Always Been Yours

Always Been Yours Chapter 1097

Always Been Yours Chapter 1097

Always Been Yours Chapter 1097

Chapter 1097 Recovered

“As long as you are happy,” Tessa said. She then turned away to check on Gregory. After what just happened, she no longer felt as nervous as before.

As for Gregory, his fever had slowly receded. Later on, when the IV treatment was over and the doctors declared Gregory was safe to be discharged, they headed home.

To their surprise, Gregory woke up the moment they arrived home. “Daddy, Mommy,” he called out. He wriggled uncomfortably in Nicholas’ arms.

“Behave,” Nicholas said softly as he gently patted Gregory. “You’ll fall.” Gregory pouted. “Daddy, you meanie. I am sick, yet you hit me instead of comforting me. Mommy is still the best.”

Looking at the father and son duo interacting made Tessa heave a sigh of relief. Evidently, Gregory was doing much better now if he was in the mood to argue with Nicholas.

Even so, she was still worried. “Do you feel uncomfortable anywhere? Do you still feel dizzy?”

“My head doesn’t spin, but I am hungry.” Gregory mournfully rubbed his belly. Seeing that made her heart throb in pain. “Go with Daddy back to your room. I will heat something up for you.”

“You’re the best, Mommy!” He happily leaned forward to peck her on the cheek. The warmth of his lips made her melt into a puddle on the inside.

She immediately turned to Nicholas and urged, “Hurry up and bring him up so that he can rest. Remember to keep the windows shut so that he does not catch a cold.”

Nicholas had no choice but to carry Gregory up the stairs.

However, before he did so, he ordered Sebastian to help her in the kitchen.

Half an hour later, Tessa walked into the room with a bowl of chicken soup she had made herself.


Gregory happily grinned upon seeing her.

Nicholas walked over to grab the tray of food from her.

Once everything was laid out, Nicholas moved to feed Gregory but was rejected.

“Mommy,” Gregory said to her, “I want you to feed me. Please?”

Unable to say no to his teary eyes, she instantly agreed to his request.

With great patience, she blew on the soup to cool it down and slowly fed it to him spoonful after spoonful.

“Your cooking is the best,” he said joyfully in between bites.

He was more energetic after the meal. Nevertheless, he just recovered from his illness. Soon, he fell asleep.

Exhaustion painted her face as she watched him sleep.

It had been a very eventful day, and she was pregnant. She did not have as much stamina as before.

Nicholas was distressed when he noticed her exhaustion. “Go get some rest,” he urged. “I’ll have the servants watch over him.”

After some hesitation, she nodded in agreement.

Even though she was worried about Gregory, she could not let Nicholas worry about her as well.

Despite her agreement, she could not sleep through the night as she constantly got up to check on Gregory.

Nicholas tried to persuade her back to bed but failed to do so. In the end, he just let her do as she wished.

Tessa woke up early the next morning, still worried about Gregory.

To her surprise, she found his room empty when she went to wake him up.

“Daddy, Mommy, you slept in today.”

Gregory happily ran over to greet Nicholas and Tessa when they descended the stairs.

When she heard that, the urge to laugh and rage swelled in her. The weight on her shoulders finally lifted though.

“You ungrateful little brat, who do you think is to blame for us getting up late?”

She stared down at him in fake anger.

Upset that he had misspoken, he hurriedly pleaded endearingly to get her in a better mood.

Soon, cheerful laughter echoed through the living room.

As Nicholas knew just how little she had slept last night, he said to her after breakfast, “There is nothing much to do today, so go take a nap.”

She pondered on that idea. Gregory had school in the morning, which meant she did not need to take care of him. Thus, she agreed to the suggestion.

She slept through the entire morning until she was woken up around noon.

The person who woke her up was Nicholas, dressed in loungewear. She blinked up at him in surprise. “Why aren’t you at the office?”

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