Alter Dimension: Lucky Dungeon Master

Chapter 99 Meeting The City Protection Squad

Chapter 99 Meeting The City Protection Squad

A loud explosion accompanied by a blinding purple light appeared in the amusement park.

The lightning directly hit the Devouring Clown and his fate unknown.

Because of the bright light from the lightning, Alex involuntarily closed his eyes.

Alex felt the hairs on his body rise up because of the lightning just nearby.

After a while, the lightning subsided and Alex finally opened his eyes.

Then he saw, not far away in front of him, a charred figure was standing there, unmoving.

It was the Devouring Clown that's been hit by [Lightning Judgement].

After thinking about it, Alex slowly approached the figure to see its current situation.

Once he got near, only then did Alex see just how much damage [Lightning Judgement] caused to the Devouring Clown.

Some body parts of the Devouring Clown have already disappeared while most of the remaining parts have also been burnt black.

Looking at it, Alex raised an eyebrow and muttered, "Is it dead now?"

As if on cue, a notification suddenly appeared at this time.

[You killed a 4-Star level 203 Boss- Class Devouring Clown, +500,000,000 experience points.]

(AN: I will show a table to everyone where you can see the experience required for level up and experience acquired from monsters based on levels. Well, some other time.)

After the kill notification appeared, Alex's experience points rapidly climbed up and soon he leveled up.

[Congratulations, you leveled up!]

[Congratulations, you leveled up!]

[Congratulations, you leveled up!]josei

[Congratulations, you leveled up!]

[Congratulations, you…]

The level up notification didn't end until Alex's level reached 50.

And another notification appeared in front of him.

[Your level has reached your current limit, please head towards the Trial Tower to advance to Tier-2.]

[Your level has reached your current limit, experience points have been temporarily stored into the system.]

Seeing such notifications, Alex honestly isn't surprised.

Right now, he's only at Tier-1 while the monster that he killed is at 4-Star.

That's three tiers higher than him so obviously, he'll get enough points to hit the current level cap.

Anyway, seeing that the Devouring Clown had already died, Alex sighed in relief.

Alex sat down on the ground without care about anything and took a rest.

"Ha… that was the most intense fight I have ever been in since the day I was born."

Alex can't help but think back to the fight earlier and certain emotions well up inside him.

In the end, Alex sighed and just stopped thinking about anything.

At this time, while Alex is resting, Kris comes running towards him.


Alex looked at her and waved his hand with a smile.

"Hey there, Kris."

Kris crouched beside Alex and worriedly said, "Are you alright, Alex?"

"Are you hurt anywhere?"

She started looking at Alex's body to see if there's any injury in his body.

After not seeing any injuries, Kris sighs in relief.

"Thankfully, there's no visible wounds on your body."

"But still, you have to get yourself checked at the hospital later, okay?"

Alex shrugged and didn't decline.

After a while, the CPS or City Protection Squad arrived under the leadership of Kris' uncle, Glen.

When Kris saw them, she called out while waving her hand, "Uncle!"

Glen and the squad paused and turned their eyes to Kris' direction after hearing her voice.

When he saw Kris, Glen hurried over and immediately asked, "Kris, where is the monster now?"

While asking, he glanced at Alex sitting on the ground and the two of them nodded to each other.

"It's over there."

Kris pointed at where the Devouring Clown's corpse is laying.

Glen and the whole CPS followed her fingers and saw the charred body on the ground.

Immediately, the group felt speechless.

Glen's lips twitched and he slowly turned his eyes back to Kris and said, "Are you sure that's the monster that invaded this time?"

"Based on the Power Detector, the invader was at least a 4-Star, right?"

"So, how the hell did a 4-Star monster turn into that?"

Kris shrugged and pointed at Alex and said, "I don't know as well, it was Alex who fought with it."

"But, the last thing I saw was a powerful lightning that suddenly hit that clown. That's why it got burned like that."

Glen and his squad turned their eyes at Alex with disbelief.

Glen approached him, looked straight into his eyes and said, "Boy, tell me the truth."

"Did you really kill that monster?"

Glen's eyes were full of seriousness as he stared at Alex.

Alex was unfazed, he looked back at him and casually answered,

"Yeah, I did that. It was quite a hard battle but in the end, I managed to come out on top."

"As for the lightning, well, it was one of my skills."

Even though Alex answered truthfully Glen still has some doubts.

But then, someone from his squad stepped forward and said, "Sir, he's not lying."

Glen turned around and looked at the speaker.

"Oh, Antonio… so it was the truth, huh."

When he saw that it was the squad's marksman, Antonio, the doubt in Glen's eyes immediately disappeared.

This is because Antonio has a rare skill.

[Lie Detector].

A skill that enables its user to see whether someone is lying true to their mana fluctuation.

This is a very good skill for those people who want to become an investigator or interrogator.

Of course, there are also a few shortcomings in this skill but anyway, it is very helpful.

Like now, just because of Antonio's words, Glen's doubts on Alex disappeared immediately.

Now that he confirmed that Alex indeed killed the 4-Star Devouring Clown, Glen could only sigh and looked at Alex with strange eyes.

Then he said, "Alex, you know, you're really a monster."

After one last sigh, Glen stopped thinking about it.

In the Alter Dimension, there are also some people who are able to kill monsters that are on a higher level than them.

Because of that, even though he was surprised that Alex did it, Glen still believed it.

Especially since Antonio already stepped forward to prove that it's true.

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