Almighty Summoner System

Chapter 101 - Mario's Problem!

Chapter 101 - Mario's Problem!

"Heh! Stop dreaming, Ban. As if the eggs of Scale Snakes are that easy to obtain!" Mario scoffed at Ban's wishful thinking. 

Kuys frowned at Mario's behavior and with a slight wave of his hands, Mario's head was immediately hit with his swift fist. 


"Just be quiet, unlike you, Ban-kiddo was already an Adventurer." Kuys said with a smile as he rubbed his fist with a clean handkerchief. 

"Anyways, Ban-kiddo, the Scale Snakes could only be found at the West side of the city. Their habitat is located on the Beast-Field place, Shwamp!" He added. 

"Of course, just like what Mario had said, the eggs of the Scale Snake are really not easy to obtain. The Scale Snakes are Beast with the strength of F-Apprentice Rank, and they always protect their eggs. What more, one or more Scale Snakes might share the same nest so you need to expect that in every nest, there will be one or more Scale Snakes protecting their eggs." 

"Ban-kiddo, for now, I won't allow you to go there as it is dangerous, but when you and your Monster got promoted to F-Apprentice Rank as well, it should be alright as long as you don't go deeper." Kuys said. 

"See? In the end, I'm still right. What did you even hit me for?" Mario said as he rubbed his head that was hit by Kuys fist earlier. 

"Anyways, help me with my problem, will you,  Ban?" Mario hurriedly said to change the topic the moment he saw Kuys raising his fist again. 

When Ban and Eva were eating earlier, Mario had already recounted what happened and what was his problem. 

It turns out that some of the bread he bought from the other city was missing. At first, he suspected that it was a human who was stealing them but he later figured out that it was not the case. 

It actually started a few days ago, even before the Beast Tide issue came up. After a few days, he finally came in contact with the theft. And of course, he was surprised that it wasn't human but instead, a Beast. A rat kind of Beast to be precise. 

Mario said that the rat was the size of a normal dog or even bigger, and that it dragged one sack of bread from his storage room as if it was nothing. 

And now, his problem now was that he wanted to eliminate it as early as possible so that all of the profit of his business won't go to the rat's plate instead. And hence, he decided to ask Kuys to eliminate it. 

However, Kuys said that it was not worth his time. But after saying that, he recommended Ban, which led to their current situation. 

"Alright, Boss Mario, but I don't exactly know what kind of Beast we are dealing with," Ban said worriedly. 

He no longer wanted to act impulsive and instead wanted to investigate first before going into action. He could no longer repeat the same mistake twice as he thought that it might cost him his life if he still acted the same as before. 

Even Kuys nodded his head in approval of his actions. 

"Do worry about it, Ban. He already gave the description earlier and I know that Beast. It's called Two-Tailed Rat and their strength only goes as far as X-Mortal Rank. However, in order to completely eliminate them, you need to search for their nest and kill all of the rats, or else they would just keep on coming back." Kuys said after seeing Ban's worry. 

Hearing that, Ban nodded his head as if he understood what he said. But in truth, he actually accessed the System and let it search the information of the Two-Tailed Rat in the Book of Techniques. And after saying the name, the System instantly found the information and without wasting any time, it immediately injected all of the Two-Tailed Rat's information directly into his brain.

Ban acted as if nothing had happened but deep inside, he was actually smiling the moment he confirmed the truth. 

"When will we go, Boss Mario?" Ban asked with confidence. 

"We can go now if you don't have something to do! But I must tell you in advance that I won't be fighting, I'll only lead you there and I'll immediately retreat far away lest I get caught up from your fight. Unlike you, I'm not a Battle Type Summoner so…" 

"Don't worry Boss Mario, me and Summon, Eva will handle them," Ban assured Mario. 

"Alright, thank you, Ban. As for your rewards... is 10 Gold Coins enough?" Boss Mario said while he turned his head towards Kuys. 

"Cheap, I heard you bought a weapon right? Giving it to him as part of the rewards, I recalled that Ban-kiddo here still doesn't have any weapon for him to use and defend himself while fighting."  josei

"Ahh- that sword? Alright, I'll just buy another one!" Boss Mario said as he recalled the sword he bought yesterday. He initially wanted to use it to protect himself lest he got robbed again, but now that he needed to give it to Ban, he figured that he should just buy another one. 

"Good!" Kuys nodded his head as he finally said, "You two, be careful! Anything can happen during a fight so you should not lower your guard even though the Beast you are dealing with is only at X-Mortal Rank at best." 

"Alright, grandpa Kuys, noted!

"Yeah, yeah I will. Not that I'll fight anyway. How about it Ban, are you satisfied with the rewards?" 

"Yes, Boss Mario, and just like what grandpa Kuys said, I really don't have any weapon so the one that you'll give will really help me a lot." Ban answered truthfully. 

Although he preferred if it was Baton, he thought that wielding different weapons than 'Leon' would also help them act like they are not related. 

"Let's go!" Boss Mario said as he stood up from the chair to lead the way to his storage room. 

Ban also got up and Eva immediately crawled almost instantly towards his shoulder without waiting for Ban's order. 

And after just a few minutes, they already arrived at Boss Mario's storage room. 

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