Almighty Summoner System

Chapter 152 - Failed

Chapter 152 - Failed


"I meant the Perfect Harmony state you experienced just now…" 

Ban was surprised but he did not panic. He was not aware that they have actually activated the Perfect Harmony state without knowing it while eating. 

He tilted his head again and asked, "W-what is that?" 

Kuys stared at him for a second as if he was seeing a caveman. 

"Well it's something that every Summoner wishes to attain just even once. It will come at any given time and when it does, the Summoner and the Summon will enter a state of perfect sync, boosting their strength in battle and boosting their speed during cultivation…" 

Kuys proceeded to explain everything he knew about the Perfect Harmony state. On how rare it was and how it appears and disappears like bubbles. 

He said that the Perfect Harmony state usually only appears when one was cultivating or fighting, and either of them, the Summoner and the Summon will gain a major advantage over the others. 

He also said that it was his first time seeing someone gain the Perfect Harmony state while eating. Kuys even wondered if his cooking had already really reached that level. 

He said that when one was in a Perfect Harmony state, they should not be disturbed as it can only last for a few seconds or minutes at most before disappearing. And disturbing them during this time will shorten that time even more. 

Only the one who was experiencing the Perfect Harmony state will be able to change what they were doing. 

After a few minutes, Kuys finally finished lecturing Ban about the Perfect Harmony state. 

He felt pity towards Ban, 'If only he knew what it signifies, he might be able to use it to his advantage,' Kuys thought while shaking his head in disappointment. 

Ban just nodded his head enthusiastically as if he really knew nothing about the Perfect Harmony state. However, compared to what Kuys mentioned, the information that the System provided was definitely miles ahead than what Kuys just lectured. 

Anyways, he did not inform Kuys that he already knew of it as Kuys knew that he was isolated from other humans and Summoners before he arrived here. 

And even if in the scenario that he managed to learn it from the chatters of the Adventures, and he ends up informing Kuys about it, he should still need to listen to him carefully as what Kuys said should be deeper than the Adventurers chatters. 

"Speaking of major advantages compared to others, did you use your advantage well, Ban-kiddo?" Kuys whispered in a mosquito voice. 

"Advantage? Oh you mean the Bea- Monster Tattoo? How do I use it to my advantage?" Ban asked ignorantly.

Kuys shook his head upon hearing his uncertain answer, "Sigh, I knew it…"

"You do know that your Monster's stamina will recover while they are inside your Monster Tattoo right?" 


"Then it also means one thing… they will feel energetic and if you let them cultivate during this time, the effects will be doubled compared to cultivating normally..." Kuys explained. 

"Anyways, it's a pity that I don't have a Book of Techniques to assist your Monster ascend to the next rank faster but I do have a Core Manual that can greatly boost your Cultivation speed…" 

"It's alright, grandpa Kuys, I think Eva will be able to ascend tomorrow. I already got the feeling that she's already reaching the ceiling of her current rank…" Ban rejected Kuys offer right away. 

"Already? But well… as expected of a Monster Tattoo holder," Kuys said. 

Normally, a Summoner with average talent that works hard cultivating their Monster will be able to reach the F-Apprentice Rank in one month. Those who have no talent at all would even be stuck for years and even until they die of old age. 

And the higher the Rank, the longer will it take for them to reach the next Rank. Of course, everything changes when a Summoner has a Core Manual, Book of Techniques and the Gold Coins to buy the necessary materials used for cultivating their Monster. 

Even the most mediocre Summoner will be able to ascend to the next rank if they got the support or the backing of a powerful family. 

Anyways, Kuys explained it all to Ban. He said that although Ban's speed was fast compared to a normal Monster Tattoo holder like him, he said that there was nothing strange about it as it only means that Ban was more talented than the others. 

Considering that, Kuys even wanted to pamper and support Ban so that he would grow stronger more quickly. Although he could not provide him with Cultivation resources just like what the rich families. He knew that it would at least be enough to match the speed of their most talented heir being pampered by their precious resources. 

However, he thought that Ban might not want it so he just refrained from offering it to him. After all, he does not want to see Ban being pressured to become stronger just because of him. He wanted Ban to enjoy his life as an Adventurer and not be pressured by it.

"It looks like you will really be able to participate in the Beast Tide…" Kuys shook his head in disappointment. 

Ban nodded his head, "When will the Beast Tide occur?" 

"Well… based on the current situation, it should only start after two weeks." 

"I see… then I have plenty of time to become stronger… Don't worry about it too much, grandpa Kuys." Ban said with a smile. 

"Pfft- I'm just worried that Emilia might not have a good partner in the future, -hahaha!" Kuys burst into a laugh as he flicked Ban's forehead lightly. 

Eva glared angrily at Kuys, she was worried about Ban and also recalled the flick that made him faint before. Maybe because Kuys just fed her or maybe because of Ban's warning, she did not try to attack him yet. 

Ban immediately noticed her actions so he immediately patted her head, telling her that it was alright. It was only then that Eva relaxed. 

Kuys saw what happened but he did not mind it. It was normal behavior for a Monster to try and protect their Summoner. 

"Ban-kiddo, you can rest early for tonight. You two looked so tired even until now. Just take this time to relax a little and don't push yourself too hard, alright?" 

Ban smiled and just nodded his head in agreement. He really was feeling tired. He also planned on telling Kuys earlier that he would rest early, he just doesn't know how to start the conversation regarding it. 

"Thank you, grandpa Kuys…" 

"Welcome… and oh, if you're wondering, yes, Emilia and Marie had already woken up," Kuys said with a huge smile hanging on his bearded face.

"O-okay…" Ban answered.

"Of course, you still won't be able to meet them as they're still currently resting inside Emilia's room, -hahaha!" Kuys said, as if he already knew that Ban would want to meet them.

"I won't!" Ban replied and picked Eva up. He then turned around after saying goodbye to Kuys. 

He ascended the stairs and could not help but turn his head to take a look at Emilia's room. However, seeing that it was closed, he continued walking towards his room in the attic. 

Ban did not waste any time when he arrived inside the room. He immediately took the Beast Core and let Eva hold it. He wanted her to start cultivating immediately as he really got the feeling that she would rank up tonight. 

Eva followed his instruction and did not waste any more time lazing around. She immediately started the method and in no time, she began absorbing the essence of the Beast Core. 

Ban also did not laze around as he used this opportunity to read the books he just rented. Although he was tired, he also could not abandon the Mission regarding Eva's feelings. And besides, the reward was something that he really needs right now. 

He continued reading where he stopped yesterday. Compared to before, his reading and comprehension was actually faster. And if he didn't feel tired, he should be able to read and understand them much faster. 

After he was done reading that book, Ban immediately moved to the next one. This one was thinner and only had few contents so he finished it earlier than expected. 

He then moved to the next book and after exactly two hours later, Ban finally decided to call it a day for his reading session. It's now time to help Eva with her cultivation. 

Ban went in front of her and immediately sat in a lotus position. He then closed his eyes as he started concentrating. The Perfect Harmony state was immediately activated and Eva's absorption speed immediately became faster than earlier. 

With that, Ban's fatigue also slowly recovered as he also benefited from what Eva was experiencing due to the Perfect Harmony state. 

A few hours passed in the blink of an eye without Ban realizing it. He was relaxed as he maintained the Perfect Harmony state that should not be possible to be maintained in the first place. 

While helping Eva cultivate, Ban had this feeling that he had forgotten something important. He wanted to recall what it was but no matter what he did, he just could not recall it. However, he did feel that it was just at the tip of his tongue and only a little more and he would now be able to remember it. 

Unfortunately, he was already too late. 

At the exact moment that the next day started, a System screen suddenly flashed in front of him. 

[Daily Mission Failed! 

Please be patient as the System prepares the necessary punishment, A Big Surprise! 


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