Almighty Summoner System

Chapter 165 - Black Market

Chapter 165 - Black Market

Ban could only nod after hearing her question. He really did not expect that there was a place like this just behind that door earlier. 

"I see, I recalled you're just new to the city." 

"Anyways, we're currently at the Black Market of Eagle City. Even though it was called Black Market, it really doesn't mean all that is sold here are illegal things."

"Yes there are a lot of people selling 'illegal' things here but it was not the main trend. The Black Market's items usually consist of rare things, stolen goods, rare informations, and even services such as prostitution, killings and etc." 

"You can say that this here is the dark side of the Adventurers Market." 

"But anyways, there's also rules here, such as, no fighting, and no raising of voice. If you want to fight or you are hired to kill someone, then you should not do it here. No one knew who set those rules but those who entered here would automatically follow them." 

Joana explained everything to him regarding the Black Market while they were walking. 

'So, that's why almost everyone was hiding their face, it seems that they bought some services and they don't want other people knowing their identity,' Ban thought in realization. 

"We're here!" Joana suddenly said while looking at an ordinary-looking house. 

Joana knocked for a few times in different intervals before the door opened automatically. 

Joana entered and Ban followed behind her closely. 

They walked on a hallway and a while later, they arrived at an open and noisy room with lots of people sitting around.  josei

There were a lot of tables with multiple men and women donning masks to hide their faces. 

They all looked in one direction and not even one of them looked at them when they arrived as they focused their gazes on the dozens of women that were dancing seductively on the platform. 

Ban gulped a mouthful of saliva seeing those scenes, the women dancing in the stage were now almost naked with only some thin piece of clothes covering their most private parts. 

Eva closed her eyes as she somehow felt disgusted by those women. 

"Follow me!" Joana said after seeing Leon's face also focusing on those dancing women. 

She reached her hand and held Leon's hand as she pulled him away from those seductive scenes. 

Ban was taken aback by her action but he chose not to mind it for now. Fortunately, Eva's eyes were closed so Joana has somehow evaded being slapped by her again.

A while later, they arrived at another door again, it was red in color and there was a clear sign of 'do not enter' in front of it. 

Nevertheless, Joana still stood in front of it and knocked repeatedly in different intervals like earlier as if it was a code to open the door. 

However, the door did not open fully this time. A small gap was revealed and Ban could see that there was an eye of a person behind that door. 

The 'eye' observed them carefully and said, "What do you want?" 

"Birth control!" She answered naturally as if it was not her first time. 

"Alright, come in!" The eye nodded as if it confirmed something. 

However, behind Joana, Ban was actually feeling confused about the situation. 

'Birth control what? Aren't we here to buy information? Why are both of you talking about birth control now?' 

Joana saw that Leon's head swayed a little after hearing that, she produced a light smile as she somehow guessed what he was thinking at the moment. 

"I'll explain it you a while later, Mr. Leon! Just follow behind me for now." Joana said. 

"Alright…" Ban agreed but he could not help putting up his guard towards Joana. Who knows what she's secretly plotting. 

The door opened and Joana immediately went inside. Her hand was still holding Ban's hand but she decided to let it go with a slight blush on her face. 

After they walked for another couple of minutes, when Ban thought that they would once again arrive in front of a door, they actually arrived in an open and ancient-looking courtyard. 

At the center of the courtyard stood a hunched-back middle-aged man fondling the back of his Monster Dog. 

"Long time no see, Mr. Nian!" Joana said while bowing her head towards his direction. 

Mr. Nian turned around and smiled, "Long time indeed, Joana!" 

"The last time I saw you was about five years ago. What brings you here this time?" Mr. Nian said with a smile as he stroked his Monster Dog's fur proudly. 

"It's not me Mr. Nian, but my friend here, Leon! He wants information about something that could not be found in the Adventurers Market!" 

Mr. Nian observed Ban and tried accessing his strength using a Skill. However, he was shocked a while later as no matter what he did, he could not just see through his strength. 

Of course, Ban realized that Mr. Nian was probing his strength, however, he was not worried as he was wearing the Cloak and the Mask. 

Even though he was not sure, he just got this feeling that Mr. Nian was also just a D-Master Rank. 

"Good day Mr. Nian, my name is Leon. Do you know Mr. Nian, it's considered rude probing someone with that kind of gaze." Ban said with the strange voice produced by the Ant Mask. 

Mr. Nian was taken aback upon hearing his voice. However, he was able to calm down a while later as a huge smile blossomed on his face. 

"Haha, how rude of me, Mr. Leon! Please forgive me for my actions." Mr. Nian said as he sat down on the ground with a table in front of him. 

"Anyways, I knew a lot of informations, may it an open one or a huge secret, as long as you got the Gold Coins to pay, then you will get the information regardless of what it is, even informations from a hundred years ago is available for purchase, of course, the price aren't that cheap.

However, there is an exemption.

I always offered this to every customer, including the girl beside you. 

I will answer any of your questions or provide any information of your choice if you manage to beat me in this game called chess."

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