Alter Dimension: Lucky Dungeon Master

Chapter 200 Cat and Mouse Game

Chapter 200 Cat and Mouse Game

200 Cat and Mouse Game

After the call with Kris ended, Alex continued spending his home leisurely.

Soon, the day passed and the moon replaced the sun up in the sky. Alex looked out of the window at this time and saw that it's already dark outside. "Hmm, I should prepare dinner now. I'm also feeling hungry anyway."

Alex got up from his seat and went straight to the kitchen.

Opening the fridge, Alex found that it was actually empty.

"Oh… Maybe I should go to the grocery now to buy some stocks… right now."

Alex closed the fridge and left the kitchen.

Next, Alex grabbed a jacket from his room and wore it before exiting the house. Alex didn't forget to lock the door and the windows before he left.

Since this place where Alex's house is located is near the dumpsite, there aren't really that many people, which also means there's fewer to no street lights around.

Because of this, it's really dark around but Alex wasn't bothered by that.

While walking on this dark path, feeling the cold breeze of the night, Alex turned his head in a particularly dark alley not far away. josei

In that place, Alex can hear a sound, a noise of something or someone… moaning.

Ugh… Ahh… Uhh… Frowning, Alex muttered, "What's this? Are they really doing it here on the streets?"

Shaking his head in disgust, Alex continued moving, ignoring the noise from the alley. What Alex doesn't know is that those moans aren't actually caused by the things that he thought. But something far more disgusting and dangerous than what he just imagined. … Alex walked unimpeded and arrived at the city center where everything can be found. There he headed directly towards a supermarket to start shopping.

Grabbing a cart, Alex started going around through various shelves, picking up anything that seemed good and useful.

After going around the whole supermarket twice, Alex finally managed to buy everything that he needed. In the end, Alex filled up a total of five big carts!

Pushing all the carts at the same time, people can't help but take a glance at Alex from time to time.

Only to get mesmerized with his looks and aura that is all thanks to his high charisma.

Anyway, Alex just ignored everyone like usual and slowly fell in line at the cashier.

As time passed by, more and more people started to pay attention to Alex. Even when he does nothing, he's still very attractive to all the people around.

Being the center of attention, Alex started to feel weirded out.

"Hais, my charisma is just too much…" He muttered.

Then, among the people paying attention to him, Alex noticed a few girls looking at him with phone in their hands.

By the looks of it, they are clearly taking pictures of him sneakily.

That immediately created a frown on Alex's face. Honestly, since the last time that somebody took a video of him fighting with the devouring clown, Alex started to have no good feelings for people like that.

So, seeing that people are taking his pictures again without his consent, Alex felt really annoyed. But of course, Alex didn't go up to confront them since that seems more troublesome to him. For now, Alex decided to just endure it but the deep frown on his face was so defined that anyone could see that he was annoyed. Maybe it was because of that added with his high charisma, his thoughts seem to have been conveyed to those people taking pictures. They looked a bit flustered and hurriedly put down their phones, and stopped taking pictures of Alex. Alex noticed that and immediately felt a whole lot better. It didn't take long before it was Alex's turn as the cashier.

Alex placed the items on the cart on the cashier while the cashier scanned them one by one.

There was no one talking around and the only sound that could only be heard was the 'beep' from the cashier.

Since Alex bought too many things, it took 10 minutes before everything was sorted out.

The cashier looked at Alex and fell into a daze for a while before she snapped out of it, saying, "Ah… It's ?56,391 in total, sir."

Alex nodded and handed over his bank card to the cashier. The cashier received the card respectfully, thinking that Alex is someone with high standing based on his aura. Just as Alex was standing there, waiting for the cashier to finish, a man walked closer to him. With all the eyes of the Raven Family gathered on her, Jopay lowered her head in embarrassment.

For a while, no one said anything and just looked at Jopay, scrutinizing her.

The first to break the silence is Rosa, who's also the one that brought Jopay here a few days ago. She faced her father and brothers with a smile. "So, just like I told you, she was amazing, right?"

Jonathan reacted first and nodded, "That's right. Jopay is indeed someone who has a lot of potential in the Alter Dimension."

Jonathan's words received the immediate agreement of the other two in the room, Rolando and Glen.

"Dad's right. Actually, when you first came home with her, telling us that she is someone that we should put importance on just like Alex, I didn't believe you." Rolando said. Glen nodded in agreement, "Me too. After all, Alex is already such a monster in my eyes. Just thinking that there's someone who can match his importance for us is crazy!"

Hearing the praises for Jopay coming here and there, Rosa can't help but feel proud.

As for Jopay, she started fidgeting more after listening to the good words of the others regarding her.

It seems like she's really uncomfortable being the focus of other's attention.

Rosa noticed that and grabbed Jopay's hand.

Jopay raised her head and looked at Rosa. She saw that Rosa was looking at her with eyes that seemed to say 'Don't worry, relax.', assuring her.

After a few seconds, Jopay nodded at Rosa and took a deep breath. Then the next moment, the timid aura surrounding Jopay diminished greatly.

Jonathan, Rolando, and Glen are not unaware of this short interaction between the two girls.

When they saw that Jopay has a little bit more confidence in her now compared to before, the three men nodded.

The next moment, Jonathan opened his mouth and said something that surprised his sons and daughter!

Crossing his arms, Jonathan's face looked solemn and he said, "Alright, I have finally made a decision."

Rolando, Glen, Rosa, and even Jopay, all looked at the old man, wondering what he's about to say.

Then, Jonathan dropped a bomb, "Starting today, Jopay will become the main target of nurturing for our family."

"We will give her our full support using the connections and resources that we have in our family to help her traverse the dangerous path of an Alter Dimension player."

The words spoken by Jonathan were like thunder to the ears of his three children.

They all looked at him with stunned faces, unable to say anything.

On the other hand, Jopay also seems shocked but not as much as the other three. This is because Jopay still hasn't realized the weight of Jonathan's words unlike Rolando, Glen, and Rosa.

But it won't take long before Jopay realized just what great blessing has befallen onto her.

… Sitting on his sofa with a sloppy posture, Alex started to feel bored with just watching TV the whole day. Alex sighed with boredom on his face,

"Hais… Why does being here, doing nothing, feel so boring?"

"This isn't how I thought relaxing would feel like."

Sighing, Alex lazily got up from the sofa.

Standing in a daze, he muttered, "I wonder if there's something I can do…"

Just as Alex is thinking, his phone that he left on the table suddenly started ringing. Ring~ ring~

"Hmm? Who's calling me at this time?"

With a curious face, Alex walked closer to the table and peeked at the screen of his phone.

Then when he saw the name of the caller, Alex immediately nodded in understanding. "That's right, no one else would call me anyway beside her. What did I even expect?"

Picking up the phone, Alex answered the call. "Hello, Kris, what's the matter now?"

The next moment, Alex heard the voice of Kris on the phone. "So, you're already back from Alter Dimension, Alex. Why didn't you tell me?"

Putting the call on speaker, Alex put down the phone back on the table and said,

"I just came back last night. A lot of things happened while I was on Alter Dimension. That's why I wanted to rest for a while."

Then he added, "I also didn't contact you since I don't there's any reason for me to."

There was silence for a while on the other end. Alex didn't care about that and started doing some stretching. After a while, Kris finally spoke, saying,

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