Always Been Yours

Always Been Yours Chapter 920

Always Been Yours Chapter 920

Always Been Yours Chapter 920

Chapter 920 You’re Married?

As an experienced businessman, Nicholas did not decline any form of connection. While they were talking, Walter walked over to them with Eunice beside him.

“Hey, Addison. What are you all talking about? I could hear your laughter from a mile away.”

He called the organizer’s name, but his gaze was trained on Nicholas. The more he looked at Nicholas, the more satisfied he was.

Good. Such an outstanding man is deserving of my daughter.

Addison didn’t notice anything odd about his good friend as he smiled and said, “We’re talking about expanding our businesses in Xerthania, and we’re asking President Sawyer to look out for us when we do. Oh, right, this is the president of Sawyer Group, President Sawyer. I think you’ve heard about him.”

“Indeed, I’ve heard many things about him. Very amazing things, too.” As Walter spoke, he took the initiative to greet Nicholas.

Nicholas nodded calmly, then noticed Eunice, who was standing at the side. He subtly creased his eyebrow. Eunice also pretended to be surprised then. “Mr. Sawyer, I never thought I could bump into you here. What a coincidence!”

“Yes, what a coincidence indeed,” he replied indifferently out of courtesy.

Addison looked at the two in surprise. “You know each other?”

“Yes, we do.”

Eunice wanted to establish connections, so she didn’t deny it.

However, as soon as she finished speaking, she heard Nicholas’ cold and distant voice saying, “We’ve only met twice.”

Everyone was stunned when they heard that.

Eunice almost dropped the smile on her face as she felt annoyed and a little awkward, as she never thought that the man could be so unkind to her.

Walter also frowned, then helped his daughter ease the tension, smiling as he said, “It’s okay. It must be fate that you met each other regardless. You can get to know each other more when you have time. Eunice is a lively child, so she definitely can hold a decent conversation with you, President Sawyer.”

Hearing his good friend’s words, Addison immediately understood the underlying meaning, so he played along.

“You seem to be perfect for each other. Right, for the opening dance later, shall President Sawyer dance with my niece?”


Hearing Addison’s words, Eunice nodded and agreed without another thought, a smile blooming on her face.

She even thought that Addison was quite wise. However, she had just finished her sentence when she heard Nicholas’ cold voice speak.

“I don’t know how to dance. Mr. Addison, I think you should ask another person.”

Of course, Nicholas knew his way around social dances, but he simply didn’t want to dance with Eunice. This woman kept trying to get close to him, so he didn’t like her very much.

The atmosphere instantly stiffened, and Walter’s expression was a little sullen. He thought Nicholas was being too disrespectful toward his daughter.

On the other hand, Addison also barely maintained his smile. Eunice was even worse, for her smile was frozen on her face.

She had never been rejected in front of so many people before. At the same time, she didn’t want to admit defeat, for she didn’t believe that Nicholas had no feelings for her.

After all, every man in the world would have an indecent thought or two.

Also, she was wearing an even more seductive dress than usual.

She pretended not to understand Nicholas’ rejection as she smiled back. “It’s okay if you don’t know how to dance, Mr. Sawyer. I can teach you.”

She dragged out the last syllable on purpose, her voice charming and sultry.

Nicholas’ expression instantly turned cold, and the air around him also took a dip in temperature.

Edward stood watching at the side, clicking his tongue in secret.

How shameless can this woman be?

The others also sensed that something was off. However, before Addison could say something to ease the tension, Edward smiled as he stepped forward to make explanations for his president.

“Everyone, the truth is, our president’s wife is a particular woman, so this really isn’t an appropriate suggestion.”

Everyone was shocked to hear those words.

“So, you’re married, President Sawyer?”

As Addison spoke, he looked at Walter in confusion.

After all, this good friend of his was trying to get the two together just now.

Walter didn’t notice his good friend’s gaze.

He frowned deeply, thinking that since this President Sawyer was married, his daughter wouldn’t have a chance anymore.

As he thought that, he turned to look at his daughter, finding that his daughter didn’t seem to mind that at all.

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