Alpha Nocurne's Contracted Mate

Alpha Nocturne’s Contracted Mate Chapter 194

Alpha Nocturne’s Contracted Mate Chapter 194

Alpha Nocturne’s Contracted Mate Chapter 194

Alpha Nocturne’s Contracted Mate by A E Randell

Chapter 194 Are You Ignoring Me?

Allen had spent the morning fielding phone calls with Adam and ensuring that the omegas had everything ready for when Lexi and her father arrived.

The conversation with Adam had been a difficult one to say the least. Having to admit that he had indeed been acting like a righteous prick instead of claiming his mate as he should have, was one of the hardest things that he had ever had to do.

The constant arguing with his wolf on a daily basis had been more than draining. But Allen knew, as soon as he saw Lexi engrossed in conversation with another man, and loving every second of it, he had to claim her as his. Admittedly, he had lost his cool with that c*oc*ky little t”t Greyson, but he deserved that… and it felt damn good landing that punch on his arrogant little face.

Allen snorted to himself at the memory and the corners of his lips curved upward into a smirk, but it faded just as quickly when he remembered the way that Lexi had pushed away from him, and ran straight to his side.

‘It was your own fault.’ His wolf Orvar grumbled at him, ‘If you hadn’t been so pigheaded she would have accepted you in the first place. I TOLD you that she wasn’t what you thought she was… that there was more to her than the history of her race…’

‘I know Orvar, I’m sorry. I’m trying to make it right now…’ Allen tried to placate him, but Orvar continued unabashedly.

‘You just HAD to be the pompous little prick and act like you were better than her.’ He sneered, ‘She is our equal and if you had claimed her at the very first instance we wouldn’t have to be dealing with

competition for OUR mate.’ Allen sighed and slumped in the chair as he checked the time, his heart beginning to beat a little bit faster as the big hand slowly ticked its way around.

They should be here any minute.

‘Look, there’s not much I can do about Greyson,’ He snarled through gritted teeth, ‘He has laid a claim to her as well, all I can do is try to make sure that she doesn’t reject us in favor of him.’

‘You better, otherwise I’ll never let you forget it… for as long as both of us live.1 Orvar snarled viciously before slinking to a corner of his mind and glowering at him menacingly.

Truthfully, the pressure that Orvar was putting him under wasn’t making this any easier for him.

It was already terrifying enough that Lexi was due to arrive any second, the fact that not only would he have to face her again after taking his chances with revealing his true feelings for her, but he would also have to face her father.

Lord Brarthroroz was incredibly ancient and incredibly powerful.

Had Lexi told him of his treatment of her? Had she told him that he had made a move on her? How would he react to the man who had spurned his daughter and then changed his mind?

Honestly, it felt like he had done nothing but gaslight her since they met and now, it tore him up inside, but if Allen was facing someone who treated his future daughter like he had treated Lexi, then he knew that he would want to tear him limb from limb.

Allen groaned out loud and leaned forward in his chair, resting his elbows on his knees and holding his head in his hands.

He was a f**’**g i***t and he knew it.

He didn’t have time to wallow in his own misery for too long though as a static-like charge seemed to fill the air and a buzzing filled his ears, as though he had walked headlong into a swarm of bees, and seconds later a bright flash filled the room.

He covered his eyes reflexively and when the blinding glare had dissipated, he removed his arm from his eyes and blinked rapidly to try and get rid of the glare that still impeded his vision.

Then her scent hit him and it took everything he had in him to stop from sinking to the floor and begging for her forgiveness.

“Stop being a drama queen, beta-boy, it’s not that bright. Or is the sight of such magnificent mother- f*uc*kers simply too much for you to stomach?” Her silken voice teased effortlessly.

“Lexi, leave the poor man alone. His eyes aren’t adapted to the glare like ours. You should be thankful you have my blood in your veins otherwise you would suffer in the same way.” Lord Brarthroroz chuckled.

“Well if they would hurry up and install the damn portals, we wouldn’t have this issue at all… I don’t know why it’s such a big issue.” Lexi grumbled.

“Anyone would think they don’t trust us…” Lord Brarthroroz intoned dryly.

Allen swallowed nervously as the green spots that obscured his vision gradually disappeared and he saw the enormous frame of Lexi’s father standing nonchalantly next to her, studying him closely.

Did he know?

“Ah, it’s not that Lord Brarthroroz. I think we have to seek permission from the Enclave for anything pertaining to the realm of the Daemons because of, ah, historical occurrences…”

“Realm of the Daemons?” Lord Brarthroroz chuckled, “You are woefully uneducated on our kind. There are many realms that Daemons inhabit, worlds too, not to mention the varying levels in each place.”

Allen stared back at him blankly fighting the urge to steal a glance at Lexi whose gaze he could feel planted firmly on him as his wolf made goo-goo eyes at her inside his head.

Lord Brarthroroz sighed.

“I understand why Alpha nocturne desired these lectures from my daughter so urgently, now.” he tutted sadly to himself and continued muttering under his breath, “So much damn knowledge wasted…”

Lexi rolled her eyes and strode over to where Allen stood, coming to a stop in front of him, and squinted her eyes appraisingly at him as he tried desperately to avoid eye contact with her.

His heart was beating so hard that Allen genuinely wondered if she could hear it from where she stood. “Are you ignoring me, furball?” Lexi asked quietly, a hint of disbelief in her voice as she raked her eyes over him.

Allen swallowed nervously again before painfully dragging his eyes from her father and focusing on her. His heart almost stopped as their eyes met. It was obvious that she felt something to as she straightened up suddenly and almost recoiled as if she had been slapped.

They stood in silence for a second before she took on that characteristic smirk as she looked him up and down.

“Forget it fleabag. Ignore me all you want. I won’t make you waste another precious second of your time with me. Just show us where we’re staying okay?” she snapped as she folded her arms in front of her and turned away impatiently.

Allen’s heart sank. That wasn’t what he had intended at all.

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