Alpha Nocturne"s Contracted Mate

Alpha Nocturne’s Contracted Mate By A E Randell Chapter 176

Alpha Nocturne’s Contracted Mate By A E Randell Chapter 176

Alpha Nocturne’s Contracted Mate By A E Randell Chapter 176

Alpha Nocturne’s Contracted Mate by A E Randell

Chapter 176 Rogues

After the exertions of the morning, both Ann and Adam had napped briefly before

making their way to the dining hall and grabbing some lunch, before heading down to

Bartholomew’s office for a meeting that had been scheduled, only to find Lexi already


Ann marveled at the way that Lexi had seemingly grown fond of this particular Elder

and was happy to let her guard down around him. The fact that she was reclined so

comfortably in an unfamiliar place and clutching a drink in her hand so casually made

Ann incredibly happy.

There were very few places where Lexi was truly accepted for who she was, and after

initially being concerned that she would encounter a lot of difficulties here as well, she

was pleased to have been proven wrong. “Oh, wonderful! I’m pleased you came! I’ve

been boring Lexi with tales of my past exploits for longer than she has cared to

imagine I’m sure!” Bartholomew chuckled as he stood to greet them.

“He’s a filthy liar! “Lexi interjected casually with a wave of her hand, “I’m not bored at

all. In fact, I could probably spend the rest of my days listening to tales of his

adventurous youth.”

“Ah, you humor an old man, my dear. I’m sure your father has far more interesting

tales to tell from his youth, after all, what could possibly compare to a Daemon Lord’s

exploits.” He chuckled, mildly embarrassed by her open praise.

Lexi snorted.

“Yeah, if he could actually remember half of what he did, I’m sure it would be

fascinating. I suppose it’s one of the downfalls of living an obscenely long life.”

“I’m just pleased to see you happy, Lexi.” Ann grinned as she sat down opposite her.

“It would have been a different story entirely if you had seen me a few hours ago,”

Lexi muttered as she sipped her coffee slowly.

“Really? What happened? Are you okay?” Ann asked, suddenly concerned.

“I’m sure you’ll hear about it eventually. It’s no big deal though. Well, not right now

anyway. I’ll chat to you about it when we get some girly time, okay?” She replied with

a half smile and a look full of meaning.

Instantly, Ann understood that her problem was more than likely involving a man,

romantically would be her best guess, and as much as she wanted to know right now,

there was other business to attend to. “Bartholomew, you wanted to discuss

something with us? About an envoy was it?” Ann asked leaning back leisurely and

taking hold of Adam’s hand.

“Yes. Actually, it’s an Alpha from a neighboring Kingdom. His father is a high-ranking

noble over there, and the territory that he is responsible for borders our kingdom.

There have been a lot of issues in regards to rogue attacks along

some of the smaller settlements that dot either side of the border.” Bartholomew

explained carefully. “Rogue attacks? But we haven’t had issues with rogues for years.”

Ann exclaimed in surprise. “Not since we moved to begin integrating the independents

in the major cities”

“That is true, my Queen, however, there are some breakaway factions that refuse to

sit quietly and live under the rule of what they see as just another pack.” Bartholomew


“So they are actively refusing to live comfortably, in safety?” Adam asked a little

incredulously. Bartholomew chuckled.

“You must remember that for us, it is comfortable in this kingdom. We thrive on order

and rules and laws and expectations, but that is not true for all beings. Some wish to

be truly free to live as they please…” “Murdering, pillaging, and taking what they see

as theirs?” Adam snorted as the jaw in his muscle began clenching tightly.

“The way of the ancient wolves, yes. Where the strongest survive and the weak are a

burden. It is not an easy life by any means, and one must question why they choose it

so freely…”

“Bullshit. You don’t have to question a thing.” Lexi interjected, “Just round them up and

chuck them in for sentencing. Surely it’s safer that way?”

“Ah, but then who will try them for their crimes, hmm? Our kingdom for the crimes they

committed here, or our neighbor’s kingdom for the crimes they committed there?”

Lexi looked at him incredulously. “Are you for real? Can’t one of you just try them first

and then send them to the other kingdom to face trial there?”

“And would that be before or after sentencing? And who goes first? What about the

current extradition treaties? As rogues they are technically stateless, so how should

we proceed with that knowledge? You know…” “Doesn’t matter!” Lexi said loudly, “I

suddenly decided that I don’t give a shit.”

Ann laughed despite herself and Lexi glanced across at her with a withering look. “I

don’t know why you do it to yourself, Ann. f‘****g politics and politicians and

diplomacy,” she said as she shuddered “I don’t know why you can’t just round them up

and kill them, or at least imprison them, senseless attacks would stop, there’s scum

off the streets and everyone’s happy.”

‘I agree with Lexi’s ‘smash everything until they do what we want’, policy.” Maeve

smirked. ‘Maeve we can’t! How does that make us any better than them?!’ Ann

answered in exasperation as Maeve yawned loudly while she explained.

‘Fine. They want to live like primal wolves, then let the males face the Alpha’s Justice,

and the females can face the Luna’s justice.’ Maeve shrugged nonchalantly. ‘That

way, you’re only giving them what they want.’

Ann shuddered involuntarily.

‘Maeve, there is a reason that was outlawed.’ Ann admonished quietly.

‘Yeah, there’s also a reason that the independents integrated into a stable society, but

if these rogue wannabes want to live by the old rules I think we should let them.’

Maeve snorted.

“Everything okay, Ann?” Bartholomew asked as her face gradually sank into an

expression of apprehension. “Yeah, I’m fine, Bartholomew, thank you for asking

though.” Ann smiled apologetically, “I was just explaining to Maeve why her solution of

the Alpha’s justice wasn’t appropriate.”

“What’s that?” Lexi frowned.

Ann sighed heavily and glanced sideways at Adam before continuing. “It’s essentially

a public execution.” “Oh. Well, if murdering is in their Modus Operandi, then ya know,

an eye for an eye and all that.” Lexi nodded approvingly, “I like your style Maeve.” Ann


“Funnily enough Maeve also said she approved of your idea. She called it your

‘smash everything until they do what we want’, policy.”

“Dear Goddess, if those two were ever politicians together imagine the havoc…”

Adam muttered under his breath in disgusted awe as he glanced across at


“I think both Maeve and I would like to call it organized chaos and compliance…” Lexi



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