Alter Dimension: Lucky Dungeon Master

Chapter 24 "We're Back On Earth."

Chapter 24 "We're Back On Earth."

When Alex saw the notification, the fist that was about to land on the beaten aswang paused in mid air.

Confirming that the aswang is really dead, Alex sat on the ground and heaved a sigh of relief.

"Haa~ it's finally dead."

Then, his eyes landed on the girl who was on the corner.

Tears are running down her eyes and she's all curled up as if to comfort herself.

Thinking for a bit, Alex stood up again and approached the girl.

He crouched in front of her and in the most gentle voice he could muster, he said, "Hey, everything's fine now. There's nothing to fear anymore."

Hearing his voice, the girl stopped crying and slowly lifted her head up.

When she saw that it was an unknown man who's talking to her, she shrank back a little.

Seeing that, Alex said in a low voice, "Hey, hey, it's alright, you're safe now."

The girl didn't respond for a few seconds before she hesitantly stretched her head out to look around the room.

When she did so, the figure of the aswang that's been beaten to mush came to her sight.josei

She stretched out her hand and pointed at it and in a shaky voice, she said, "T-that, i-is she d-dead?"

"Yes, she's dead, so you don't have to be afraid anymore." Alex said, trying his best to stabilize her emotions.

However, instead of calming her down, his words only made the girl more hysterical.

She curled up again and covered her ear with her hands.

With a voice full of fear, she started muttering, "No, no, no, now we're really going to die."

"She died so we're going to die too. No, no, I don't want to die, I don't want to die!"

Seeing her reaction, Alex was stunned.

He didn't know why this girl, who's about to die at the hands of that aswang, reacted like this.

It seems like she got more frightened after seeing the aswang dead.

Her mutterings are also confusing to him so Alex just gave up comforting her.

"Forget it, what's important now is that I saved them."

"Next, I have to bring them back to Earth first and let Kris handle them."

Standing up, Alex left the girl on her own and went to the cage where the other students are.

When he got to the edge of the cage, he saw that those students also had the same fearful face as the girl just now.

It seems like something scary is about to befall them.

Alex's frown grew heavy after seeing this.

From their reaction, Alex can see that something that he didn't know was about to happen.

Shaking his head, Alex said, "No, I should stop thinking about this. Bringing them back to Earth is my priority."

Saying that, Alex punches the lock on the cage and breaks it open.


He looked at those students that seemed to be out of themselves and said,

"Everyone, get up and fix yourself. I'll bring you all back to Earth."

Hearing the word 'Earth' made everyone stop.

Then, in unison, they looked up to Alex.

At the center of the cage, a boy with glasses stood up and loudly asked, "Y-you, did you just say that you're bringing us back to Earth?!"

"Is that true?!"

"Are we finally free from this damn place?!"

"Will you protect us from those monsters?"

"Please tell me you're not lying!"



With the boy glasses as the first, a second, a third, a fourth, voice sounded until everyone started voicing out their question to Alex.

Even the girl outside the cage also stopped being hysterical and looked at Alex again.

Watching them all ask questions at the same time, Alex raised his fist and signaling them to be silent.

After a while, the voices died down and all of them looked at Alex with hopeful eyes.

Seeing that, Alex started talking, "Yes, it's true that I'm going to bring you back to Earth now."

The hope in the eyes of the students grew stronger after Alex confirmed.

Before they even start talking again, Alex continued,

"However, I won't be protecting you guys from monsters."

"I will send you all to a friend's family to be taken care of and all of you will be under their protection."

To stop them from asking more questions, Alex added at the end, "If you have more questions, you can ask them later to my friend."

After that, he told them to leave the cage and group together in the middle of the room.

Alex also called the lonely girl in the corner.

He made them all hold each other's hands and follow him.

And so, Alex and 12 students left the bloody room.

Since there's no more reason for Alex to stay quiet, the trip to the outside of the dungeon was much faster.

When they arrived there, Alex saw the two students who were standing guard before are now laying on the ground, unconscious.

He said, "Someone, go help those two up. Then we'll leave this place."

The boy with glasses left the group and walked towards those two to help them up.

Those two seemed too heavy for the boy but he gritted his teeth and dragged them both into the group.

Alex commended the boy in his heart.

Out of everyone in the group, he's the only one who went to help those two unconscious guys.

At the same time, Alex thought that he should also increase his Charisma stat which will surely help in this kind of situation for people to follow his instructions.

Anyway, after everyone grouped up again with hands on each other, Alex called the two on both ends.

He held their hands and said, "We're about to go back now, everyone should close their eyes to avoid dizziness."

Without waiting for them to respond, Alex thought of going back to Earth with the students and they disappeared.

When they appeared again, they were already outside of Alex's house near the dumpsite.

Alex let go the hands of the two students and faced all of them.

He smiled and said, "Everyone, you can now open your eyes."

"We're back on Earth."

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