Almighty Summoner System

Chapter 144 - Massage

Chapter 144 - Massage

"How about you ride this Rogue Red Termite, Belle?" Ban suggested. 

Although the Red Rogue Termite was not that big for a person to ride it, he thought that it should be possible if it was Belle. After all, her size was small compared to a normal person to begin with. 

Belle was startled at Leon's proposal. Although she has experienced riding a Monster before, it was a big Monster, instead of a small one like the Rogue Red Termite that Leon was showing. 

"A-alright!" Nevertheless, Belle decided to agree. It was Leon's request after all. And besides, she knew that she would only drag him down if she kept on getting tired after running for a few minutes. 

"Then it's settled… Anyways, don't you want to treat your Red Falcon first?" Ban asked. 

"I want to, but unfortunately, I did not bring any medication with me, and I also don't know how. We have a Monster Doctor at my home so I'm planning to go straight there after we finish our matters in the Adventurers Guild." Belle said with a sigh. 

A Monster Doctor is a doctor that specializes in treating a Monster's injuries or sickness. They are one of the respected individuals and professions in the city as without them, severe injuries and some severe illnesses would not be cured, making more people return to being a Summoner without Summon. 

Her father has a personal Monster Doctor for being the Guard Commander. She plans on letting the Monster Doctor take a look at her Red Falcon when she returns home.  josei

"I see… Do you perhaps still possess some other spices aside from the ones we already used earlier?" Ban thought for a moment and said.

He already told the System about it and it immediately presented to him the right solution for the wounded Red Falcon. 

In fact, not only for the Red Falcon, but he could actually apply this knowledge to some of the Monsters and Beasts that he would meet in the future.

"Spices? Yeah I have some, but, what are you gonna use it for?" Belle asked curiously. Shouldn't they be hurrying home, why is he trying to search for spices? Does he want to eat first?

Nevertheless, Belle did not wait for his reply as she hurriedly took another small Storage Pouch that contained all of the spices she brought. 

Ban inspected the Storage Pouch and after seeing one item on the list, his eyes underneath the Ant Mask immediately lit up. 

"This will do… hand over your Red Falcon for a moment," Ban said.

Belle was confused about his intentions but she nevertheless handed her Red Falcon to him. 

After Ban received the Red Falcon, he immediately examined its wound, and after a minute of exploring, he came to know that it's only wound or injury was its broken wing. He nodded his head and immediately got to work. 

He placed the Red Falcon over his thigh before spreading its broken wing. He then plucked some of its feathers and noticed that the broken part was actually bleeding a little. Ban immediately used a clean cloth to wipe the blood and after making sure that the wounded area was already clean, he no longer wasted any time as he crushed the spice he took from Belle's Storage Pouch earlier. 

He grounded that spice with both of his hands until its juices started to seep out. He took the extract of that spice and spread it over his hands. He then uses it as a lube as he starts massaging the broken wing of the Red Falcon. 

The Red Falcon's eyes bulge due to pain from Ban's massage. It wanted to escape from his clutch but unfortunately, Ban had already pinned it down on his thigh, making it unable to escape. It shrieked and even looked over to Belle, as if asking for help. 

Belle nervously looked at the situation and she no longer knew what to do anymore. On one hand she wanted to stop Leon and on the other, she was also afraid of interrupting what he was doing. 


"Oh, don't worry Belle, this is part of the process. I need to fix the broken bones in their previous places before bandaging it..."

"Don't worry, it only hurts this much because it's the first time, later, it would not even feel that it has a broken wing…" Ban assured her.

Belle could only nod her head softly. She wanted to trust Leon this time again. 

After a few moments, Ban nodded his head as he finished wrapping the Red Falcon's wing with a bandage. He already fixed its broken bones into places after that massage and with the spice extract to smooth things up, the Red Falcon's wound and broken wing should return to normal again after a week at most. 

"Done... " Ban said as he handed the Red Falcon over to Belle. 

The Red Falcon fainted again but compared to before, Belle could see that its expression was no longer tense, almost like it was no longer experiencing any sort of pain.

Belle could not believe what she just saw. She could not imagine how Leon did it. Only a massage and he already managed to somehow ease the pain her Red Falcon was experiencing? 

'Not only is he strong, reliable and knowledgeable, it seems that he is also a Monster Doctor, and a strong one at that…'

"T-thank you, Leon. I-I don't know how I can repay this to you… Can you wait until we return to the city? I'll ask my father to compensate you for what you've done," she said. 

"No, don't mention it. Let's get going!" Ban shrugged his shoulders as he beckoned for the Rogue Red Termite to come over.

"No… I mean, that won't do. My father has a personal Monster Doctor and I know how costly a single treatment is. I don't have any good items in my possession right now so I request that you wait until we return to the city.. My father has a lot of good and strong items, lots and lots of them…" Belle insisted while thinking about her father's collections of treasures and items. 

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