Always Been Yours

Chapter 367

Chapter 367

Chapter 367

Chapter 367 Worried

Nicholas frowned, and his heart ached for Tessa. He knew their lives had been hard, but now that Timothy told him about it, he realized that she had it harder than he had imagined. But no matter if it was then or now, she had always been resilient and strong.

Timothy then brought up Tessa’s disappearance. “She suddenly disappeared for a year. I thought the Reinharts did it, so I went and demanded that they give her back, but then I realized it wasn’t them. No matter what I did, I just couldn’t find her at that time, and I was worried sick and in despair.”

Gregory was worried as well, and he urged, “What happened then? How did you find her?”

Timothy looked at him, and he continued, “I didn’t find her. She came back herself, but she never talked about her disappearance. As long as she was back, I didn’t really care what happened during that year.”

Gregory nodded in agreement. Tessa had disappeared on him before, and he had been worried sick, so he knew how Timothy felt. “Yeah, it’s not important. What’s important is that she’s back.”

Nicholas connected another piece of the puzzle. The year she disappeared must have been the one when she got pregnant.

The plane landed a while later, and they disembarked.

“Nicholas, here!” Kieran waved, welcoming them loudly beside the car with a smile. The one standing beside him was Henry, who was dressed in a suit.

The people around looked in their direction because of Kieran’s loud voice, and they gasped.

“Oh my god, is that a boy band? They’re so handsome.”

“Especially the one with the boy in his arms. He’s so hot.”

“I want to get his number, but I’m really scared.”

Nicholas noticed someone trying to come over, and he shot them a glare. The ladies snapped out of their fangirling, then he went to Kieran, looking upset.

Gregory laughed. “You’re doomed, Uncle Kieran.”

Kieran looked sheepish, and he opened the car door immediately. “Get in, Nicholas.”

Nicholas ignored him. He looked at Timothy, and Timothy stopped smiling. “You guys leave without me, Mr. Sawyer. I need to go to the company with Henry.”

A Rolls-Royce cruised along the road. Nicholas was holding Gregory, who was fast asleep, and he asked softly, “What’s the situation back home?”

“Not good.” The mention of the situation made Kieran look serious. “Be prepared, Nicholas. I heard news that Grandpa is starting preparations for the engagement.”

Nicholas’ face fell, naturally, and his anger brought the temperature in the car down a few degrees.

Edward and Kieran felt a chill down their spine, and they breathed quietly. Only Gregory wasn’t feeling a thing. He seemed like he was having a nice dream, and he smacked his lips.

A while later, Nicholas said coldly, “To the residence.”

Edward nodded and changed directions.

Kieran could see that Nicholas was upset. I knew this would happen. “Nicholas, you should talk with Grandpa after you go back.”

Nicholas looked at him and said nothing.

Ten minutes later, they came to the Sawyer Residence. Nicholas handed the boy over to Kieran. “Take Gregory home. Edward, come back and pick me up after you send them home.”

“Are you sure you can handle it alone, Nicholas?” Kieran held the boy. He was worried about Nicholas. Their grandfather was bossy and tolerated no disobedience, but Nicholas hated being controlled the most. He was worried that the fight might tear the family apart.

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