Always Been Yours

Always Been Yours Chapter 1068

Always Been Yours Chapter 1068

Always Been Yours Chapter 1068

Chapter 1068 Sister Complex

Nicholas thought over Kieran’s invitation for a moment before he made his way over. When Timothy saw him joining them for a drink, he addressed him politely, “Nicholas.”

Nicholas merely nodded in greeting and sat beside the two of them naturally. Then, he poured himself a glass of wine. When Kieran saw that he was in a relatively good mood even after having a chat with their grandfather, he sneaked up to him and asked, “Nicholas, did you just come out of Grandpa’s room?”

Nicholas raised his brow and looked at him judgingly. The expression on his face was clear to see, and it was as if he was asking Kieran why he was sticking his nose in Nicholas’ business.

“Hehe… Oh, nothing… I’m just curious, that’s all.” As Kieran spoke, he slyly asked, “Since you’ve stayed in Grandpa’s room for so long, did you manage to make Grandpa accept Tessa?”

After hearing this, Timothy, too, looked over with a curious look on his face. Even though Nicholas was being put on the spot due to such a question, he still replied confidently, “Of course. No one will dislike Tessa.”

He spoke those words with much pride. Timothy also nodded in agreement. He even echoed with a similarly proud look, “Nicholas is right. Tess has a great personality and is a good person through and through. As long as people aren’t prejudiced against her from the start, they will definitely grow to like her.”

Kieran couldn’t help but cheer as he saw such a sight.

Then, he looked at Timothy and commented, “What’s wrong with you, Timothy? I’m fine with Nicholas being a husband who places his wife above all else. After all, it’s been so long, and I have seen his true

colors. He’s fine as long as he has Tessa. But you—how is it possible that you have turned into a sistercon? Are you not planning to find a girlfriend in the future?”

“Of course, I have plans on finding a girlfriend. But what does that have to do with me having a sister complex?” Timothy looked at Kieran in confusion.

Kieran smiled and said tauntingly, “Anyone who has fallen in love before could figure out that you have never been in a relationship after they saw your reaction. So heed my advice: no woman in this world will ever allow her boyfriend to care about other women—even if that woman is his kin.”

“If that’s the case, I’ll tell her in advance that she can just forget about being in a relationship with me if she finds it unacceptable.”

Timothy expressed his thoughts from the perspective of a man who has never been in love. Then, he rubbed his chin and added slowly, “But even if I am to find myself a girlfriend, I want to find someone as good as Tess. I’m sure there should be no such conflicts when that happens.”

“Are you for real?”

Kieran was flabbergasted when he heard Timothy’s proclamation. It was as if he didn’t expect Timothy to scheme such a thing.

On the other hand, Timothy looked over in confusion and asked, “Why?”

For a moment, Kieran found himself tongue-tied at Timothy’s genuine confusion.

However, before he could think of an answer, Timothy’s answer stabbed him through his metaphorical heart. “But it’s still early for me to dive into a relationship. As for you, Master Kieran, you’re about the same age as Nicholas. Don’t you feel lonely knowing that you’re still single now that even Nicholas is a father of two?”

“Lonely? Who says I’m feeling lonely? Don’t you know it’s great to stay single? I’m free, and the best part is, I have no one bossing me around,” Kieran reflexively retorted.

Timothy scoffed derisively, “Tch! I wonder who was the one that came to me for consolation every time he saw Nicholas and Tessa displaying their affections.”

Like a cat that had its tail being stepped on, Kieran blew a fuse and yelled, “Timothy Reinhart! So, I see you’re courageous enough to start making fun of me now, huh?!”

Too bad for Kieran, Timothy was not at all frightened by his anger. If anything, he found it highly amusing to tease him. So, he retorted, “I can make fun of you even when I’m not courageous enough. After all, I’m not afraid of you since I have Tess, and you don’t.”

There was no way Kieran would concede defeat so readily. Thus, he dragged Nicholas into their argument. “In that case, I have Nicholas! And he’s my brother!”

Upon hearing that, Timothy glanced at the man sitting next to him. He didn’t even feel a single shred of fear as he continued, “But Nicholas listens to Tess.”

Alas, it seems that Lady Luck was not shining on Kieran today as Nicholas added fuel to the fire by nodding calmly in agreement and said, “Yes. I listen to whatever my wife says.”

Kieran was stunned for a moment. Then, he started feigning hurt as he clutched his chest dramatically.

“Alright. You two united with each other to bully me, huh? This can’t be done. I want revenge. Two of you will be absolutely wasted once I’m through with you!”

Just like that, the three of them continued bickering with each other in good humor. Nevertheless, the situation leaned more toward Kieran needling Timothy and vice versa. Whereas Nicholas only interjected occasionally.

Even so, it was apparent that the three of them got along very well. So, by the end of the day, the three also imbibed in quite a bit before they decided to turn in for the night.

Tessa was already asleep on the bed when Nicholas returned to the room.

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