Almighty Summoner System

Chapter 174 - Date

Chapter 174 - Date

Ban assisted Auntie Wang to get up. 

"What are you doing Auntie Wang? You know I'm not that kind of person right?" 

Ban was a frequent visitor of this place. He heard from them how ruthless the Summoners are. 

At first, he did not believe it as the Summoners or Adventurers who were constantly dining in Kuys Bar are nothing like that. They might seem arrogant but as a mortal working in that place, he did not receive such oppression from them. 

Of course, he later found out that it was all true. He saw it first hand, those Summoners maltreating the Mortals in the Mortal Market. It was then he realized that the reason he was not maltreated in the Kuys Bar was all due to Kuys himself. 

He realized how they respected Kuys deeply.

Of course, Ban also knew that not all of the summoners and adventurers are like that. 

Based on what he observed so far, most of the time, those who acted that way towards the mortal's are those summoners who came from what they called as the four great families of Eagle City. 

The family of the City Lord was one of them, the family of the Guard Commander was one of them, and the family of the Guild Leader was one of them. Most of the time, those oppressors came from these three families. 

There was still the last family but Ban hadn't seen any one of them ever since he entered the city. It was rumored that they had all disappeared five years ago, however, up until now, their vast connections and influence were still present around the city, although most of the time, they are censored, which Ban truly hates. 

He also realized that most of the time, the members of the four families did not even bother to become an adventurer. They always do as they pleased as they try to make their summons stronger. 

Anyways, after learning the truth behind the four families, he promised the vendors in the mortal market that he would not be like them if he was given a chance to become a summoner. 

Auntie Wang slowly got up, there was still fear in her eyes as she stared at Ban. It was very different from the previous gaze she gave to Ban before which was full of care. 

Ban hurriedly explained to them that although he had already become a summoner, he was not something that they should be afraid of as he was still the same Ban who searched for part-time jobs almost every day. 

After a few minutes of convincing, the people on the Mortal Market finally believed that Ban was still Ban and he was not possessed by the arrogant summoners yet. 

Some time later, Ban and Emilia finished shopping for the items that Kuys had listed. 

The things they shop for are mostly mortal items and kitchen ingredients. Some spices, mortal meats and other ingredients that could be used in the Kuys Bar.

This place was not the only Mortal Market in the city. The situation here was actually better than the other Mortal Markets of the city. 

It was all due to Kuys influence that the Adventurers and Summoners who came here sometimes behave themselves. Ban really wondered how strong Kuys really was when he was still at his prime, the time when he was still out there adventuring. 

They put all of the things inside Ban's Storage Pouch as they strode towards the exit of the mortal market. 

After buying all of the item's in the list, there were still 13 Gold Coins left from the Gold Coins that Kuys provided to them. josei

Kuys said that they can use these Gold Coins all they want so Ban naturally would not shy away from it. It was not the first time that he has done this anyway. 

"Where do you want to go next?" Ban asked Emilia who had been silent throughout their journey to the Mortal Market. 

Emilia pushed her unkempt hair to her ears first before she answered softly and with a cold voice, "Up to you."

Hearing her voice again, Ban could not help but observe her once more. 

Different from her sister who has blonde hair, Emilia has pale gray hair that was up to her shoulder. Her pretty face was always oozing out a lazy, disinterested and cold feeling. Almost like she was detached from the world or that she was the only existence on it. 

However, when she smiles, even just a little, Ban would always be captivated by it. 

She has a sexy figure and moderate size chest that would definitely make a man into a wolf in an instant. 

Thinking back to the time when Ban saved her from the bathroom, he could not help but gulp a mouthful of saliva as a certain snake slowly awoke under his pants. 

As if sensing his gaze, Emilia turned her head towards him. 

Ban hurriedly avoided her gaze as he said, "Let's go to the chocolate store then…" 

Chocolate has been one of the many foods that Ban listed as his favorites upon arriving in the city. He was not able to taste such delicacy when he was still living with his gramps so the first time he tasted them was really unlike any other. 

Just as Ban was about to walk forward to go towards the chocolate store, he suddenly heard Emilia's cold voice again.

"How about ice cream?" 


Ban shook his head and agreed. 

'As expected,' he thought. 

He had once read about this thing from one of the books he read. 

The book has the title of, 'Fundamentals of Dating a Beautiful Girl!' 

After getting rejected multiple times, the author of the book decided to compile his experience and let the others learn from it. 

From one of the contents of the book, at chapter 40 verse 29, the author stated that, 

"When you asked the girl where she wanted to go and she answered 'Up to you!', suggest another place immediately and act as if you are about to go there. Believe me, a second later, the girl will immediately state the place they really wanted to go this time. Agree to it immediately!'

What the author said has really happened. Ban recalled some of the content of the book and decided to apply some of them on this 'date' with Emilia. 

Some time later, they could be seen walking side by side eating vanilla flavored ice cream along with their Summons. 

They haven't talked for more than two sentences ever since earlier when Ban asked her what flavor she wanted. 

Most of the time, Ban will ask some questions as according to the fundamentals of dating a beautiful girl book, he should be the one to strike a conversation with the girl to not make the date a boring one. 

However, most of the time, Emilia would only nod or shake her head, making their conversation extremely short. 

At this point, Ban was suddenly at a loss on what to do. 

It was still very early to go back and he was sure that the whole purpose of this trip was really not the items but for them to have a date. He knew that it was Kuys purpose. 

"Thank you!" 

Ban suddenly turned his head towards his side upon hearing that voice. He was surprised as he did not expect Emilia to talk first again.

"Uhm, you should thank grandpa Kuys, it's his Gold Coins, not mine," Ban answered truthfully. 

"No, I mean, thank you for saving my life back then. If you did not take me out from the bathroom, I would surely drown or either get suffocated by the steam produced by the hot water," Emilia said with a light tone as she pushed back an unkempt hair towards her ear. 

"What? Why do you look so surprised?" Emilia suddenly turned her head towards Ban, only to see the latter staring at her with wide eyes. 

"I was just surprised that you can actually say that many words in one sentence," Ban said.

Most of the time, Emilia would only respond with a nod and or a few words before getting quiet again. It was the same no matter who she interacted with, except for Kuys and her sister of course. 

Emilia smiled as she pushed the hair on her ears even more even though it was already in place. 

"And you're welcome, I only did the right thing!" 

"I'm just shy towards others, that's all." Emilia hurriedly said.

"Then how come you're not shy anymore?" 

"I don't know…" 

"Come to think of it, I just realized that it's actually our first conversation even though I was already here for more than two years," Ban suddenly said as he gazed at the now orange sky.

"Yeah, you're always out searching for part-time jobs." 

"Ehh? You knew?" 

"Of course, you're always in grandpa Kuys mouth!" 

"Same as you!" 

The two of them stared at each other before they suddenly laughed after realizing that both of them were really loved by Kuys. 

It was the start of their long conversation. A matter that surprised even Ban as he did not expect the cold Emilia to be actually this talkative. 

It was also his first time talking this long to others except his gramps and grandpa Kuys.

As they walked, Ban kept on buying food for the two of them and their summons to eat as they walked. 

After an hour of non-stop talking and eating, the sky has already started to get dark. 

The Gold Coins that Kuys provided now only has 8 left. As it was already getting late, Ban said that they should go home already. 

Emilia agreed. 

Just as they were about to rent a carriage to bring them home, they suddenly saw four guys approaching them with unfriendly gazes. 

'As I thought, just like what the 'fundamentals of dating a beautiful girl' book says,' Ban thought with a sigh.

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