Always Been Yours

Always Been Yours Chapter 1101

Always Been Yours Chapter 1101

Always Been Yours Chapter 1101

Chapter 1101 A Reluctant Parasite

Hearing Tessa’s words, Amber was angered as she never expected that her granddaughter would blackmail her. She pointed with her trembling fingers. “You heartless bi—wench! I’m your grandmother!”

“So what if you’re my grandmother? You only remember yourself as one when it’s convenient for you.” Tessa snorted mockingly while looking at the old lady.

As if her dignity had been cast out the window, Amber cried loudly, “My goodness, what sins have I committed to deserve such heartless grandchildren?”

“Oh? Do you really not know? Are you seriously unaware of what you did when you were younger?” Tessa sneered at her.

Seeing her granddaughter act like this made Amber guiltily avoid her gaze. Even so, she did not want to lose in this fight, so she retorted shamelessly, “If not for me, you and your brother wouldn’t be so successful right now.”

“Ha! So, we ought to be grateful to you then, huh?” Tessa was laughing out of anger by now. “They say that the elderly care about their pride the most, but you’re increasingly shameless as you age. You are right, though; if not for you and that father of mine who chased us out of the house in the middle of winter, we wouldn’t have made it our goal in life to succeed.”

One by one, Tessa started recounting all the evil deeds that Amber and Silas had done. Naturally, the old lady wore a significantly awful expression, for all her dirty laundry was aired.

“Get out, right now!” She clenched her teeth with ragged breaths and said, “Now, I know why you’re here! You’re not here to take care of me; you’re here to drive me to death!”

Looking at her coldly, Tessa calmly stated, “Yes, I do hope for that.” novelbin

Moments after Tessa said those words, the old lady immediately screamed in fury, “I knew the both of you wouldn’t come back without an ulterior motive! I’m telling you now that I won’t die so easily!”

“I know well enough that you won’t die just like that. Besides, no matter what you think, I’m not as heartless as you say. So, for the duration of your treatment, I’ll still look after you and that’ll be the extent of my kindness. Don’t cross the line.” Tessa set down the ground rules without caring about her screams and shouts. After all, her patience had long worn thin under Amber’s unreasonable whining.

As soon as the old lady heard that she would not be discarded alone, she breathed a sigh of relief. I knew this b*tch was just scaring me.

Just as she wanted to chastise Tessa again, a cold voice reverberated in the ward. “I would advise you to give up whatever you’re scheming. Do you still think that I’m the same person from before?”

She could tell from the moment Amber started to plan something in her head since she had been watching Amber’s expression change.

Not in the mood to stay around any longer, she bluntly stated, “If you still want to live for a few more years, just cooperate with the doctor and accept the treatment. Don’t think of playing any games. After all, the only people you can rely on now are me and my brother.” After stating her part, Tessa did not even bother to look at how livid Amber was as she walked right out of the ward.

The old lady looked at the disappearing figure before spewing blood out of anger, but she was helpless against her words. Although she detested her grandchildren, her vitality was more important right now! No matter what, I need to make sure that I can stay alive. The others can come later… Still, she could not help herself but curse out loudly in the ward.

Outside, Nicholas had been standing in the hallway, overhearing everything that Tessa had said in the room.

Seeing that she exited with a sour expression, he came up to her and gently patted her on the shoulder to comfort her. “You don’t have to ruin your day with a patient’s nonsense.”

Of course, Tessa did not feel that way, for she did not want someone so unimportant spoiling her mood. Shaking her head, she replied, “I’m fine. Let’s find the doctor and ask him what the situation’s like.”

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