. His lips were closed and his eyes were straight ahead. After the question was given Jin was given 30 seconds to think. And as time goes off, Jin opened his mouth and said

"Every decision making is hard, but it also teaches the person to remain calm in certain situations. And if that pressure is on the field then it is better for me to think out of the box. And if the pressure is in a place like this it is preferable to think outside of the box. Because most questions are intellect checker for the person being interviewed."

After that, some of the panel nodded their heads as a sign that some of them might agree with his conclusion but some were not and did not even move their heads. "Then the next question will be, your squad is in danger but there are only a few trucks that are able to pick you guys up. What will you do?"

Jin answered the question quickly, "trucks are meant for more people if the group of people is down to 5 there is no need for a truck. There are days of travel and time of travel being counted. The 5 of us are trained to walk and to run for almost 1 year of our training. So simply using our feet to travel will not be a problem, that is why I am glad that we are trained to run, walk and jog. Because in that way we increase our endurance and healthy lifestyle it also increases our experience to be put to a certain situation like that the low number of trucks."

[control panel]

"His answers were different compared to the squad leader earlier. There is no emphasizing real leadership on this person why is he picked among the others" The officer in charge said as he listened and watched the monitor in front of him.

"Well, sir each squad leader had their own strategies in answering that kind of questions. He was just lucky to have those questions, to be honest. If he was asked the questions from earlier, I am sure he will be really be broken, and no longer be able to think like a real squad leader. Most questions are in a form of a dilemma. And if he was asked from the earlier questions I am sure he will be kicked from this course immediately. I am sure that the panelist will not pick him as a good candidate when we debrief them. Am I right Sir?" one of the control officers said as he was looking at the screen. 

"I am sure he will be accepted, his brain and way of thinking were different I am sure many officers at that panel were shocked by his answers. Now that he was able to answer those questions then I think he will be suited for the Name Squad you know." The officer in charge stated as he sat on his chair.

[On the ground]

"For our next and last question. What is the most undertrained class in the Player Corp." And Jin quickly answered that question in a quick and calm way of answering "Range Damage Dealer examples are Archers and Marksman this is due to the soft gear that they have and most likely that there are only a few people that have the ability to fully utilize those classes. This is what I see because as for myself a user of marksman class it is better to be precise with your aim so it will not bother you if you went off sight. or in the other words go solo"

"You are done for this interview. please proceed to the left room." The spotlight suddenly vanished and the light aimed at the door. Jin opened the door and all of the squad leaders were there. Having their socialize worlds and their way of drinking, "I wish my squad was here"

Jin sighed as he thought of that. Then the 20th Squire squad Squad leader walked towards Jin and said. "You are the Ru Jin right the marksman from the 29th Squire Squad?"

the girl in front of Jin was very much different from the girls that he has seen in his room and the previous squad that he has been. Jin stuttered at first as he said "Y-es" And then Jin looked back and he saw some of the Squire Squad leaders were having a group chat. 

"I see so you are the Squad leader that has been a talk lately by some officers in the control room because of your leading qualities. And I believe you are also assigned three times before landing on a good one like the 29th. Oh and I forgot to introduce myself I am  Sun Xue and I am the Squire Squad leader of the 20th" 

Jin looked at her and quickly offers a handshake "Well what a nice meeting with you Sun Xue of the 20th Squire Squad, Well my name is Ru Jin of the 29th Squire Squad. And your class from what I can say you are an Assassin if I am correct. It is because of your physique it really suits you well as an Assassin." Jin stated as he let go of her hand after giving it a handshake.

And after what Jin said Sun Xue was stunned that Jin was able to tell what class she is. "That was fast how did you learn to read such patterns Mr. Ru Jin?"  josei

Jin smirked and looked at her, "I have a friend from the outside of the walls. They are from a letter Squad and there is also the same physique just like you and she is very swift and agile. That is why I can tell from that." Jin lied that the person he pointing to is non-other than Vulture the lead assassin of the rebel cell that is in their city.

"Whoa, that is an amazing understanding I really hope that we could join together if there are some kind of events you know partnering." Sun Xue was really excited to meet Jin more as she felt that Jin was a genius guy that can be reliable and be able to help her in times of need. 

Jin replied with a nod and said "Well, Sure if there are the chances of picking someone that will be nice if it's going to be you." Jin thought of those words sounds a bit cheesy to be said. But he still said it to Sun Xue and as she heard that her cheeks began to turn red and her face turns to get a bit hot. Sun Xue then excused herself and head towards the bathroom. 

"I did not know that the 29th squire Squad leader will be you?" a familiar voice called out from behind him.

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