Alpha Nocurne's Contracted Mate

Alpha Nocturne’s Contracted Mate Chapter 228

Alpha Nocturne’s Contracted Mate Chapter 228

Alpha Nocturne’s Contracted Mate Chapter 228

Alpha Nocturne’s Contracted Mate by A E Randell

Chapter 228 Feisty Wolf

Alien’s head shot up and the room spun dangerously around him but he forced himself to focus.

‘That’s impossible.’ He murmured as he felt Orvar scratching insistently at the inside of his head.

“No, it’s not. Lexi is part Daemon and part Witch. As my daughter, she holds the soul of my realm and the power that I carry with me, as well as the soul of her mother and the power that her line carried with her.” He tried to explain, holding a hand up to silence Allen as he opened his mouth to interrupt.

“When I die, ALL of my power will transfer to Lexi, as well as the centuries of knowledge that I hold, as well as those of our ancestors. You should know that our line goes back millennia Allen, one of the oldest in Daemon history actually. That’s a lot for her to take on.”

Allen blinked at him with wide eyes as Lord Brarthroroz continued.

“It’s the same with the soul she inherited from her mother. She came from a long line of incredibly powerful witches, natural witches at that, and not at all like the pretenders of the Exciidium coven.” He explained as a look of nostalgia crossed his face momentarily before he continued.

“My best guess is, that each soul NEEDS its own mate to keep it in check and balance it out. I would ask Selene myself but she’s incredibly busy these days… you little wolves keep her quite busy seeing as how so many of you keep trying to kill each other.” He grimaced distastefully.

Allen leaned forward disbelievingly in his chair as he gazed at Lord Brarthroroz like a starstruck child.

“You can talk to Selene?” he asked in an awe-filled voice.

“Were you not listening?” Lord Brarthroroz asked with a hint of irritation in his voice, “I just told you she was too busy to chat these days. Besides, the main focus of this conversation should be the reasons that I believe Lexi has been afforded two mates, and not just one as is the norm.”

Orvar’s scratching became more insistent and Allen scratched at his head impatiently. He hated when he did this, it was the worst feeling, almost as if he had a cat trying to claw its way out from the inside, or a rat desperate to escape it’s confines.

‘I am not a f***’*g cat you drunken imbecile, let me out so I can ask questions!’ Orvar growled. ‘No! You’re being a d**k! You didn’t want to hear what I had to say when I was trying to reason with you about the two-mate situation, and now you want to hear what the big daemon dude has to say?’ Allen argued back drunkenly.

‘You’re a f***’*g embarrassment, Allen,” Orvar grimaced, “That big demon dude is our mate’s father and he’s been around far longer than you’ve been able to even dream about f*’***g your own life up. I’d rather trust what he has to say, over your miserable drunken ramblings to yourself.’

‘I’m not THAT drunk…’ Allen pouted sullenly.

‘Yeah, and I’m the Queen of f’****g England. Dude… seriously… you’re pouting at me. Sort yourself out.’ Orvar snapped as Allen fought to push him away.

‘Jokes on you furball… England has a King now.’ Allen snorted back. ‘Did you really just call me furball?!’ Orvar gasped in shock.

“I can see you’re having a tough time right now,” Lord Brarthroroz observed dryly as Allen’s face contorted through a mixture of expressions, “So I think we should wrap this bit of friendly advice up as quickly as possible.”

Allen refocused his attention on Lexi’s father and tried his best not to show how hard he was trying to ignore his wolf’s loud protests, resulting in an almost comical squint, much to Lord Brarthroroz’s amusement.

“Sorry about that, Sir.” Allen slurred as Lord Brarthroroz willed himself to keep a straight face. He was positive that Lexi would have paid good money to see the usually straight-laced Allen in such a drunken state. If he had really wanted to, he could have helped Allen out of his predicament and purged the alcohol from his system, but these shifters always needed to learn the hard way about their limitations, so this was probably a lesson that Selene herself had intended for Allen to learn… and who was he to argue?

“Just… try to remember, or at least have your wolf remember if you can manage that, Lexi has two incredibly powerful souls that could cause significant devastation if she ever lost control of either of them… do you understand?” Lord Brarthroroz asked slowly.

“Yup! Two souls, two mates for each. Got it.” Allen grinned happily.

‘f*****g asshole! One mate for each soul! ONE! STOP GIVING OUR MATE AWAY!’ Orvar roared furiously.

Allen clutched his head as the sound echoed painfully in his ears. “One mate! One! Okay, got it!” Allen corrected himself quickly as he grimaced up at Lord Brarthroroz, “Sorry… Orvar, my wolf… he’s a little feisty…” he explained quickly.

“Love that for you…” Lord Brarthroroz replied with a single eyebrow raised and a dubious expression on his face.

“With a sigh, he stood and gestured towards the door.

“I think now that you have a little more information at your fingertips… or.. paws… whatever it is, you should probably go and sober up in your room and wait for Lexi to return.”

Allen nodded confidently and stood a little too quickly, swaying violently on the spot for a second before he staggered towards the door.

“On second thoughts, maybe you should sleep it off before you talk with her…” Lord Brarthroroz said uncertainly as Allen staggered past him into the corridor and towards his room, his legs following a path that was anything but straight.

“I got this Daemon Daddy! Don’t worry!” Allen shouted over his shoulder with a carefree wave as he crashed through the doors to his own room, arguing loudly with his wolf.

“By all that is… don’t ever call me that again…” Lord Brarthroroz muttered as he shut the door behind him and exhaled heavily.

He snorted loudly to himself and laughed as he grabbed another bottle of whisky from the chiller in his room.

“Looks like I had it wrong. It’s not them that are going to have their hands full… it’s my poor Lexi,” He chuckled before his face settled into a frown, “I’ll have to let her know that Bellevue Whisky is a no-go for the little Beta…” He muttered as he twisted the cap off effortlessly and took a long draw from the bottle, sauntering into his bedroom and kicking the door closed behind him.

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