Always Been Yours

Chapter 1029

Chapter 1029

Chapter 1029

Chapter 1029 Press Charges

Tessa did not hide anything and told Simon the summary of what took place. After hearing it, Simon was angry and felt Eunice was ridiculous.

“I always knew Eunice was mad. However, Sofia valued her talent and she already became her student, so I didn’t say anything. Now that something like this has happened, I have to make Sofia break off the relationship with Eunice no matter what, or else I’m afraid Sofia will suffer because of Eunice.”

Tessa didn’t know what to say and remained silent. Seeing her sad expression, Simon thought the incident had scared her, so he comforted her, “Don’t worry too much. Sofia will definitely give you an explanation.”

That night, perhaps as things were now settled, Tessa was in a much better mood. However, before she rested for the night, she suddenly remembered something and looked at Nicholas worriedly. “I remember Eunice’s family is well off. Will she be released soon?”

Tessa wanted those who did wrong to be punished accordingly, not to rely on their family and avoid responsibility. Nicholas understood her worries and took her into his arms while whispering, “Don’t worry. With me here, she will get the punishment she deserves.”

The next day, as soon as Nicholas entered the company, he summoned Edward to ask about the progress of the police.

“Has Eunice been convicted?”

“Not yet,” Edward answered truthfully.

Nicholas frowned with apparent displeasure on his face. Then, he questioned, “What’s going on?”

“Walter wanted to get Eunice out, and I heard he pulled many strings to delay the police in convicting her.”

Edward reported on everything he knew.

Needless to say, Nicholas became thunderous upon hearing that.

I have underestimated Walter.

“What happened to Susan? Didn’t she do anything?”

“She didn’t.”

Edward shook his head, but it then dawned on him on what Nicholas meant. “Do you want Susan to sue Eunice as well?”

Nicholas didn’t deny it and only stated coldly, “She’s also a victim. Shouldn’t we let her take her anger out?”

“That’s true. If Susan also presses charges, even if Walter has great means, it will be hard for him to save Eunice. It’s just that… it’s been so long, and Susan hasn’t responded. I worry that she has been approached by Walter, so she didn’t take any action.”

Edward expressed his thoughts.

However, Nicholas did not think so. “Find a way to solve it. I only look at the results.”

“Understood. Leave it to me.”

Edward nodded and left, his mind on a mission.

In the afternoon, Susan was walking in the hospital garden when a conversation between a family caught her attention.

“Did you hear that Eunice was caught and refused to confess?”

“Isn’t the evidence conclusive? Why doesn’t she want to confess?”

“She has a good father. I heard he pulled many strings, and Eunice is almost out.”

“What the hell? Someone was hurt in the incident. Didn’t they try to hold Eunice accountable?”

“What’s the point? I heard that the victim is just a minor musician in the orchestra. She was only lightly injured, and no one would want to offend Eunice.”

“That’s true.”

Upon hearing that, Susan turned angry.

I’m not afraid of that stupid woman!

When she was about to go over and berate those two for talking nonsense, she heard voices ringing out again.

“Hear me out—Eunice is arrogant just because she has a good family.”

“What do you mean?”

“Didn’t I say she was at the police station refusing to confess? Do you know how she tried to get herself off the charge? She said the injured musician ran herself into her gun and deserved everything, and it has nothing to do with her.”

When Susan heard that, she was furious.

“That b*tch dares to say that I deserve it?! Just wait!”

Susan gritted her teeth and turned to leave the garden, cursing the whole way. “You will never get out of jail!”

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