Always Been Yours

Always Been Yours Chapter 905

Always Been Yours Chapter 905

Always Been Yours Chapter 905

Chapter 905

Tessa was somewhat astonished.

Actually, she had guessed the design concept from the name of the gown. It was just that she was surprised Tabitha managed to study Xerthanian mythology so thoroughly in just a few months.

“What a genius she is,” she exclaimed, now having a deeper appreciation for the gown on the stage and being visibly fond of it.

Though Nicholas had been talking to Warner the entire time, his attention had actually always been on Tessa.

Now, seeing the change in Tessa‘s countenance, he knew his beloved wife had probably taken a liking to the gown on stage,

However, he said nothing but kept a mental note on it.

On stage, the model showcased the gown and returned backstage when the handsome host returned to the stage to announce that the fashion show was drawing to a close. “Please welcome our designer and her models back on stage for a speech.”

With that, the crowd applauded, and a graceful woman in her thirties sauntered on stage with a dozen models in no time.

That woman was none other than Tabitha, who said a few words before announcing the closing of the show.

Though the show had ended, everyone began chatting instead of leaving, and many would come over and talk to Linville.

Worried that Tessa would accidentally get hurt when he saw the crowd surrounding Linville, Nicholas instantly left Warner and went into protective mode.

“Did anyone bump into you?” he asked with concern after escorting Tessa and Gregory aside.

Seeing the nervousness on her beloved‘s face, Tessa shook her head with a smile. “No, Linville kept an eye on me, and Gregory has taken good care of me too.”

At that, the little guy puffed up his chest proudly.

Nicholas naturally noticed Gregory‘s actions and praised him affirmatively, saying, “Good job, buddy. You have to look after your mommy like this too the next time, alright?”

“Got it! I‘ll take very good care of Mommy and my sister.” Gregory vowed solemnly.

Meanwhile, Tessa felt incredibly blessed as she looked at her two beloved guys.

Sometime later, people gradually left for the after–party, but the Sawyers didn‘t follow the crowd and instead waited for Linville in the lounge.

It wasn‘t until a little longer that Linville was done dealing with those who came to ... greet her.

“Sorry for keeping you guys waiting.” She looked apologetically at the Sawyers.

“Don‘t worry about it. What‘s next?” Tessa smiled, unbothered by the waiting time.

“Next will be the after party. Also, the main event is tonight.”

Tessa looked at Linville with bafflement, to which the latter explained with a smile, “What I mean is that many people will want to get their hands on the gowns before anyone else does. Who knows just what tricks they‘ll play.”

At that, she teased, “Every time Tabitha‘s design comes out, those normally elegant women will go absolutely nuts.”

Tessa burst into a chuckle but understood their behavior. After all, everyone had a love for beauty; what more when something was one of a kind?

Just then, Linville changed the subject, asking, “By the way, did any of the gowns tonight catch your fancy?”

“Nope.” Tessa shook her head in denial, but that wasn‘t how she really felt. Well...

She just didn‘t want to say it; for one, she didn‘t want to splurge. She was pregnant after all, so she wouldn‘t be able to wear it. Two, she didn‘t want Nicholas to owe favors because of her.

Of course, Linville wouldn‘t know Tessa‘s thoughts, so she didn‘t pay much attention to Tessa‘s answer.

Nicholas, however, saw through his beloved wife, and he felt somewhat frustrated.

Tessa is perfect in every way, but she‘s just too sensible. How can I spoil her rotten this way?

After chatting for a little longer, they headed off to the after–party held in a five–star hotel that night.

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