Alpha Nocurne's Contracted Mate

Alpha Nocturne’s Contracted Mate Chapter 117

Alpha Nocturne’s Contracted Mate Chapter 117

Alpha Nocturne’s Contracted Mate Chapter 117

Alpha Nocturne’s Contracted Mate by A E Randell

Chapter 117 I Won’t Fight to Keep a Male

Ann stared blankly at the open door in front of her.

She had already tried to break free with Maeve’s help, but Narcissa had sauntered to the doorway and sniggered as she strained against the bonds helplessly. Eventually, Ann had given up and Narcissa returned to whichever room she had appeared from.

It was quite clear that even with their combined strength, there was no way that she was going to be able to get out of things this way.

The hope she had felt at the prospect of Adam figuring out where she was had all but disappeared. Perhaps Narcissa was right about the male shifters… particularly wolves. After all, her father had betrayed her mother, Brad had betrayed her, and now Adam…

‘Don’t you f*uc*king dare start thinking like this Ann. What happened to the confidence you had only a few days ago?’ Maeve snarled angrily inside of her.

Her initial disbelief and misery had soon disappeared and had yet again been replaced by the fierce, uncompromising Alpha female that took no prisoners. ‘I thought I had found somewhere that I could be happy, yet all it has led to is betrayal.’ Ann replied softly.

‘So another man stuck his d*ic*k inside your fake sister. So what? Do you think you need a man to complete you? To give you some sense of worth?’

‘No , it’s not that… I really fell for him, Maeve… and…’

‘Oh cry me a river, Ann… your feelings are entirely irrelevant. You fell for a man that you signed a contract with. You agreed to be his Luna and his partner. You didn’t agree beyond that even with your fake mating mark.’ She answered calmly before sighing and softening her tone.

‘Look, I know it hurts Ann, but we don’t need a man to complete us. He may feel like home, but he is not, not truly. WE are all we need. WE are not the same as the other female’s, Ann. I refuse to roll over and beg for affection or attention from an Alpha. If he wants me then he will chase me, and if he stops then I will let go. I will not fight to keep a male, Ann, I know that we are worth more.’ 3

Ann snorted softly despite herself. Maeve was right, as always.

‘I’m sorry, Maeve. I should have listened. I’m an a*s*s.’

‘No, you were just sheltered for most of your life. I have been kept from you for years whilst you lived in the palace, I suspect that Narcissa and Ada had us suppressed and possibly your father too. You haven’t really had the opportunity to grow alongside me and learn to trust our bond implicitly like other wolves do. Mistakes happen, Ann, and we grow from them and learn.’

‘Thank you… I really am sorry though…’ Ann started to say before Maeve cut her off as a panicked shout sounded from somewhere down the corridor.

‘It’s fine, there’s no need to apologize. With any luck, this won’t be our last mistake.’ She snorted happily.

‘Why? Do you have a plan?’ Ann asked, the small flame of hope igniting in her chest again.

‘Not unless we can get out of these chains,’ she smirked as the panicked shout turned into panicked screams and Ann lifted her head curiously.

‘What are you smirking about? Shouldn’t be worried about whatever’s going on out there?’ Ann asked in concern,

Maeve snorted.

‘Not really. It seems more like a little problem for Narcissa to work on all by herself.’

‘What do you mean?’ Ann asked frowning in confusion. Maeve grinned widely.

‘Well, it appears that Brad seems to be less affected by her little potions than she expected and it looks like his wolf is desperate to redeem himself.’


The noise that was emanating from beyond her cell was becoming more frantic and was accompanied by the furious snarling and yells that could only mean Brad was actually making some headway.

Ann prayed silently to the moon goddess that he would make it out. At least then they stood a chance.

If he could at least put Narcissa out of action and manage to get out of there then maybe, with his help she would be able to get out of here too.

She snorted to herself.

‘Isn’t it ironic that we get screwed over by our fated mate and reject him, find a contracted mate, and get screwed over by him and now, everything seems to have come full circle and we’re back to relying on Brad…’ Maeve snorted disdainfully.

‘We are not relying on him for anything…merely requiring his a*s*sistance with getting out of this current predicament because of your stupidity.’

‘Hey! I thought you said mistakes were okay!’

‘They are, but it doesn’t make you any less stupid for thinking that you knew better.’ Maeve sniffed disdainfully.

‘Wow… just wow…’

The sound of heavy footsteps echoing up the hall interrupted their bickering and as soon as Brad appeared at the doorway, Ann was flooded with relief.

He looked awful as he staggered into the room, still a little unsteady on his feet and huge purple areas already beginning to form on the surface of his skin.

He reached for the chains above her head and pulled on them, seeing that thre was no way they would bak this easily.

As he glanced back down at Ann’s face, their eyes met and she saw the sorrow and care that his wolf still felt for her resonating strongly. Ann looked away quickly, suddenly feeling incredibly uncomfortable. IT shouldn’t be Brad here, it should be Adam… but he was clearly busy elsewhere.

“I already tried to break the chains… Maeve tried as well but…”

“You won’t be able to break these. They’re a new installation that I helped your father source… they’re reinf*orc*ed to hold even golems in place. If I’d have known what they would be used for…” He grimaced. “You couldn’t have known,” Ann said quickly, unsure why she was trying to a*s*suage his guilt.

Brad laughed darkly.

“It would have saved us all a little trouble though, right? If I just got my act together… anyway, let’s not talk about that. Let’s get you out of here.”

Brad looked at the chains and ran his eyes over the fixture on the wall that held them in place once more before turning and walking out of the room directly.

“I’ll be back in a second, Narcissa had a heap of tools in her…playroom. I’m sure I saw a hacksaw that I can use to get those bolts off. I would say don’t go anywhere, but it’s not like you really have much choice.” He yelled over his shoulder.

Ann’s lips twisted upwards in a bittersweet smile.

This wasn’t the man that she had expected would be her hero, it was funny how things turned out sometimes. ‘As funny as a hole in the f*uc*king head…’ Maeve grumbled loudly.

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