Always Been Yours

Always Been Yours Chapter 1076

Always Been Yours Chapter 1076

Always Been Yours Chapter 1076

Chapter 1076 Mommy’s Sick

Nicholas knew that his parents were just concerned about Tessa, so he nodded to show them that he understood. Stefania didn’t seem reassured by his actions—she continued talking after that. “We’re not trying to stop her from chasing after her dreams, you know. You guys can work as hard as you guys want after the baby’s born, and your dad and I won’t stop you guys at all.”

Nicholas patiently listened to her for a while before he interrupted her. “It’s getting late. You guys should go to bed since you guys are waking up early to head to the airport tomorrow,” he uttered before glancing in Gregory’s direction. The child was smart enough to get his father’s message, and he quickly clung to Stefania’s knee. “Grandma, I’m going to miss you and Grandpa after you guys leave tomorrow. Can I sleep with you guys tonight?”

“Of course.” Stefania easily fell into her grandson’s trap, and she carried Gregory back to her room without continuing what she had meant to say. Tobias had noticed the exchange of looks between Gregory and Nicholas, but Tobias didn’t expose them as he believed that Nicholas knew what he was doing.

The next morning, Tessa’s head felt rather heavy from the moment she woke up. Her headache wasn’t too bad, so she didn’t tell anyone about it. While they were washing up, Nicholas recalled the news of his parents leaving that day, so he told Tessa about it. “Mom and Dad are planning to head home today. They’ve booked their flight tickets, and they’ll leave after breakfast,” he said. Tessa was rather puzzled by this, but she didn’t say much about it.

After breakfast, the few of them prepared to head to the airport. Tessa had intended to go along with them, but Stefania stopped her from coming. “Your belly’s huge now, and there are a lot of people walking around at the airport. What if someone bumps into you?” Stefania said.

Tessa shared the same concerns and her headache was getting worse, so she quickly agreed to stay home. In the end, Nicholas drove his parents to the airport on his own. It took him nearly two hours before he returned from the airport, and he realized how quiet the house was when he stepped into the living hall. “Where’s Tessa and Gregory?” he asked the housekeeper.

“Young Master Gregory is in class in the room upstairs, and Madam Tessa went back to sleep in her room a while after you left. Perhaps she was too tired,” the housekeeper reported dutifully. Nicholas frowned as he could tell that something wasn’t right. He headed upstairs to the room, where he found Tessa fast asleep in bed. Her brows were tightly knitted together, and she looked like she was in discomfort. Nicholas could immediately tell that something was wrong when he saw the look on her face.

“Wake up, Tessa.” He stepped forward to nudge Tessa as he wanted to ask her how she was feeling. However, the moment his fingers came in contact with her face, he could feel her skin burning. She has a fever! His face fell as he hurried out of the room to shout for the housekeeper. “Tessa’s burning up with a fever. I want you to prepare some warm water and a clean towel immediately,” Nicholas ordered.

He couldn’t give Tessa any medication since she was pregnant, and the only other way for him to lower her temperature was to cool her down physically. Even though Tessa didn’t have an extremely high fever, she was still rather dazed and out of it. She could tell that there was someone beside her, and she figured that the person was probably Nicholas, yet she couldn’t seem to pry her eyelids open as they felt too heavy. Nicholas brought a damp towel over and gently wiped it across her skin to cool her down. He stayed beside her for a long time with a worried look in his eyes.

After Gregory was done with class, he jogged over to Tessa’s room. The young boy had heard that his mother was sick. “Daddy, the housekeeper said that Mommy’s sick.” Even though Gregory was speaking to Nicholas, he was on his tiptoes and staring at Tessa worriedly. “Mommy…” Gregory

whispered. However, Tessa didn’t respond to him at all. The young boy was so worried that he was at a loss, so he turned to look at Nicholas. “What happened to Mommy, Daddy?” he asked.

“Your mom’s having a bit of a fever. You shouldn’t wake her up. She needs to rest,” Nicholas explained before he continued to cool Tessa down with the damp towel. Gregory clasped a hand over his mouth and stood next to them without making any noise after that—he wanted to make sure that his mother got enough rest. Later in the afternoon, Nicholas figured that it wouldn’t be good for Tessa to sleep for such long hours. So, he told the cook to prepare some porridge before he woke Tessa up.

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