Always Been Yours

Chapter 1009

Chapter 1009

Chapter 1009

Chapter 1009 The Cops Came

She tried to convince Tessa into coming home. Tessa was in a dilemma. It was the cusp of her album’s release, and her career was just starting to flourish. If she gave that up and went back, all her efforts would have been for nothing.

Nicholas noticed her predicament. He held her in his embrace and told his mother, “I told you it’s still early. We’ll come back once it’s almost time for her to give birth. And I’m staying with her, so there’s nothing to worry about.”

Stefania was infuriated that her son refused but she knew she wouldn’t be able to change his mind, so she told him to keep an eye on things and hung up.

Tessa was grateful, but she also felt guilty. She turned around and hugged Nicholas. With a muffled voice, she asked, “Do you think I’m too selfish?” Everyone’s worried about the baby, but I still want to work on my career even though it might be risky.

Nicholas could guess what she was thinking, and he patted her back. “Don’t think too much about it. You’re the best.”

At the same time, back at Sawyer Residence, Tobias saw his wife hanging up angrily. He asked, “What happened?”

“I just can’t get through to Nicholas. I was doing it for that girl’s good, but he couldn’t see it.” Stefania told her husband what they just talked about. She was worried about Tessa. After getting along with her for a while, she thought Tessa had a penchant for attracting trouble.

Tobias frowned as well, and he too was worried. “Tell Nicholas to get more bodyguards to keep a close eye on her.”

Guess that’s the only way. Stefania nodded.

Tessa’s allergy got a lot better the next day. Her rashes were mostly gone, save for the faint marks on her face. Even so, Nicholas took great care of her. He set everything aside and helped her with putting the salve on her face. “Does it hurt?” He gently rubbed the salve on her cheeks.

Tessa shook her head, the smile on her lips incredibly sweet.

Gregory was lying on the floor, staring at his father. The boy muttered, “Slow down, Daddy.”

Sunlight shone through the window, draping the happy family in a sheen of gold.

Right after he was done putting the salve on Tessa’s face, the butler came in. “Sir, madam, we have two police officers waiting downstairs.”

“The cops? Why are they here?” The news surprised Tessa.

Nicholas waved the butler off and told her what happened. “Edward found out why you had an allergic reaction. Someone tampered with your makeup products yesterday.”

Tessa was shaken.

Gregory flew into a rage. “Which baddie tried to do that to Mommy? You gotta catch that baddie, Daddy!”

“Don’t worry. They won’t get away that easily.” Nicholas patted Gregory’s head and went downstairs with Tessa.

Two police officers were on the couch. When they saw Nicholas, both of them stood up. “Mr. Sawyer. Mrs. Sawyer.”

Nicholas nodded and told them to sit. Then he asked them about the case.

The pudgier of the officers answered, “We’ve interrogated the makeup artist overnight, but she refused to give in. We’ve looked into her background, but she’s just a part-timer there. She has no motive to sabotage Mrs. Sawyer.”

Nicholas squinted and asked coldly, “Did you look into her accounts? Are you sure she wasn’t bribed?”

“Yes, and there’s not even a single questionable transaction to look into,” the other officer answered. He was reminded of one thing, and he said, “Since we had no proof, we couldn’t detain the makeup artist, so we let her go last night.”

Tessa had been quiet so far, but then she frowned. Hey, that’s not right.


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