Always Been Yours

Always Been Yours Chapter 1044

Always Been Yours Chapter 1044

Always Been Yours Chapter 1044

Chapter 1044 An Attempt to Escape

“Miss, there’s five million here. Since we can’t guarantee anything regarding President Walter, it’s best if you spend it wisely.” The assistant fished out a credit card.

Eunice took it with a long face without responding much. Instead, she requested, “Once there’s news about Daddy, contact me immediately.”

He nodded after which she was ready to board the flight when something unexpected happened— Edward and his men had been waiting there for her so that they could seize her as soon as she made her appearance.

“Who are you? Let go of me!” yelped the woman in vain.

The assistant attempted to save her, but he was stopped by other bodyguards. At that moment, a snickering Edward came over. “I advise you to stop the useless fight, Miss Eunice.”

“It’s you!” She recognized him at that instant.

However, he did not wish to waste his time with her as he ordered the bodyguards to take them to the police station. Ultimately, Eunice’s second arrest was soon discovered by the media that had been watching her.

In addition to Walter’s arrest, the media sensed something fishy and initiated a further investigation regarding the situation.

The stage incident, which had died down, was broached up due to another revealed scandal on the Internet.

‘Shocking News! Eunice’s Father Kidnapped and Threatened Victims to Obtain a Scapegoat for Her Crimes’

The news surprised everyone to the core.

‘Eunice… I have nothing to say about this lady.’

‘I’ve seen someone who’s shameless, but not to this extent! This is totally absurd!’

‘And that Walter guy. Your daughter is your precious daughter, but what about others’ children? They’re as dear too!’

Everyone was gushing about Eunice and Walter on the Internet in no time. Some of them even mentioned and made fun of the Twelve Knights.

‘I wonder what they’ll do with their concert now without their main character. They should’ve done better.’

‘How dare they criticize Miss Sofia as someone who doesn’t appreciate what she has! From the way I see it, she is wise with her decision.’

‘Honestly, I thought Mr. Kussen is not as good as Miss Sofia only in music, but it seems like he doesn’t have the knack to do the right things. Miss Sofia is way better than him.’

Kussen, who was with the band members, almost snapped because of that last comment. Still, his carelessness was to blame for the issue that happened. He went gaga over buying Eunice over and enraged Sofia without looking into the matter first.

In the end, all he could do was to put up with it for the band’s sake and ask someone to delete the announcement of Eunice’s welcome party.

Needless to say, the netizens noticed his actions and hurled mockery at him.

‘Do you think you can erase the things you’ve done by deleting these posts?’

‘It’s useless, man. I’ve screenshotted everything. It will always remain as a disgrace to you guys forever.’

Due to the comment section, Kussen almost fainted in rage, but there was nothing he could do. Thus, he stopped reading them in order to have some peace for himself.

As a consequence of the exposure, Walter’s company was heavily affected with its stock price fall. Taking their president’s absence into account, panic struck upon everyone in the company.

The members of Sofia Symphony were equally shocked by the revelation as well, but Marjorie and the gang collected their composure instantly.

“It is what both of them will do.”

Spending twenty years as colleagues, they knew Eunice and Walter very well, hence they did not doubt the news one bit. Even Sofia had mixed feelings upon reading the article.

“I just don’t get it. Why would Eunice walk herself to that kind of ending?” She sighed before buckling down with her work.

It was not that she was cold-blooded, but she did make an effort by dissuading Eunice after knowing what Eunice did.

Yet, Sofia’s advice was water off a duck’s back because of how persistent Eunice was about it. Now that the police had irrefutable evidence, she should now pay the price for her deeds.

On the other hand, Nicholas was very pleased to receive the news of the custody.

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