Alter Dimension: Lucky Dungeon Master

Chapter 189 Moal

Chapter 189 Moal

Alex got up from his bed and started his day with his usual routine.

After he's done, Alex leaves the house and heads to school.

While on the road, Alex can't help but think about the things that he learned last night.

However, instead of just uselessly feeling guilty, this time Alex is thinking about what he can do in order to resolve this threat that is looming Pearl City.

"I should be able to do something right?"

After thinking for a while, Alex opened his status panel.


[Class: Dungeon Master]


[Level: 66] (Tier-2)josei

[Talent: Fortune's Embodiment] [Luck Points: 0]

[Health: 177,350/177,350]

[Mana: 174,100/174,100]

[Strength: 17,058] | [Constitution: 17,058] | [Agility: 17,058] | [Intelligence: 17,058] | [Charisma: 17,058] [Will: 10]

[Free Attributes: 21,610]

[Skill Points: 500]

[Skills: Sacrifice (U), Synthesis (U), Dragon's Life (SS), Dragon Tongue (S), Transformation (S), Dragon Scale (S), Monster Manipulation (A), Lord's Sanctuary (A), Hide (A), Seal (A), Lightning Judgment (A), Tidal Wave (A), Underwater Breathing (C) Fireball (D), Wind Blade (D), Earth Spike (D), Freeze (D), Water Ball (D)

lightsnοvεl Looking at his skills, Alex saw that none of his various skills seems useful in this current situation.

So after a bit of contemplation, Alex opened the skill tree after a long time.

"Let's see, maybe I'll find something useful here."

A bunch of skills appeared in front of Alex.

From the lowest D rank skills to the highest SSS skill, they are all available in this skill tree!

Scrolling slowly, Alex skimmed through the countless skills on the screen, reading their details one by one.

After a long time, Alex still couldn't find what he wanted and sighed disappointedly.

Until he arrived at school, Alex still failed to get any useful skills.

Reluctantly, Alex closed the skill tree and went to his classroom.

When Alex got there, he saw that Kris was nowhere to be found.

Raising an eyebrow, Alex muttered, "Hmm, Kris is still not here, huh…"

Alex sat on his chair and looked around the room.

Thanks to his [Hide] skill, the people inside the class didn't even notice that he's already here.

Since it's still not time for class, Alex decided to continue his search for a useful skill.

In just a minute, Alex has already looked through hundreds of skills but there's still none that he's satisfied with.

Since he was too focused, Alex didn't even notice Kris' arrival.

Just like everyone else, Kris didn't seem to notice Alex sitting there.

So, she just sat on her seat and behaved like a good student.

Not long after, the bell rang and the teacher arrived just on time.

Standing in front, Mrs. Gonzales started the class.

"Okay everyone, let's first take today's attendance. When I call your name, say present."

One by one, Mrs. Gonzales called the students' names.

Soon, Alex's name was called.

"Alex Fernando."

Casually, Alex raised his hand and said,


Immediately, everyone turned their eyes to Alex and saw that at the previously 'vacant' seat, Alex was sitting.

Everyone was surprised by the 'sudden' appearance of Alex.

Out of everyone, the one who felt shocked the most is none other than Kris!

Her seat is just right beside Alex but she didn't even notice him there from the beginning.

Looking at Alex with wide eyes, Kris said, "Y-you… when did you get here?!"

Hearing her question, Alex turned his head in her direction and smiled, "What do you mean? I've been here before you even arrived."

Kris was surprised at the unexpected answer.

"What?! You're clearly not there when I got here!"

Alex smirked and pointed at his bag, saying, "Are you sure? Did you not see my bag here in my seat?"

Kris thought back to it and was startled.

Indeed, she saw Alex's bag already placed in his chair.

But for some reason, her brain seems to have ignored it! lightsnovel

Speechless, Kris don't know what to say and just say there with a dumbfounded face.

At this time, Mrs. Gonzales clapped her hands and called the students attention.

"Okay, quiet everyone, let's continue."

At her words, all the students became quiet and behaved.

With that, the class continues as usual.

Kris also recovered after a while.

However, from time to time, she can't help but look at Alex with suspicious eyes.

On the other hand, Alex just boredly listened to class.

That's how the days gradually passed.

Soon, it was the end of class again.

Alex got up and immediately left the room.

When she saw that, Kris hurriedly followed him.

When she caught up to Alex, Kris slowed down and started walking beside him.

Finally, unable to hold her curiosity any longer, she asked, "Alex, what's with that this morning?"

"Did you use a stealth skill or something?"

Frey inspect his stats from the "status board" that he created.


[Frey Trickster]

[HP: 100]

[MP: 110]


He is filled with disappointment when he saw it. That is because this is not this is not what he imagine, he imagine something like in the games with strength, agility, endurance, etc. stat.

Although he is disappointed, he can think of what the reason of the insufficient information in his status board, and that is, of course the one and only thing that is use to fuel his creations the "magical power" also called in games as "MP".

While creating the status board he stop it because his MP is almost drained and he is on the verge of collapsing.

Now he is thinking if he can still upgrade it. Well even if he think a whole day he will still not find the answer because his MP is still low.


Then Frey heard the sound of his stomach growling.

'Now that I think of it I still didn't have my breakfast and I didn't eat dinner too. I just sleep then fall unconscious after waking up *sigh*. What time is it anyway?'

He look at the time on his phone. It's already 12:30 PM.

He go outside his room and to the kitchen to search for food. There's food in the table, probably cook by his mom for him. There is sausage, egg, and bacon, then there's rice on the rice cooker. He started eating while thinking of many things.

Soon he finish eating and wash the dishes. Now he truly feel fully energize unlike earlier with just resting. Food is really the best source of energy.

Now Frey have nothing more to do. Because today is Saturday he do not have school. He then sat on the sofa in the living room and watch TV.

While watching, he is thinking of things that he want to do and want to have. Using his power he can have anything. He is very excited, he have many things he want to do but he can't because of his MP that is too little to create something big.

He need to think of way to improve his MP. He remember that his MP improve a little when he use it for the first time, he probably need to drain his MP to improve again. Thinking of this he find it inefficient.

Then he have a flash of inspiration ' The protagonist in wuxia novels said that they revolve their qi around their body. How about I try that, this MP has similarities to their explanation too.'

Thinking of this, he put it into play to test if he can do it. Little be little the MP in him started moving then it started gaining speed then it keep going faster. He keep doing for 2 hours, and the only reason he stop is he feel very exhausted.

He can feel that his MP improve again, he open the status board to check his gains.

[Frey Trickster]


The girl open her mouth and speak.

"Uhmmmnn, Who are you?" the girl asked.

Hearing her voice Frey felt flustered for a moment before coming back to his senses.

"What?" he asked back.

Because of the mesmerizing scene in front of his eyes he lost his composure and didn't hear the question that the girl is asking.

"I'm asking who you are" the girl ask again.

This time he heard it clearly and answered.

"Oh, I'm Frey"

He tried to get near her but he saw her retreating so he stop.

"By the way, who are you and what are you doing inside the body that I created?" Ask Frey curiously.

The girl daze, you can see that she does not know what happen too and she is equally curious.

After a moment of thinking and still not figuring out anything she first answer what Frey ask.

"My name is Sylia Monteverdi, and The answer to your second question is I don't know too..... Wait created!?"

While answering his question and process it in her mind she caught something in his words. He said created and what he is pointing at is.

I am me.

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