All Time Marksman

Chapter 64 - It Will Be A New Face

Chapter 64 - It Will Be A New Face

``So she is the Deputy commanding officer, a player that uses the skill of an Archer. This will be another exciting episode of the training we will have``

The fat officer in charge of the control panel walked towards the mic and stood there for a moment before speaking with his authoritative voice. He looked at each of the candidates especially the ones who are at the front.

"Attention, The Deputy Commanding officer has been assigned by the commanding officer to oversee the training of this batch of Squad leaders due. To some increase of expectations from the commanding officer. Now the Deputy Commanding officer will speak. On behalf of the commanding officer. All of you stand and salute the Deputy commanding officer."

The fat officer in charge of the control panel steps backward and back to his old position beside Tan Shan. After that, all of the candidates stood up and all of them simultaneously saluted the Deputy Commanding officer as she walked towards the mic.

After that, the soft voice echoed "All of you at-ease and be seated" Her voice was so calm that the other boy squad leaders were like looking at a star. They sat and focus their lustful eyes on her face. But when the Deputy officer looks at them they felt the intense pressure of death and pain. 

"Now, that I am in charge of the training for each of the future Squad leaders I would like to ask in this batch who is your top 1. If you know the answer stand up" 

And one of the Squad leaders stood up and said "I am the top 1 Deputy Leader" His confident voice lift his nervousness up. It was Zou Yong the magician that passed out when the battle of the Dome with the volcanic minion. The Deputy commanding officer grinned and looked at Zou Yong.

"I am not even playing with this batch and you dare to play with me" She whispered but because she was close to the mic all of the people inside the room heard what she said. And then she looked at the Zou Yong who was standing in front looking at the Deputy commanding officer 

"I am asking the real top 1 not the overconfident one." The Deputy commanding officer said as he looked at Zou Yong, After the Deputy commanding officer said that comment all of the candidates that were behind Zou Yong laughed. Meanwhile, Jin who was at the back was hiding from the eyes of the Deputy leader so he was putting his head down to avoid being noticed.

``those eyes I don't like. This is too much pressure being onto me is not even good for myself or for the whole batch. These people don't know what being humble means. And what the essence of teamwork among Squad leaders`` Jin was looking down while thinking all of those in his mind. 

"I guess in this room there is no top 1." And then Sun Xue stood up her confident sigh made her strong responding to the Deputy commanding officer. "Out top 1 will be Ru Jin, he is a marksman class that handles the last fight in the dome with the Volcanic minion."

After what she said the Deputy commanding officer grinned and then replied to what Sun Xue said "Please candidate, where is your top 1" Sun Xue stood up once again and turns around pointing his finger towards the location of Jin at the back while his head is on the table. 

"So you are the top 1 that is hiding behind all of these candidates. Am I right so you are not the top 1 because you are a coward?" The Deputy commanding officer was trying to provoke Jin as she was trying to test him on what he will say to her.

Jin stood up from where he was and looked at the Deputy commanding officer. And with a confident tone of voice, he said "I am weak and I am a coward and I am not the top 1 of this batch." After saying that all of the candidates and a few officers at the front were shocked by what he said. 

``What is he saying, how could he say that in front of the Deputy commanding officer. Does he think this is only a playground?`` the fat officer in charge clutch his fist as he looked at Jin. ``I'll remember that rat face and he will face the most gruesome simulation I have in my dome.`` even his teeth were gritting.

``What an amazing opening Jin I think you really made her think that you are the top 1 because of what you have said.`` Tan Shan crossed his arms and sighed.

``This guy is cocky, I hate him, who does he think he is, Saying those kinds of words in front of me how disrespectful. So he really thinks that kind of answer would suffice. Admitting to what I said is he provoking my authority?``

the Deputy commanding officer sigh and then looked at Jin and replied.

"Why are you admitting that you are a coward?" a gentle calm tone of voice coming from the Deputy commanding officer.

"Ma'am we are still in the training phase and for such explanation, there are many things that I have done wrong and one of those is that I feel that I left my fellow squad leaders to fall from their despair at that time. And it is because of my formation and tips that they are hit by the casting abilities of the volcanic minion." Jin looked at the Deputy commanding officer.josei

"Well then if that is your conclusion I should accept it cowardly. From today onward you will be called by coward by all other Squad leaders and you will not be the top 1 as you don't show your skills yet. And I don't think and I don't believe that you are able to defeat that volcanic minion with only pistols on your hand as a weapon."

The Deputy Commanding officer turns around and leaves the room.

And all of the Squad leaders looked at Jin who was at the back and then one of the Squad leaders. Zou Yong said "You little coward you think because of what you said we are going to align ourselves to you. You look pathetic in front of the  Deputy commanding officer!"

He shouted and screamed in anger. As he really wanted the top 1 position, and be one of the respected name squads. 

``I really felt that I never belonged in this kind of place. In the first place, I should have never even excel but I want to save this placeā€¦ this city, I still need to find my grandparents. And my father, I want to see them`` Jin looked down as a tear dropped on the table. 

"Now, that the drama is done" Tan Shan walked towards the mic "We are here to train and not to cause drama so candidate Zou Yon you are kicked from the candidate course and surrender the weapon that has been given to you. By the scientific division." 

Tan Shan looked at Zou Yon who was stunned he did not know that his remark will make him kicked from the course. "Please Sir I beg of you I am a good Squad leader Please!" Zou Yong begged and tried to approach Tan Shan.

But Tan Shan looked at him with cold-blooded eyes and said. "Surrender all of the things you have gotten from this course and your squad will be put to the support unit." Zou Yong turns around and looked at Jin who was looking at his table. His furious facial expression was the main reason why he was to be kicked. 

"Now that drama has been cleaned in this room. There will be 2 more training mission that will be given to you, and those training mission will let you meet your Squad members that have been training for 3 months with the physical training combat instructor.

Now the first training mission will be given to you is a Boss fight. And this Boss fight will not be a normal boss fight that you guys have encountered in the past. This boss fight will be a mission that will send you outside of the walls." Tan Shan looked at each of them and he also felt that they are scared and confused.

  "This is because all of your need to understand that life and death on the battlefield. And with the knowledge of brothers and sisters in the front lines will be the reason for your living on the battlefield. What Boss will you guys will fight There are 19 bosses that have spawned near the front lines. These bosses range from type 2 Lone Spiked Wolf, Volcanic Minion, Silver Rhino, and Earth Shaker Golem."

As Tan Shan was saying those names holograms popping up left and right, pictures of the monsters, and maps and locations. "The given time for all of these monsters to be killed and eliminated will make your dream squad be better. Failure means death at this training mission, But this training mission is not the only training mission that you will have, there will be another training mission. And that is a patrol training," 

Tan Shan once again applies pressure inside the room.

"There have been multiple dropzones that were placed all around the front lines and these dropzones are vital logistics lines and without this, we cannot fight head-on with the monsters in the frontlines. It makes it harder for me and for the rest of the N.D.A.M forces. Now for the mission is to secure and patrol the vital logistics. that is the simple way we can summarize this mission objective.. But  due to the lack, of military forces, the patrol needed to be secured in 2 days."

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