Always Been Yours

Always Been Yours Chapter 1108

Always Been Yours Chapter 1108

Always Been Yours Chapter 1108

Chapter 1108 First Chemotherapy Session

At that moment, a shocked Tessa was in disbelief upon hearing Stefania’s offer. “You’re gifting all of these to me?” “Yes, that’s right.” Stefania nodded.

It took a while until Tessa finally believed that she was not hearing things. Subsequently, she shook her head frantically. “No, this is too extravagant for me to accept.”

Meanwhile, Stefania was pleased to see Tessa rejecting her gifts without any hesitation as it meant that Tessa was not a greedy person.

“Don’t be a stranger. As I’ve mentioned, I don’t play the violin anymore, so they’re honestly just collecting dust at this point. However, you’ve got your ambitious dreams, so I want you to utilize them and let them shine under the spotlight they deserve,” Stefania persuaded her.

Taking in Stefania’s words, Tessa was extremely touched. She had assumed all the while that Stefania had not accepted her, but little was she aware that she had a mother-in-law who was utterly supportive of her dreams.

“Thank you, Stefania…” Tessa choked on her words as she stepped forward and embraced her.

Though taken by surprise for a moment, Stefania patted Tessa’s back naturally soon after that. Then, she broke into a smile. “Why are you tearing up? You should thank Nicholas if you’re grateful for this.”

“Nicholas?” Tessa withdrew herself from Stefania’s arms with a nonplussed and confused look. Did Nicholas ask her to give me these?

“He didn’t say anything to me. I wanted to gift these to you on my own accord.” Stefania appeared to have figured out Tessa’s thoughts, so she explained, “The reason why I mentioned Nicholas was because he has never been so smitten with anyone else in his life.”

As soon as she mentioned those words, she heaved a sigh absentmindedly and seemed to be recalling something. Seeing that, Tessa decided to stay silent and avoid disrupting her.

A few seconds later, she heard Stefania’s laments reverberating in the room. “In the past, I always thought that he was an emotionless robot since he was unconcerned about anything else other than work. Even though Gregory’s his biological son, he didn’t seem to have much patience with him. However, I noticed a different side in him when he was with you. He shows anger, anxiety, and worry; he behaves like a human being! As soon as I noticed this, I knew that he must be infatuated with you. So, tell me, how can I not accept you as part of the family now?”

Stefania smiled at Tessa resignedly and continued, “Since I’ve accepted you as my daughter-in-law, then I should show my support. That’s why I’ve decided to gift these to you. I hope that you will achieve more in the future and have a wonderful, fulfilling life with Nicholas and Gregory.”

As Tessa met with Stefania’s brimful gaze of love, she was filled with emotions and made a resolute promise right then. “You can trust me on that. I’ll definitely take good care of Nicholas and Gregory. I’ll also strive my best to achieve more so that I’ll be a worthy match for him. I won’t let him down for all that he’s given up for me.”

“I’m so happy to hear that. One day, you’ll achieve similar heights as Nicholas and stand proudly by his side.” Stefania became even more pleased with Tessa when she was reassured that her daughter-in- law was a girl with ambition.

As for Tessa, she was elated the entire day because of Stefania’s acknowledgment and gifts.

That night, Nicholas returned home to find Tessa sitting alone on the bed while beaming widely at nothing in particular. Since he learned his lesson the hard way last time, he did not refer to her as a fool anymore. Instead, he merely asked with curiosity, “What happened today? Why do you look so delighted?”

“Your mom gifted me all of the precious violins that she’d collected over the years.” Tessa did not hide her joy and smugly recounted the matter to him.

As soon as Nicholas heard that, he was significantly surprised. After all, those violins were Stefania’s treasured pieces and she frowned upon anyone even laying their hands on them. Yet, she had gifted the entire collection to Tessa, so it was indeed a shocking piece of news.

“I see. It’s no wonder you’re grinning like a Cheshire cat then.”

Shortly after that, the phone on the bed rang as Tessa and Nicholas were engrossed in the conversation. It was the caregiver from the hospital who had called.

“Madam Tessa, the doctor just informed me that Old Mrs. Reinhart will undergo her first round of chemotherapy tomorrow morning. Since it’s her first chemo session, the hospital would prefer to have her family members present too.”

“Okay. I’ll be there tomorrow morning.” Tessa hung up upon agreeing to attend.

Meanwhile, Nicholas noticed the frown on her face and asked, “What’s wrong?”

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