Always Been Yours

Chapter 1039

Chapter 1039

Chapter 1039

Chapter 1039 Misled

“Eunice, it all started because of you. I want you to settle this matter within a day. I’ll never allow this scandal to tarnish the reputation of the orchestra!”

Despite staying at home for the past few days, Tessa had been keeping tabs on what was circulating online. Seeing how much buzz was on this incident, she sighed, albeit without an ounce of pity for Eunice.

She has this coming.

Yet, she did not predict that things would blow out of proportion to the point where the orchestra members would stand up for her and expose Eunice. Frankly, she was moved by their actions.

When the night dawned, she was still in disbelief when she reiterated this to Nicholas in his embrace.

“I didn’t think that the members would protect me. This was something that I didn’t expect.”

“They’re not blinded by the truth. They can tell who’s sincere and who’s a hypocrite.” Nicholas lowered his head and looked at Tessa gently.

He meant it wholeheartedly, though, as Tessa was very generous in the orchestra. She had never abused her position and used it against others; instead, she was kind enough to be a helpful peer to the members whenever they encountered challenges.

The next day, Tessa received a call from Simon in the middle of her practice at home.

“I heard from your mentor that you’ve been resting at home recently? Is it because of what’s happening online?”

“It’s not that. Miss Sofia is worried that Eunice might seek revenge against me, so she wanted me to rest at home,” Tessa explained with a smile.

Simon relaxed upon hearing this. “With how much trouble she’s in, I don’t think that Eunice has the time to mess with you.”

Thinking about the events that had been unfolding online these past few days, Tessa nodded before asking the reason he called.

“Nothing much. I’m just worried about you. Of course, if you’re not bothered by the rumors, you can come over and record your piece. Just ignore them.”

In actuality, Simon believed that all this happened because Tessa had yet to produce any notable works, which led her to be bullied so easily. He was hoping that she would quickly finish recording the album so that she could show the haters just how good she was when the album was released.

Not knowing about Simon’s thoughts, Tessa agreed to the recording. Yet, what she did not know was that another storm was incoming just as she was occupied with her session. It was Eunice’s strike once again.

‘Doesn’t anybody think that there’s something wrong with Tessa too? She’s like a walking disaster that creates trouble anywhere she goes. I had been with Sofia for the past twenty years without any incident; the orchestra had been operating smoothly too. Yet, ever since she appeared, not only did our play get stolen, we even experienced a fire! And now, look at what happened. Before Tessa came, the Hathaway Philharmonic was a reputable orchestra. After she joined, things have upheaved so badly that the orchestra is now considered amateurs’ play! The head of the orchestra even lost her daughter.’

Her words stunned the internet.

‘I know I sound strange, but she actually makes some sense.’

‘I agree.’

‘I think she’s right. Before Tessa joined the orchestra, everyone and everything was getting along well. It was only after she joined that the problems started.’

‘With what happened to the orchestra, I think that Tessa is a bit of a jinx.’

‘As they say, nothing happens by chance. If Tessa really is innocent, why do so many people have beef with her?’

Gradually, the netizens were starting to be misled by Eunice’s words as they agreed that there was something fishy with Tessa.

It was then someone mentioned Kathleen’s death. Again.

‘Without Tessa, Kathleen wouldn’t have committed suicide.”

‘I was curious about that too. Regardless of Kathleen’s reputation or position, she was higher than Tessa in every way. So, why would she harass Tessa?”

‘Perhaps, Tessa treated Kathleen as a mere stepping stone. Just look at how glorious her life has become after Kathleen’s death. Despite the fact that Hathaway has chased her out of the orchestra, she managed to join Sofia Symphony and even became Miss Sofia’s student.”

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