Always Been Yours

Chapter 1022

Chapter 1022

Chapter 1022

Chapter 1022 Where the Money Came From

She planned to finish recording the rest of the music while she still had the feel for it at the moment.

When Nicholas noticed how weary his wife looked during breakfast, he advised somewhat worriedly, “Why don’t you do the recording at a slower pace if it’s too much for you? Otherwise, you’ll wear yourself out. I’ll be worried, too.”

When Gregory heard this, he also urged like an adult, “Mommy, you have to listen to Daddy. Please don’t wear yourself and my sister out, or Daddy and I will be worried. It pains us to see you like this.”

Tessa nodded with a smile, feeling warm inside. “Don’t worry, I’ll take good care of myself. I’ll take a break when I’m tired.”

Some time after breakfast, the family of three said goodbye to each other at the door.

All of a sudden, Gregory realized that he’d be left alone at home as both his parents were going out. Looking at Tessa expectantly, he pleaded in a piteous voice, “When both you and Daddy are gone, I’ll be left alone at home. I’ll be lonely.”

Seeing how pitiful the little boy looked, Tessa found herself reluctant to part with him. However, just as she was about to agree to let him go with her, she heard Nicholas’ voice refusing, “No, you can’t go with your mom. She has to get busy with her work, which is tiring in the first place. Wouldn’t it exhaust her even more if she also had to take care of you? Didn’t you urge her to rest just a while ago?”

Gregory pouted his lips. Despite his reluctance, he ultimately stopped badgering Tessa. Taking a step back, he waved his little hand while saying in a sweet, childlike voice, “Please go ahead with your work, Mommy. I’ll stay home like a good boy.”

Tessa felt sorry for him at the sight of this, but she also feared that she didn’t have enough energy to take good care of the latter. “I’ll finish my work and come back as soon as possible to keep you company, okay?” She bent down and gave him a comforting kiss on the cheek.

Gregory was satisfied at once. “I’ll be waiting for you to come back, Mommy.”

Tessa nodded with a smile before turning to leave.

After that, Nicholas went to his company. Shortly after he entered his office, Edward knocked on the door and came in, saying, “President Sawyer, I’ve found something while investigating the two leads.”

Nicholas looked up at him. “What do you mean?”

Edward went on reporting, “I had somebody take the stage operator’s debt repayment receipt out of the casino before approaching his wife and kids about it. They admitted that the money was brought back by him a few days ago.”

“Do they know where the money came from, then?”

“I asked his wife and kids about it, but they said they had no idea.”

Nicholas frowned at his answer. Unconvinced, he argued, “If they didn’t know where the money came from, what gave them the nerve to pay off the gambling debt with it?”

“That’s what I thought at the time, but the stage operator’s wife said her husband had asked her to pay off the debt with the money, saying that no problem would arise from it. Who would’ve known that he’d go to jail just a couple of days after they’d used the money? Now his wife and kids suspect that he got the money by unscrupulous means,” Edward explained. Then, he remembered something and continued, “Now his family are looking all over the place for someone who can bail him out. Perhaps we can keep on looking into it by starting from this.”

With a frosty expression, Nicholas ordered, “In that case, go visit the stage operator later and tell him that it’s not impossible to bail him out as long as he’s willing to tell the truth. After all, he’s not the mastermind behind the case. But if he’s still going to shield the culprit or give false testimony, he can forget about getting out of jail for the rest of his life.”

Not daring to tarry, Edward took the order with a nod before turning to leave.

Meanwhile, in the hospital, Susan was also asking, “Daddy, have you found out who set me up for this?”

“There isn’t much progress yet.” Rorian shook his head before his face darkened at the thought of something. “And besides, I just learned that because of your present injury, you’ll be taken into custody later than you’re supposed to, but you’ll be taken to the police station as soon as you’re discharged from hospital.”

“I’m not going to the police station!” Susan yelled hysterically. After all, the police station wasn’t a good memory for her.

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