Always Been Yours

Chapter 383

Chapter 383

Chapter 383

Chapter 383

“And he believed you?” He used the same excuse before, but Greg is smart. He couldn’t have believed it so easily

Nicholas could guess what she was thinking, and he smiled. “Yes. I told Edward to let him go through my schedule,”

Tessa smiled. That boy’s really unlucky he got this kind of father.

She woke up early the next morning, since she had to go to the orchestra. She made breakfast and asked Nicholas to come over. “I can’t take any leave because the orchestra’s going to perform in Filisburg, so I can’t stay with you,” she said apologetically.

“It’s alright. I can wait for you at a nearby café.” Nicholas smiled. “You can come over during lunchtime.”

Tessa didn’t expect him to come up with this idea. She thought about it for a moment and thought it was great. After breakfast, Nicholas sent her to the orchestra, and Tessa couldn’t stop smiling.

Nicholas asked Tessa to give him a goodbye kiss and only let her go after she gave him what he wanted. He said, “Go now. I’ll be waiting at the café across the street.”

Tessa was blushing, but she nodded and got out of the car.

Nicholas saw her off before he turned the car around and parked it across the street. Then, he went to the café with his laptop in hand.

The waitresses were excited when they saw the handsome Nicholas coming in. When he finally stepped through the front door, a sexy blonde came over shyly. She won the little scuffle of who was going to serve Nicholas. “Alone, sir?” she asked.

She kept fidgeting and sending hints to Nicholas. He was in Vienna after all, and they were open about this.

Nicholas saw through her. He shot her a sharp look, and the air around him changed. The waitress who was smiling earlier blanched, as if she just saw the most horrifying thing in the world. Her eyes were filled with terror, and she knew that the man before her was not to be trifled with. She stopped being flirtatious and said politely, “Come with me, sir.”

Nicholas looked away and picked a seat close to the window.

Tessa had no idea what happened. She was still feeling happy about Nicholas’ visit, and her performance was a lot better than usual.

Even the members noticed her improvement eventually,

Kathleen teased, “Miss Reinhart, you seem happy today. Are you in love?”

Everyone agreed.

“Kathleen, is that a rhetorical question?”

“I’m experienced with this. I’m sure Tessa must be in love.”

“No wonder she looks so out of it a few days ago. They must have gotten into a fight, and now they made up. That’s why she’s in such a good mood.”

They wouldn’t stop joking, and Tessa blushed.

Then, someone said gently, “Well, everyone seems happy. What’s the occasion?” Scott was standing outside the practice room. He was in a beige casual suit, looking like a gentleman.

Kathleen looked at Tessa, and she smiled. “Hi, Scott. We were saying that Miss Reinhart has fallen in love.”

Scott paused for a moment, and he looked at Tessa. “That can’t be, can it?”

“Why not?” Kathleen puffed her cheeks, seemingly displeased by Scott’s suspicion, then turned to: Tessa. “Miss Reinhart, tell him, are you in love?”

Tessa disliked how interrogatory that sounded, and she frowned. “That’s my private matter. I don’t think I have to report to you, do I? Excuse me, but I have some practice to do.”

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