Alpha Nocturne"s Contracted Mate

Alpha Nocturne’s Contracted Mate By A E Randell Chapter 135

Alpha Nocturne’s Contracted Mate By A E Randell Chapter 135

Alpha Nocturne’s Contracted Mate By A E Randell Chapter 135

Alpha Nocturne’s Contracted Mate by A E Randell

Chapter 135 His True Fated Mate

The silence that permeated the room after the elders left to make their decision was

only interrupted by the dejected sniffling of Ada’s huddled figure from where she

cowered in her prison.

Lexi’s knee jiggled incessantly up and down, a clear indicator of the irritation and

anger that she still felt regarding Narcissa’s comment about her mother, as well as the

occasional violent flashing of her eyes, that beautiful yet deadly luminescent red that

signified her appet*ite for violence.

Title of the document

Allen glanced at her warily before turning to Adam who remained focused on Ann’s

face as she stared at the spot where the two women were held before her with an

unreadable expression.

“Father, I want you to ask Ada something,” Ann called out suddenly and he turned to

face her with a blank expression.

He opened his mouth to reply but Ann hastily made her request.

“I want you to ask her if she is truly carrying Brad’s baby… he at least deserves to

know that,” Ann said, with a slight tremor in her voice.

It was glaringly obvious that none of what had happened was either Brad’s or her

father’s fault entirely, but she still couldn’t forgive either one of them. She would

accept it and do her best to move on, but forgiveness was simply beyond her reach.

However, Brad’s wolf had been given no opportunity to live the life that he had been

fated to live, and she felt sorry for him. His wolf deserved to know if he was going to

be a father or not to his own pup.

Leopold looked at her for a long time before finally nodding curtly and turning to Ada

with a single eyebrow raised.

“Ada… I don’t want to have to use the command on you as well, for the sake of your

child…” he began, but she sighed and looked up at him with a tired expression before

cutting him off.

“I heard,” Ada answered quietly. “Yes… this is Brad’s child. I hadn’t intended to fall

pregnant at all… it was just supposed to be to ruin Ann’s life.” she finished quietly as

Lexi snorted in response and shook her head.

Narcissa slammed the side of her cage angrily with her fists, making Ada flinch.

“All you did was ruin the plans that I had worked so hard to build on, for all these

years.” Narcissa hissed. “Selfish, immature little b*“h. You’re no daughter of mine.”

Leopold turned to face Narcissa briefly and looked at her curiously.

“Where exactly did Ada’s actions ruin your plans, Narcissa?”

Narcissa glowered furiously at him before she answered.

“Ann was supposed to marry Brad, the weakest of the two Alpha’s that rivaled you in

strength, but Ada and her childish little vendettas ruined that! I had planned for Ada to

marry Alpha Nocturne which would have secured an alliance with the two strongest

packs through blood ties, but instead, all she did was push him together with his true

fated mate.” Narcissa spat furiously.

Adam tensed beside Ann at the mention of his name, and his face darkened suddenly.

Things were slowly starting to click in his mind and he had a sneaking suspicion that

he knew exactly where this was going.

“But how would you force him to marry Ada…marriage to anyone other than your

fated mate is… rare at best…” Leopold trailed off, struggling to connect the dots in his

own head.

Narcissa answered him with a smile and a light giggle.

“Because after my minions murdered his family, I made sure to weave a curse so

strong, that it would stop the early bloomer from ever being able to shift again and in

so doing, would prevent him from finding his true mate. The only way that my curse

would ever be broken was if he did indeed meet his fated mate and fell in love with

her the “human” way.” Narcissa said smugly, clearly proud of her work.

“I had to allow for the possibility that if Ada did turn out to be his fated mate by some

happy twist of fate, that she would be able to capitalize on the mate bond itself once

she was married to him and had gained enough time to work her seductive magic on

him.” Narcissa continued to explain before she was suddenly interrupted.

A furious roar exploded from next to Ann and before she knew what was happening,

Adam had flown to the balcony wall in front of them, gripping the edges so hard with

his fingers that his knuckles had turned white. It was clear that his wolf was as

enraged as Adam felt, but he fought desperately to deny the transformation.

As much as Ann would love to see Narcissa torn to shreds, she didn’t particularly want

to see Adam forcefully restrained by the gargantuan golems who were suddenly

looking at him with more interest than she was comfortable with.

“Aww, is the little puppy sad that I k*il*led his parents?” Narcissa mocked in a childish

voice before laughing viciously.

“Why?” Adam forced out through gritted teeth as she raised her eyebrow sardonically.

“Why? My dear boy… why should I not?” she said as she smirked over at where he

shook violently.

“I’ve always liked a challenge and your grandparents had a reputation for being

impervious to dark magic, a trait that your mother and father didn’t seem to share

unfortunately… their screams were delightful though. I’ve never quite been able to

recreate the same sound that left your mother’s lips… or the t*ortur*ed screams of

your father as I forced him to watch.”

The sound of the wood splintering under Adam’s fingers drove Ann to action and she

quickly moved beside him, wrapping her arms tightly around him and trying to think of

something, anything that might comfort him…but there was nothing that could cover

the horror of her words.

Narcissa grinned widely at his torment.

“Do you want to know the best part though?” She said as she fought to catch her

breath because she was laughing so hard, “You were there too!” Narcissa said as she

roared with laughter.

“You cried like the little baby you were as I drew such wonderful sounds from between

their lips and in the end, as they clung to life, I made you be the one to slit their

throats… and they both died believing that I intended to do the very same to their only

son next and they were powerless to stop it.”

With her final words, she collapsed on the floor with laughter, holding her sides tightly,

but that was the final straw for Adam.

He shifted in a matter of seconds as he vaulted over the boundary and flew forward,

fully intent on murdering the vile woman in the cage that had ruined his life.

Adam had never spoken to anyone of the nightmares that had plagued him as a child,

and when he had once asked Allen’s father, if he had k*il*led his own parents, Allen’s

father had shaken his head sadly and sighed before he had replied.

“No… you didn’t k*il*l them, my dear boy. Something else did.”

Now, hearing Narcissa’s confession, he finally understood the deeper implication of

those words and the truth of his nightmares.


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