Always Been Yours

Always Been Yours Chapter 944

Always Been Yours Chapter 944

Always Been Yours Chapter 944

Chapter 944 I Know What I’m Doing

“Surely this will ruin you for good!” Susan growled through gnashed teeth as she clenched the manuscript, her eyes laced with villainy.

I’d like to see how you can continue mentoring a discredited student, Sofia! Susan was confident that her scheme was perfectly devised.

Alas, Tessa was oblivious to all of it, but what she did know was that she was somewhat anxious. Nicholas’ birthday was literally around the corner, but she still had yet to complete her piece.

In fact, to save time and perfect the piece swiftly, she even brought the draft home to work on. Thus, she would compose until late at night these days.

Nicholas didn’t find her behavior suspicious, though, for he knew she had always been very dedicated to music. However, that didn’t mean he wasn’t worried about Tessa’s condition.

On this night, Nicholas went to the study again, seeing that Tessa still hadn’t come to bed when it was already past midnight.

Inside, Tessa was focused on looking through materials as she sat at the desk with her hair hung loosely while her drafts were scattered all over the place—on the table, the floor, everywhere.

Nicholas sighed at the scene and helped her pick up the papers on the floor. “Time for bed. It’s already past midnight.”

“I know,” answered Tessa without looking up. “You go ahead and rest. I’ll go to bed in a bit.”

To that, Nicholas locked his brows into a tight furrow and bent over the next second, forcefully carrying her away from the desk.

Startled, Tessa wrapped her arms around his neck instinctively and exclaimed, “Nicholas, what are you doing?!”

“Taking you to bed.”

At that, he took her out of the study.

Tessa let out a helpless chuckle as she struggled. “Put me down, Nicholas. I’m still researching. I’ll go to bed once I’m done with it.”

“You keep saying that whenever I come to collect you, then you always end up working until late at night. You even fell asleep at the desk in the last two days!” Nicholas had no intention of letting her go back to her work. In fact, he even looked sternly at Tessa.

Seeing how upset he looked, Tessa felt inexplicably self-conscious, and she cooed an apology, “I didn’t mean to. I just lost track of time, and I promise it’ll never happen again. Don’t get mad…”

However, the man only looked silently at her.

With that, she gave him a kiss and promised, “I’ll go to bed at once the next time you come and collect me.”

Alas, how could Nicholas continue to pull a straight face when his beloved wife was acting so servile?

“Honestly, you…”

Helplessness and dote filled his tone, and of course, Tessa could tell. At that, she stuck her tongue out playfully and said, “I know you’re concerned about me and my well-being, but I assure you I know what I’m doing.”

As they spoke, they arrived at the bedroom, and Nicholas put her down gently on the bed before fixing his gaze on her. “Come on, tell me. Why have you suddenly gone all out lately?”

Tessa blinked as she gazed at the handsome man before her eyes and answered with a smile, “I heard from Miss Sofia a while ago that there’s a composing competition, and I thought I should give it a try. Also, I don’t want to lose. Hence, I’ve been like this.”

Of course, it was just bull.

Despite feeling somewhat guilty, she could only do so for the surprise.

Then again, it never occurred to Nicholas that Tessa would lie to him. He didn’t suspect a thing, even admonishing, “I fully support you entering a competition, but you can’t be anxious for success and do what you’ve been doing lately.”

“Got it.” Tessa nodded obediently.

It was only at that that Nicholas went into bed and pulled her into his arms contentedly.

“Alright, go to sleep,” he mumbled deeply as he kissed her forehead.

Tessa smiled sweetly and fell asleep pretty quickly, nuzzled in his arms.

Over the next few days, Tessa no longer stayed up late and instead would go to bed on time.

Naturally, Nicholas was pleased to see that.

Very quickly, the day before Nicholas’ birthday arrived.

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