Alpha Nocturne"s Contracted Mate

Alpha Nocturne’s Contracted Mate By A E Randell Chapter 188

Alpha Nocturne’s Contracted Mate By A E Randell Chapter 188

Alpha Nocturne’s Contracted Mate By A E Randell Chapter 188

Alpha Nocturne’s Contracted Mate by A E Randell

Chapter 188 Not an Omega Anymore

The morning seemed to roll around quicker than she had anticipated, and Ann didn’t

feel like she had slept at all. She must have fallen asleep at some point in the early

hours though, listening to the rhythmic soft snoring of Adam as his chest rose and fell

predictably under her hand.

When she opened her eyes Adam was nowhere to be seen and Coral was in the

process of laying out breakfast on the table by the window.

Ann stretched reluctantly and sat up in bed, blinking the sleep from her eyes and

before he could open her mouth to ask anything, Coral spoke.

“Good morning your highness.” She said softly with a little bow, “The Queens Consort

said to tell you that he’s gone to call Allen, and not to forget that Eva will be here

shortly. He thought it prudent to have breakfast in your chambers so as to save a little


Ann opened her mouth to object and then closed it again, as a smile played at the

edges of her mouth. “It makes sense. Thank you, Coral. Give me a few moments to

shower and dress and then I’ll come and eat with you.”

Coral’s eyes were wide in horror and Ann chuckled.

“Coral, you are not an Omega anymore, you’ll be my personal assistant very soon.

Besides, even if you were an Omega, there is nothing wrong with me eating with you

at the same table. You and I are no different, other than the status of our birth, and of

our wolves.”

Coral’s eyes flickered with doubt as she watched Ann collect her clothes and

disappear into the bathroom. The whole situation seemed almost too good to be true.

A lowly Omega since birth, and a weak one with no particular talents at that, she had

always been on the receiving end of whatever s**t the rest of the staff chose to throw

at her. She had taken it on the chin and simply accepted it as her lot in life, but now,

all of that seemed to be changing.

Even when she had been forced to entertain Linus, she bore the pain with a dignity

that she felt sure her parents would have been proud of. An Omega’s job was to be

seen and not heard, to attend to the higher-ranking wolves’ needs, whatever they may


She had always been grateful that she hadn’t been selected as a breeding partner

because she felt that living like that was possibly a fate worse than death for her.

Condemned to never have the chance to meet your fated… it was beyond cruel.

Not that many tales of the Omega’s who met their mates ever ended well, especially if

they were mated above their stations. More often than not, they were little more than

concubines to the masters above them that had claimed them as their own. They

might be a mate in name, but they most definitely were not in status. It was sheer luck

that had placed her as Ann’s personal maid, and she questioned the decision every

day. There had been uproar in the Omega’s quarters when her name was suddenly

announced for the position. Yet now, here she was. On the precipice of a terrifying

increase in her status. She dreaded to think how the Elders would react when they

found out…apart from Bartholomew of course. He had always been kind to her… to

all of them.

The sound of the bathroom door opening pulled her from her thoughts suddenly and

she shifted awkwardly on the spot, not knowing where to place herself.

Should she sit? Should she let Ann choose her place first? Should she be serving her

or offering help? “Please, sit down Coral. Your anxiousness is making me nervous as

well.” Ann chuckled as she moved past her and took a seat at the table in front of the

delicious spread that Coral had so painstakingly laid out in front of her. Coral took a

seat opposite her and swallowed nervously, unsure of how to act.

Ann sighed lightly and passed her a plate with a smile. “You’ll have to get used to this

Coral, I usually took my breakfasts in the office with Eva so that we could discuss any

issues that might have arisen and go over the schedule for the day. Relax. We don’t

bite.” Coral forced a smile and bobbed her head as she took the plate carefully and

placed a few items on it, nibbling carefully at the edges of them.

A knock at the door rang through the room and Coral jumped despite herself, but Ann

didn’t even bat an eye. “Who is it?”

“Eva is here to see you, your highness.” the guard’s voice sounded from outside the

door. “Okay, let her in,” Ann called out as she shoved a few slices of prosciutto ham

onto a thick slice of buttered bread and topped it with some soft cheese.

Ann shoved a huge wadge of bread into her mouth at the exact moment that Eva

entered and grinned at her with her cheeks puffed out as she chewed.

“Nice to see that the title of Alpha Queen hasn’t changed your appalling table

manners.” Eva laughed as she made her way over and plonked herself down heavily

on the chair next to them before running her eyes over Coral appraisingly, “This is

Coral, I assume?”

Coral nodded shyly as she forced herself to look at Eva directly.

“Nice to meet you sugar, I’m Eva. I’ll be your all-inclusive guide to the ins and outs of

keeping the boss here on track for things that she would forget about in a heartbeat if

it wasn’t for us support staff.” She beamed widely as Coral tried not to show her

confusion at the familiar way that they had of speaking with each other.

“I’m Coral. I’m looking forward to the experience.” She answered nervously as Ann

chuckled lightly. “Excellent. I hate to be the one to rush you both, but can I get you to

sign these quickly Ann? It’s the sign-offs on purchase orders for the remaining

materials for the completion of the Gorgon’s build.”

“Ah! No problem,” Ann nodded eagerly as she wiped her hands and reached for the

papers. “Coral, whenever you’ve finished eating, if you want to gather your things up

and go with Eva, I’m sure she’ll stop by somewhere to get you little something more


Coral nodded and quickly stood from the table to go and collect her things. If truth be

told, she really wasn’t that hungry. She was far too nervous to eat.

As she peeked back through the c***k in her door and saw the interaction between the

Alpha Queen Ann and her former assistant Eva, Coral suddenly had the

overwhelming feeling that everything was going to be alright. Things were finally about

to change for the better.


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