Always Been Yours

Chapter 1095 It’s Not Your Fault

Chapter 1095 It’s Not Your Fault

Chapter 1095 It’s Not Your Fault

Chapter 1095 It’s Not Your Fault

After a thorough check, the doctor concluded, “Young Master Greg must have been playing with water a little too much two days ago.

When he came back here, the temperature was different, which caused the fever.

I’ll prescribe an antipyretic medicine for him, and the physical cooling should also continue too.

You guys will need to take care of him and observe his condition. If the high fever persists, you have to take him to the hospital.”

After explaining everything, the doctor left.

Hearing this, Tessa hurriedly asked someone to bring a glass of warm water, and then personally fed Gregory medicine.

However, Gregory was too groggy, and he couldn’t swallow at all. Tessa was so anxious that she almost cried.

“Nicholas, what should I do? Greg can’t take the medicine.”

“Don’t cry, leave it to me.” Nicholas felt distressed for Tessa, so he took over the medicine to feed Gregory.

Seeing Nicholas pouring the medicine into Gregory’s mouth, Tessa finally felt relieved.

The two then stayed in the room.

As Tessa looked at the sleepy little boy on the bed, she felt remorse.

“It’s all my fault. If I’d been more careful and noticed the difference in temperature, Greg wouldn’t have suffered.”

“It’s not your fault. Don’t think too much about it.” Nicholas held Tessa’s tightly clenched hand.

“Besides, it’s a good thing for him to catch a cold.”

“Good thing?” Tessa was surprised and looked at Nicholas in shock.

She didn’t expect Nicholas to say such a thing. Nicholas looked at his astonished wife and explained gently, “Greg has not been sick for a long time.

This illness will enable all the bacteria to be ejected from his body, which is a good thing for him.”

Tessa was speechless, but she felt that this explanation was reasonable.

Following that, the two quietly accompanied Gregory, helping him to physically cool down from time to time.

Later, Sebastian brought dinner, but Tessa had no appetite.

When Nicholas saw that Tessa only took a few mouthfuls and stopped eating, his brows furrowed tightly, and he persuaded, “I know you are worried about Greg, leaving you with no appetite, but you are still pregnant.

You should eat more. If you get sick again, I won’t be able to take care of you both.

Be good, and don’t make me worry.”

Hearing this, Tessa didn’t want Nicholas to worry about her, so she forced herself to eat another half bowl of food.

By then, she couldn’t eat anymore. When Nicholas saw this, he no longer forced her.

After the meal, the two checked Gregory’s condition again but found that there was no improvement at all, and his body temperature was still on the rise.

On the bed, Gregory’s eyes were closed, and he had a frown on his face while his originally fair cheeks showed an abnormal flush. He looked very uncomfortable indeed.

“Mommy, I don’t feel good,” he murmured in a daze, his voice hoarse and weak.

Hearing this, Tessa was unbelievably distressed. “It’s okay, Greg. I’m with you.”

She held Gregory’s hand, coaxing him repeatedly while kissing and stroking him. Nicholas watched from the side; his expression not as relaxed as before.

He asked Sebastian to bring a thermometer to measure the temperature of the little boy.

“Master Nicholas, the temperature of Young Master Gregory is approaching 102 degrees.”

Hearing Sebastian’s report, Tessa was even more shocked. “Nicholas…”

She looked at Nicholas nervously. With a tense face, Nicholas picked up the uncomfortable little boy and said, “Let’s go to the hospital!”

In the darkness of the night, the two rushed to the hospital. After the doctor’s inspection, the doctor said, “Fortunately, you came here in time.

It is just a high fever, and there are no other symptoms. First, we’ll give him a drip to reduce the fever, and then observe him again.”

Tessa naturally agreed. After putting up the drip, the nurse left the ward, leaving only Tessa and Nicholas in the ward.

Tessa looked at the little boy sleeping peacefully on the hospital bed, feeling more relieved than before.

“Fortunately, we came here on time,” she happily said to Nicholas. It was also at this moment that she truly felt the anxiety of being a parent after her child got sick.

Thinking of this, she couldn’t help but glance at the man beside her, feeling that what she had thought before was wrong.

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