Alpha Nocurne's Contracted Mate

Alpha Nocturne’s Contracted Mate Chapter 213

Alpha Nocturne’s Contracted Mate Chapter 213

Alpha Nocturne’s Contracted Mate Chapter 213

Alpha Nocturne’s Contracted Mate by A E Randell

Chapter 213 A Solution

There was no answer from Batholomew when they arrived at his office, but knowing full well that it was probably the safest place that they could talk openly, the four of them went inside to wait for his return.

“So, what are you going to do about the dirty old perverts?” Lexi asked as she took a handful of cashew nuts out of the snack bowl on Bartholomew’s desk and began tossing them into the air one by one and catching them deftly with her mouth, crunching happily once she had caught them.

“Which one?” Ann snorted.

“Precisely my point, Queenie.” Lexi smirked in reply, “Who’s to say that it was just rapey Linus involved and not others alongside him?”

“We’ll interrogate him today and get the ball rolling on that. I want him locked away as soon as possible.” Lexi nodded thoughtfully and glanced across at Allen briefly, pausing awkwardly before speaking. She was obviously hesitant to speak whatever it was that was on her mind, causing Ann to frown slightly

She had never had an issue with blurting things out before, why start now? “And what about Felix?” she asked finally.

Ann shrugged casually

“What about him? We just need to figure out the whole rogue issue and come up with a solution. The Elders were instructed to work on it at the council meeting, but then I went into heat and… well… you know the rest. Perhaps they came up with a solution already in my absence.”

Lexi sneaked another look across at Allen, and when Ann followed her gaze, she noticed the visible tension in Allen’s face.

“Right, you two, pack it in. What’s going on? Anyone would think you’re hiding something from me.” Ann said cautiously as she continued to watch their reactions.

“Well, I’m just wondering how you can chat so openly and, quite frankly, so amiably with someone who stood by and watched as their older brother got away with murdering Alien’s little sister,” Lexi answered quickly, ignoring the scowl on Allen’s face and the look of fury on Adam’s as he turned to glare at Allen

“There shouldn’t be an issue,” Adam said lowly, the irritation in his voice clear.

“No? Someone r***s and murders your right-hand man’s little sister and you think there’s no issue?” Lexi simpered in a calm and deadly tone as her eyes flared dangerously at Adam.

“Leave it, Lexi,” Allen answered tightly, avoiding meeting Adam’s gaze.

“No… don’t leave it, Lexi, continue, please. I’m interested to hear your thoughts on this.” Adam replied as his attention switched back to Lexi, his voice as cold and calm as hers was.

“Does someone want to tell me what the f**k you’re all talking about and why I know nothing of this?!” Ann demanded angrily.

“Oh, Adam didn’t think it necessary to let you know that the diplomatic envoy was involved in such a heinous crime? It’s despicable, the fact that the perpetrator went unpunished and his brother is allowed to swan about here as he pleases,” Lexi fumed.

“Adam, what is she talking about?” Ann asked as the unsettling tempest of fury and confusion swirled chaotically between her and Maeve.

But Adam didn’t answer, his attention was focused solely on Lexi, leaving Ann watching the unfolding drama with trepidation.

“So what would you have us do Lexi? Hmm?” Adam asked in a dangerously low tone.

“What you should have done all those years ago.” Lexi hissed furiously as she jabbed her finger furiously at him.

“And what should I have done all those years ago, hmm?” Adam growled, his eyes narrowing dangerously as he took a step forward, the tension so thick in the air now that you could practically cut it with a knife.

“Lexi, leave it. This won’t go anywhere. Adam and I don’t agree on this,” Allen hissed.

“No, I won’t leave it!” Lexi roared, “The fact that he is here, despite what his brother did disgusts me! The family is a disgrace! How can you allow something like that to go unpunished?!”

Adam’s face suddenly became very calm as a chilling sneer crept across his face.

“Again, what would you have had me do then, Lexi? Perhaps I should have cut Felix out of his mother’s womb? After all, she was pregnant with him at the time of Alien’s sister’s death.”

Lexi was silent for a moment, his answer having taken her by surprise, but she remained unrepentant. She took a deep breath and her eyes flicked to Allen briefly before she fixed Adam with a steely glare.

“I might be of Daemon heritage Adam, but that is not the course of action that I, nor Papa would have chosen and if you think that of us then I would quite honestly be offended. His brother should have been punished, and his family should not be free to do as they please or in any position to make demands for that matter.”

“Look, stop it… all of you.” Ann snapped, “Although I was unaware of this… tragedy regarding Alien’s sister, and my heart goes out to you Allen, it really does… it does not negate the legitimacy of Felix’s request for assistance in dealing with the rogues. It is our border… if they are thriving on this side of the border, and their previous requests for assistance have been met with apathy from the Enclave, then how else are they supposed to impress upon us the urgency of the situation?”

Lexi’s gaze remained fixed on Adam, as Allen scowled sullenly ahead. Ann groaned in exasperation. “Look, given the history they have with the Dark Moon and knowing Felix’s father’s calculative mind, Felix was probably the least provocative member of their Royal Line that he could send.” Ann offered in a tone meant to placate both Lexi and Allen.

She was willing to do whatever it took to disperse the tension in the room Having Adam and Lexi at loggerheads with each other was only going to make things difficult.

“That doesn’t change the fact that his sister’s murderer is still out there somewhere… probably swanning about living the life of luxury that his sister will never have the privilege of experiencing.” Lexi hissed.

“Then consider this, I promise that I will look into bringing his brother to justice,” Ann replied seriously, the determination in her voice clear

“There’s nothing we can do, he had immunity due to his diplomatic status at the time .”

“That’s not to say he hasn’t committed further crimes since then, Adam.” Ann said, her tone fierce, “Even if we can’t get justice for Allen’s sister, at least we can dig around and see what we can find out about whatever else he has been up to.”

“A leopard never changes his spots…” Allen growled as a sinister sneer spread across his face, the eyes of his wolf flashing appreciatively in his own as Maeve rumbled her approval.

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